Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 31 It’s also 9 years of compulsory education, why are you so showy!

Chapter 31 It’s also nine years of compulsory education, why are you so showy!


The most concerning moment has arrived. Su Ye and Zhao Yilong are about to enter a continuous curve. This is the most difficult section of the entire track. Under continuous curves, the speed of the car must be extremely low, otherwise it will be difficult to pass.

As Zhao Yilong and Su Ye's cars entered consecutive curves one after another,

Everyone's hearts were raised and they were staring at the screen closely. Zhao Yilong's operation was perfect. Although the speed was much slower, ordinary people would never be able to pass at such a speed.

next moment,
What made everyone dumbfounded was that Su Ye was still biting Zhao Yilong tightly, and Su Ye's operation was also quite perfect, so much so that...Su Ye wanted to surpass Zhao Yilong in consecutive turns.

Liu Feifei: "!!!"

Xu Lai: "..."

Everyone in the club: ⊙⊙! ?

He...his driving skills are indeed extraordinary. Currently, except for Zhao Yilong, there is really no opponent in the club.

In the live room,

【Fuck!I...what did I see? !Ye Zi’s driving skills are actually so strong! 】

[Under such continuous curves, Ye Zi can actually maintain such a speed. This...! 】

[Brothers, I’m numb, the anchor can’t really surpass Zhao Yilong! ? 】

[This... shouldn't be the case. Not to mention Zhao Yilong's strength, let's talk about this track. Zhao Yilong has run it countless times. Where is his familiarity? It will not be easy for Ye Zi to surpass him! 】

[According to what you said, if Ye Zi still bites Zhao Yilong tightly when he reaches the end, and the gap between the two is not big, that means...the strength of the two is basically the same! ? 】

【You can say that! 】

【wipe! 】

[Ask me weakly, is there anything that the anchor can’t do? ! 】



On the track, the continuous curves were about to end. At the penultimate curve, Su Ye suddenly accelerated. This operation shocked everyone. They all felt that Su Ye had made a mistake. There was another curve ahead. Su Ye remembered. Wrong, this acceleration was obviously not at the right time, and such a mistake had already doomed Su Ye's failure.

However, Su Ye used a ghost-like operation to make two perfect drifts through consecutive curves. At this time, Su Ye had already left Zhao Yilong behind.

Looking at such a scene,
All the club members were shocked, "How is that possible!?"

For them, this is really... incredible. No one knows Zhao Yilong's strength better than them, and no one knows better than them that the difficulty of Su Ye's operation just now is not luck, but pure hard work. strength!

Su Ye... his strength is still higher than Zhao Yilong!
Not only the members of the club, but also Liu Feifei, Xu Long, and everyone in the live broadcast room were not surprised. The provincial champion, the former national champion, was now surpassed by Su Ye. This... is simply...

【grass!Am I getting aroused?I...I saw something! ? 】

[The anchor actually surpassed Zhao Yilong, this world is so unreal! 】

[Can he also race cars? !And he’s really awesome. What else can he not do? ! 】

[Sisters, are you so handsome? 】

[Woohoo~ Not only was I numb, my sister even cried! 】

[Is this sister... the sister I think she is? ! 】

[Sister, I, I’m here, I’m pretty good at making people stop crying! 】

[Look at your own strength first before you speak! 】

[If the garage is not full, do you blame your car for being small? 】

[Only the size of the car, the parking spaces are the same! ? 】

[Underground garages are generally tight! 】

【? ? ?Extra points, this must be extra points, and big points! 】

[It is also a nine-year compulsory education, why are you so outstanding? ! 】……

Su Ye overtook Zhao Yilong in consecutive turns. In the following journey, Zhao Yilong had no chance to overtake Su Ye. At the end, there was no doubt that Su Ye won.

In the live room,

Completely exploded,
【Won!The Leafs really won! 】

[That’s Zhao Yilong, the leader in the racing world, and Ye Zi actually won! 】

[You all say that Ye Zibo is bragging. As a three-year-old fan, don’t you know if Ye Zibo is bragging?Others brag about this and that, but Ye Zi will only tell the truth and focus on sincerity!Please, stop bragging about Ye Zi! 】

【...Good guy!Am I not God B? ! 】

[Hahahaha, good thing I’m not God B! 6! 】


at this time,

Zhao Yilong got off the car, stared at Su Ye, and asked seriously, "Who are you?"

He has been involved in the racing world since he was young. He knows all the strong people in the country and abroad, but he has never heard of Su Ye's name.

He thought that he couldn't complete the operation just now. There were only a few people in the world who could complete it. With that move just now, Su Ye said that he was a car god, so there was absolutely no problem.

"Su Ye!"

"I know your name! I'm asking you who your master is and why I've never heard of your name in the industry?!" Zhao Yilong asked in a deep voice.

He lost, and he was convinced that he had lost. He naturally accepted it, but he didn't want to lose without knowing why.

"I don't have a master, I have hobbies, and I don't participate in any competitions. I just practice when I have nothing to do. This time, it was a complete fluke. Thank you for your mercy." Su Ye replied.

Zhao Yilong:? !
This is a bit heartbreaking to say!
Just practice your hobby and become stronger than me?This is a slap in the face!Not to mention his face, the entire racing circle has no face!

Is it a fluke?
Let me give him back! ?Ah!
But... I have a thing to say,

With Su Ye's strength, he is indeed worthy of being called the God of Cars.

The incident ended with Zhao Yilong admitting defeat, and the wonderful process in the live broadcast room was naturally edited and spread crazily on various platforms.

An Internet celebrity anchor, car racing, welcomed the former national champion!

This fact is really explosive. In addition, Su Ye already has huge traffic. This challenge has naturally become popular again. Not only the competition with Zhao Yilong, but also the series of second-level operations in the driving school have become the industry of driving school coaches. Benchmark.

Driving school instructor:? ? ?
Suddenly, the threshold for the industry is high? !

Getting up in the middle of the night: No...!He must be sick!

Everyone was happy except the driving school instructors and the racing community who were silent, their silence was deafening!
Many netizens have ridiculed, why don't you laugh? Do you not like to laugh?

After leaving the club,

Zhao Yilong watched Su Ye leave, he was determined to become Su Ye's teacher!
If he had nothing else to do, he would have held a apprenticeship banquet tonight. The powerful operation just now was enough for him to become Su Ye's apprentice.

Let’s not mention this matter.
in the car,

Liu Feifei glanced at Su Ye from time to time, with indescribable meaning in her eyes.

In the live room,

【It’s over!How do you feel...Sister Tianxian is about to fall in love! ? 】

[No, Sister Tianxian, don’t be confused!How can a dog anchor be so virtuous? 】

[If they are really together, then the dog anchor should really die! 】

【?I’ve decided on this cp, let’s be together!Must be together! 】


At this moment, the live broadcast room was divided into two groups!
(End of this chapter)

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