Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 32 New challenge, the fear rooted in the bones!

Chapter 32 New challenge, the fear rooted in the bones!

At this time,

Su Ye naturally noticed Liu Feifei's eyes a long time ago, suddenly turned his head and looked at each other, "Don't fall in love with me, he is just a legend!"

This sudden eye contact, coupled with Su Ye's words, made Liu Feifei's cheeks slightly rosy, and she spat softly, "Bah, who will love you!"

In the live room,

【? !Dog anchor, I want to challenge you! 】

[Although Sister Tianxian is refusing, why does it feel's more like flirting! 】

[Woohoo~ I really want to beat this cp, let’s be together!Together! 】

[Don’t tell me, they really match each other! 】

[I really love Sister Tianxian’s slightly shy look! 】


Xu Lai: "..."

As if I don't exist? !You two, please restrain yourself. Are you going to sweeten me to death? !
Su Ye did not answer, but looked at the camera and announced that the live broadcast was over.
Everyone in the live broadcast room,
【? !What is the end? Don't let it end. Damn it, you won't go on a date with the fairy sister, right? 】

[The dog anchor is so lucky to have been cultivating for so many years! 】

[Don’t broadcast it, Ye Zi, I’m paying for you and Sister Tianxian, I haven’t seen enough! 】


However, Su Ye ignored their cries and immediately stopped broadcasting.


The system sounded,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission, and will be rewarded with a collection of poems. (Note: All are classic poems from previous lives that do not exist in this world!) Two hundred reward points! 】

Su Ye: "..."

A collection of classic poems from past lives? !

Although it doesn't exist in this world, does this thing... have any use? !

Compared with the previous life, poetry in this world is withering away, entertainment comes first, poetry... is not important!


This reward... is a bit tasteless!


Liu Feifei's voice sounded, "Aren't you going to treat me to dinner?!"

Su Ye replied, "I must invite you!"

When they first met, Su Ye was still a little nervous, but after getting in touch, Liu Feifei didn't seem to be particularly concerned about the previous V-mail incident.

Moreover... the name of the fairy sister is really not false at all. As long as it is a man, I am afraid that there is no one who will not be tempted. Su Ye wants to try to get in touch. What if... they like each other and there is a fate?
You can say that Su Ye fell in love at first sight, and you can even say that he fell in love with her at first sight!

after that,

Liu Feifei and Su Ye had a good chat, but Xu Lai could hardly talk to him and treated him as nothing.

Xu Lai finally figured out that this bitch Su Ye had his own thoughts.

Just based on the treatment he received today, not even a single meal...ah no!Without three meals of hot pot and three meals of barbecue, leaves must not be missed.

during meals,

Liu Feifei suddenly said, "Su Ye, I have a drama recently and I am about to audition for it. I feel that you are very suitable to play the second male lead in it. You can go and audition for it then!"


Su Ye was slightly startled, acting?He doesn’t know how to do this!

Xu Lai: "..."

Is Sister Tianxian going to help Ye Zi now?
So jealous!This is a great thing!
"Still... no, I can't act!" Su Ye refused.

Liu Feifei:? !
You can't act?Why are you so humble?
"I watched the whole show when you were a scalper. Your acting skills are absolutely top-notch!" Liu Feifei affirmed.

Su Ye: "..."

Those are the skills that come with scalpers. There is no problem in being a scalper and acting as a scalper, but... can a male lead be a scalper? !Stop it!
Without waiting for Su Ye to say anything, Liu Feifei said calmly, "You asked me to kill Xixi with a knife..."

"No need to say more, I'll try my best! I'll try my best!" Su Ye said hurriedly.

Liu Feifei was very satisfied with this answer, and the atmosphere afterwards was naturally pleasant.

after dinner,
Su Ye and Xu Lai sent Liu Feifei home. Xu Lai looked at Su Ye with resentful eyes, "Sure enough, with a woman, brothers are not important, right!?" "Fat man, what are you talking about? I'm like that Someone?" Su Ye asked in a loud voice.

Xu Lai nodded slightly, "You are! You are so awesome, how could you not be?!"

Su Ye: "..."


silent all night,
The next day,

early morning,

Su Ye and Xu Lai got up early. After breakfast, they continued the live broadcast for a new day.

After the broadcast,

Many people quickly poured into the live broadcast room.
[I feel relieved to see the anchor start broadcasting so early! 】

[Looks like nothing happened last night that broke my heart! 】

[The two people upstairs are talking about What’s a Dog Barking? Is Sister Tianxian just a casual person? 】

【that is! 】


Regarding the content of the comment, Su Ye glanced at it and said nothing more.
"Brothers, a new day has begun. Let's continue to challenge. You can post in the comment area what you want the host to challenge."

words fell,

The live broadcast room became lively.

[Anchor, challenge some Sakura Japs to watch the Anti-Japanese War drama to let them know what real history is. 】

【You can have this! 】

[Indeed, this is good, the anchor should fix this! 】

[It would be more exciting to kill a few Sakura Japs! 】


Regarding this proposal, Su Ye was naturally wondering whether to do it, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it for the time being. After all, there were no Sakura Japs around, so he could go to Sakura Country in the future to deal with it.

As for killing, if I can encounter a home invasion and robbery in self-defense, that would be great. I hope to have this opportunity in the future.

Note: Personal lack of quality has nothing to do with the country!
[Anchor, challenge to install an elevator on Mount Everest! 】

[Anchor, challenge to lay tiles on the Yellow River! 】


Seeing such comments, Su Ye spread his hands helplessly, "Let's be serious. Do you want to listen to what you are talking about? Is that something that humans can do?"

[Anchor, do you dare to comment on Qian Qian’s poems? 】

Su Ye was a little suspicious, "What Qian Qian's poem?"

[Anchor, do you have a 2G network?Check out last night’s melon! 】

[Anchor, tell me honestly, what were you doing last night? I don’t know about such a big thing? 】


Su Ye went to search for the incident. The poems written by one person were all dirty words. As a result... it was ridiculous to join the Writers Association just by relying on this thing. But with such dirty poems, he could become a member of the Writers Association. She joined the Writers Guild naturally because of her background. The incident broke out last night and the entire Internet exploded with people discussing it.

At this time, Su Ye naturally knew the whole story. I have to say that the poem was really... wrong, can that damn thing be considered a poem? !
In the live room,

[Why doesn’t the anchor speak?Scared? 】

[Oh, I must be scared. I have a backer behind me. Which Internet celebrity or celebrity dares to say one more thing!Who dares to speak out? 】

[Okay, isn’t it normal for anchors to be afraid?Just make money, why bother? 】

【never mind!never mind!The brothers are gone, it’s no fun, why do you expect him not to be afraid? 】

[The fear of the powerful is rooted in the bones, which is understandable. 】

[Don't wait, if the anchor dares to say it, I can give him a big rocket even if I eat instant noodles for a month! 】


No one thought that Su Ye would say anything, because it was like that, and the best policy was to be alone!


Thank you all for your support. Please add it to your favorites, read it, vote for it, and remind me to update it. Every platform seems to be recommending it to test the waters. I’ll leave it up to you if you can pass it!
(End of this chapter)

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