Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 4 is a hammer, the victim is really Liu Feifei!

Chapter 4 is a hammer, the victim is really Liu Feifei!

Biyun No. [-] Villa Area,

Liu Feifei, who had just returned home, received a call from her agent Chen Shan, "Qianxi, the cafe was added with a v-letter, and the person who ordered Pin Xixi to be it really you?"

Sissi, Liu Feifei’s nickname, is what everyone close to her calls her.

Liu Feifei: "..."

The mood that had just calmed down suddenly became uneasy again. I really wanted to chop that guy. This was the first time I had sent a letter to a strange man, but she was asked to fight Xixi to chop him? !

You can't think about this matter carefully, the more you think about it, the angrier it will become!
"Sister Shan, how did you know?" Liu Feifei suddenly came back to her senses and asked.

Chen Shan: "...!"

Really! ?
"Qianxi, that guy is an anchor, and now this matter has become a hot topic," Chen Shan said.

Liu Feifei's desire to chop Su Ye to death became even stronger, damn guy.

"Qian Qian, the top priority is to make an announcement. This matter... cannot be admitted!" Chen Shan continued.

words fell,

Liu Feifei said, "Why don't you admit it? Although we were wearing sunglasses at the time, we were not fools. We couldn't hide it after all. It's better to admit it openly. This matter is not a big deal, but it can increase the popularity."

There was another point that Liu Feifei didn't say out loud. She wanted Su Ye to regret it.

Chen Shan on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and what Liu Feifei said was indeed true. She couldn't hide this matter, and there was no problem in admitting it openly. She just wrote to V about it, saying that she couldn't bear it because he was embarrassed. It also reflects Sissi’s kindness and perfection!

"Okay!" Chen Shan responded.

When the call was about to hang up, Liu Feifei suddenly said, "Wait a minute, Sister Shan, what's that guy's name? Where is the live broadcast? Give me his ID number."

"Okay, I'll send it to you later!"


After hanging up the phone, Liu Feifei looked at the dazzling Pin Xixi link and waved her fist. The angry look was so cute that any man's heart would melt when he saw it.


The phone rang again. Looking at the call from her mother, Liu Feifei covered her forehead and finally answered the call.


Chen Shan used Liu Feifei’s official v-blog to admit the incident.

In a flash,

The popularity of this incident has topped the list of hot searches, and clips and videos captured from the live broadcast are everywhere.

I wanted to get the letter from the fairy sister, but in the end I just wanted Pin Xixi to chop me down? !
Shock!In broad daylight, a man did such a thing, and the victim turned out to be a fairy sister.

Shock!A man actually did such a thing to a fairy sister. Is this the loss of humanity or the loss of morality?
The traffic this topic brings can be imagined, and the comments from major netizens are naturally very exciting.

Among them, especially Su Ye’s fans,
[Brother Ye is afraid that his intestines are full of regret now, right? 】

[Hahahaha, I want to see Brother Ye’s face now when he learns that the victim is the fairy sister! 】

[I’m afraid Ye Zi won’t dare to challenge the fan mission tomorrow! 】



at the same time,

Su Ye and Xu Lai were having a big meal to celebrate. After all, today's live broadcast was very fruitful.
At that time, the screen was full of rockets. There was even a person with an account named Prince who spent a hundred rockets in one breath. Su Ye and Xu Lai really made a lot of money from a live broadcast.

During the meal,

Xu Lai glanced at his phone distractedly, and then the rice-crazy man was confused. After a moment, Xu Lai looked at Su Ye who was focused on cooking, and said in a trembling voice,

"Yi Zi, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Su Ye didn't even raise his head, and replied while concentrating on eating, "Let me tell you the good news first!"

"We are very popular. We are very popular. We are on the hot search, and we are the number one in the hot search!" Xu Lai was very dull, not having the slightest joy of being the first in the hot search.

Su Ye was a little surprised. That beauty looked a bit like the fairy sister. It was indeed topical and popular, but it wasn't likely to be the number one hot search topic! ?Is it because of the subject matter?
Suddenly, Su Ye had a bad premonition. He stopped concentrating on cooking and looked at Xu Lai, "The bad news you said couldn't be... is it really Liu Feifei?!"

Looking into each other's eyes, Xu Lai couldn't help but twist a wry smile, "Congratulations, you got the answer right!"

Su Ye: "..."

What kind of magical luck is this? !Shouldn't you go buy lottery tickets directly?

"Ye Zi, you said... the fairy sister can't use energy, so she can block us!?" Xu Lai said worriedly.

Not to mention Liu Feifei's status in the entertainment industry, the rumors about her family background are also very scary. If she really wanted to, the two of them would not have to eat this bowl of rice in the future, and they could just go to the factory to drive screws.

Su Ye was silent for a while and shook her head slightly, "Probably not. This matter is not a big deal. Public figures especially need to pay attention to their image. This matter is very hot now. If we really want to suppress us because of such a small matter, the topic will not be good for her! "

Of course, there is one thing Su Ye didn't say. In this parallel world, Liu Feifei's family background seems to be very solid. She doesn't care about it. It doesn't mean that there are flatterers who won't take the opportunity to show off. Their top priority is to establish a firm foothold and have a system to support them. Su Ye is not worried about his body.

"Yi Zi, you have a v letter from the fairy sister. You can explain it to the fairy sister and say something nice. If it doesn't work, just use the beauty trick and go up!

By the way, if you really take down the fairy sister, Ye Zi, then you are really awesome!I like you! "Xu Lai became more and more excited as he talked, as if Su Ye and Liu Feifei were getting married on the spot.

Su Ye: "..."

"Fat man, please be normal. If you are mentally ill, can I treat you?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Lai immediately shut up and looked solemn. Not to mention the appearance of a leader, there was a faint, indescribable aristocratic temperament.

"There's no rush. She probably isn't angry yet. I'll talk to her when she is."

Xu Lai nodded, "Good!"


After dinner,

Su Ye and Xu Lai both burped. Xu Lai touched his round belly and said, "Ye Zi, are we still challenging the fans tomorrow?!"

"Of course!" Su Ye replied decisively.

Xu Lai: "..."

He was really a little worried. If there was no drama, there was no need to challenge it. But if it was difficult and dramatic, he was worried that something would go wrong. It would not be easy to deal with. The key was that they still had to live broadcast. It would be fine if they filmed the video first and then edited the video.

"Don't worry, brother is with you for everything!"

"Brother, all depends on you!"


The next day,

Su Ye and Xu Lai started broadcasting again. In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of people came in. This was the first time for Su Ye and Xu Lai to experience this battle. It would be fake if they were not excited.
On the public screen:
[This is the warrior, right? ! 】

[First time here, should you laugh now or wait a while? 】

[Brother Ye Zi, do you still dare to challenge the fan task today? 】

[Still challenging?I bet a pack of spicy strips, the anchor will never dare to do it today! 】

【Follow a pack of spicy strips! 】

【Add a pack! 】

【Super double! 】

At this moment, most people in the live broadcast room felt that Su Ye did not dare to challenge the fan task anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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