Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 36 The smallest condom in the world?

Chapter 36 The smallest... set in the world?

Su Ye answered the phone, and a beautiful female voice came, "Hello, Mr. Su, may I excuse you, I am Wei Nan, the president of Douyin."

"Mr. Wei, what's the matter?" Su Ye answered.

Wei Nan said straight to the point, "Mr. Su, the contract you originally signed was a bit unfair to you. After discussions at the headquarters, we decided to upgrade your contract to SSS level. The original conditions remain unchanged and the no-liability basic salary is increased to five [-] million!"

Now that Su Ye has been praised by CCTV, the future is bright. As long as Su Ye does not seek death, anyone who wants to touch Su Ye must think twice!

Five hundred million a year may seem like a lot, but Su Ye is definitely worth more than five hundred million, and this number is considered a hit.

More of it is a reflection of attitude. For a long time to come, Su Ye will be the top among Internet celebrities, and not many celebrities can compare with her.


Su Ye couldn't help but be slightly stunned. The basic salary without liability is [-] million a year...! ?Good guy, Douyin, this is really a generous move.

Seeing that Su Ye was silent, Wei Nan continued, "If Mr. Su is not satisfied, we can negotiate the price again!"

Su Ye replied, "No need, just leave it like that."

This price is okay. Although it can be higher, it is not necessary. Even if it is higher, it will not be much higher. It is better to use it as a personal favor.

Su Ye's answer naturally surprised Wei Nan. She originally thought that Su Ye wanted to raise the price, but at Su Ye's age, he didn't get carried away with so much money. For a while, Wei Nan became even more optimistic about Su Ye.

In this way, both parties naturally settled down happily.

hang up the phone,

In Su Ye's mind, the voice of the system sounded,

[The challenge mission is completed and the animal affinity level is reached as a reward!Veterinarian is at full level!Three hundred bonus points! 】

[The host has accumulated one thousand points, which can be obtained in the system mall. Five draws in a row. Does the host want to draw? 】

The rewards of the system have finally arrived. The dog system has been delayed! ?
Or...has the challenge been completed until now? !

never mind!

No matter what, just take a shot first and see how your luck goes!
There are many good things in the system mall, but the prices are extremely expensive. One thousand points is enough to buy them for a dime!

It's still a lottery!
[One thousand points have been deducted...]

[Congratulations to the host for getting a short-sleeved piece worth [-] yuan! 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting a pair of pants worth [-] yuan! 】


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten black silk threads! 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting the smallest condom in the world! 】

Su Ye: ? ? ?
Dog system, get out!

Short-sleeves, pants, shoes, underpants, black stockings... what are these?

The key is, what is the smallest condom in the world?Who the hell are you insulting here?Do you believe I can stab you through? !

These thousand points were so unfairly spent. What did you get for this? !
Now Su Ye just wants to beat the dog system severely, preferably to death directly!


In a flash,
at dusk,

Su Ye was tidy and dressed in casual clothes. He looked like a well-behaved and sunny boy. Coupled with Su Ye's handsome face, which girl wouldn't be confused after seeing him?

"Hey, Ye Zi, are you going on a date?" Xu Lai joked.

The leaves of our house can be regarded as the blooming of the iron tree. Isn’t it true?
"What nonsense are you talking about? It's just something!" Su Ye said harshly at this time.Xu Lai answered, "What's the matter? Okay, since it's not a date, then you can take me with you!"

Su Ye: "Get out!"

Xu Lai smiled and said, "Look, you guessed it, didn't you!? It's still not a date. Let me tell you, my glasses are like rulers, and you still want to hide it from me? This is absolutely impossible!"

Su Ye: "..."

This bitch is really so smart when he shouldn't be smart!

Then, Su Ye left quickly without getting entangled with the fat man.

Xu Lai looked at Su Ye who was leaving like the wind, and couldn't help but curled his lips and said, "You are an inhumane guy of the opposite sex. If you are like this now, how can you do it again in the future?!"


Su Ye and Liu Feifei arrived at the agreed place almost at the same time. Both of them were wearing sunglasses and masks, and they were quite well-armed.

There is no way, one is the national fairy sister, and the other is the most popular Internet celebrity, the attention is too high, they don't want to provoke the crowd of fans.

After entering the restaurant private room, the two took off their full armor, and the content of their chat was normal.

after dinner,
Liu Feifei suddenly suggested, "Would you like to go see a movie?"


When Su Ye and Liu Feifei entered the theater, the movie had just started and the lights were darkened. No one paid attention to them. There were many people watching the movie. Su Ye and Liu Feifei bought the last row.
Fortunately, there are not many people in the last row, so you can safely take off your sunglasses.

This is a love movie. As the plot of the movie progresses, the passionate scenes between the male protagonist and the female protagonist usher in.
Because Su Ye and Liu Feifei were sitting in the last row, they could naturally see clearly that many young couples began to make love to each other, and this was an embarrassing moment for singles.

Because of the surrounding influences, the atmosphere between Su Ye and Liu Feifei suddenly became a little subtle.

Perhaps in order to ease the strange atmosphere, Su Ye and Liu Feifei both moved and grabbed the popcorn in the vat at the same time. Their hands touched together.
Like white jade!

This is Su Ye's feeling.

Liu Feifei felt as if she had touched a ball, so that her cheeks under the mask began to turn rosy, and her earlobes were especially bright red, crystal clear, like red gems.

To say that there is no feeling of electricity would be a lie.

I don't know why, Su Ye didn't take his hand away, and neither did Liu Feifei. The two of them just kept this posture for a long time.

Popcorn:? !
Are you two polite? !

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them separated their hands. No one said anything. Su Ye glanced at Liu Feifei, while Liu Feifei looked at the screen seriously. In fact, her thoughts had already flown to nowhere.

In both lives, Su Ye was an innocent single, and Liu Feifei had never been in love before. The current situation was normal.

"The movie is almost over, why don't we leave first?" Su Ye said softly.

Liu Feifei nodded and hummed slightly, feeling inexplicably like a husband and wife accompanying each other.

After leaving the cinema,
No one mentioned what happened just now, maybe they all felt that the time was not yet ripe, and that it had not yet come to fruition.

After sending Liu Feifei back, Su Ye kept raising the corners of his mouth slightly on the way home. It was obvious that this bitch was in a good mood.

When Liu Feifei returned home, she buried herself in the quilt, and her exposed feet moved rhythmically.


silent all night,
The next day,

Su Ye and Xu Lai still got up early, and after breakfast, started a new day of live broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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