Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 37 After such a comparison, Dalang walked away peacefully!

Chapter 37 After such a comparison, Dalang walked away peacefully!

The live broadcast starts,
In less than 10 minutes, more than 20 people flooded into the live broadcast room, which shows that Su Ye's popularity is definitely the highest on the Internet. Even the top stars can't beat Su Ye.

Comment area,
[Congratulations to Ye Zi, who was named and praised by CCTV. He is the earliest fan. Seeing Ye Zi achieve such results, why do I still feel like my son has just grown up! 】

[Your description is very...Nice! 】

[Yi Zi, today’s challenge is to write a poem! 】



[Um... What do you do as anchors? Your talents are incredible?Can such a masterpiece be produced just by opening your mouth? 】

【Too! 】

[Everyone, let Ye Zi wait for a week before talking! 】

【One week?It seems that you are helping Ye Zi, but in fact, a death date has been set, and it has to be you! 】



Su Ye's voice sounded, "Today's challenge, everyone, hurry up!"

In the live room,

[Challenge to eat [-] boxes of canned herring! 】

[Anchor, do you dare to come to my house and experience the cooking made by my girlfriend! 】

[Brother upstairs, it sounds like your girlfriend’s cooking isn’t good either? ! 】

[Wow, it turns out that everyone has the same experience as me. I am so lucky. She is really good at cooking and loves to cook, and she has to force me to eat them all. Do you know how difficult it is for me? 】

【?Sounds edible?Come see what my girlfriend cooked.There is a video attached below. The kitchen in the video was filled with smoke. Those who didn’t know it thought they were in heaven. The fire flickered and it looked like some great immortal was practicing elixir. Finally, a woman wearing a gas mask came out. There were pieces of black stuff in the pot. He poured it directly onto the plate and said: Eat it!Eat it all, don’t waste it! 】

Seeing this scene, the comment section was completely blown away.

【Good guy!I'm a good guy!In this comparison, Dalang walked quite peacefully. 】

[Hahaha, don’t say it, don’t say it, it’s true! 】

【What about the end?Have you recruited it? ! 】

[Aww, you asked! 】

[Tell your girlfriend not to put too much uranium in food! 】

[Dishes are bought in the morning, meals are cooked at noon, and people leave in the evening. 】

[Don’t mention it, my sister-in-law is really awesome. She even cooks Nantianmen! 】

[Hahaha... Guys, don't be too talented, I'm going to die laughing! 】

[Don’t laugh, or I’ll reward you with a girlfriend like this! 】

[Brother, in this challenge, let Ye Zi eat the elixir your girlfriend practiced... ah no, it's fried vegetables! 】

Looking at the lively comment section,

Su Ye said calmly, "I treat you as my family, and you treat me as your boss?! If you try this, you will die?! I can see that you want to eat!"

Su Ye's words naturally made everyone in the live broadcast room laugh. This challenge task designation is not acceptable.
In the live broadcast room, comments continued,

[Anchor, do you dare to come to the Wild Tiger Park to raise tigers for a day?Warm reminder, there are certain risks! 】

Seeing this comment, Su Ye's eyes lit up slightly. This is good, just in time to try out his new skills.

"Dump it, brothers, let's challenge today to go to the Wild Tiger Park to raise tigers for a day!" Su Ye's voice sounded.

Xu Lai: "!!?"

What the hell? !

No, really go for it!He is most afraid of tigers, especially wild ones, which are even more fierce!

In the live room,

【? ? ?Don't be ridiculous, anchor. Wild tiger parks are all tigers in the wild that have been rescued. Their ferocious nature is not as fierce as those raised since childhood, so there is a certain danger. 】【Leaves, it’s better to say goodbye. Although the probability is relatively small, what if it happens? ! 】

[Many wild tiger breeders have died in the tiger’s mouth, so it’s better to change the leaves! 】

[If that’s the case, you might as well come and eat the food cooked by my girlfriend! 】

【? ? ?Then go to the Wild Tiger Park! 】


Many people in the live broadcast room were trying to persuade him, but there were also too many spectators who supported Su Ye. If a tiger went crazy and Su Ye escaped from the tiger's mouth, it would be even more beautiful.

No matter what the live broadcast room said, Su Ye made up his mind. At this time, Xu Lai said, "Yi Zi, let's go! I... I'm afraid of tigers, you know!"

"Just stand farther away and take pictures. Don't worry, it'll be fine!" Su Ye said.

Seeing that Su Ye had made up his mind, Xu Lai said nothing more, nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"


Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived at the location and met the director of the breeding garden.

"I didn't expect Mr. Su to actually come. It's a great honor for me. Welcome!" the principal said enthusiastically.

Su Ye replied, "The director is too polite."

We exchanged pleasantries and said some official polite words that were not nutritious.

The director took Su Ye and Xu Lai to change their armor, and the whole body was wrapped tightly. The armor was made of special material, which was not easy for a tiger to bite open, and it could also isolate most of the tiger's strength.

at this time,

The director said, "Actually, many people think this industry is dangerous, but it is not as dangerous as they think. Not to mention the armor, the tigers are in custom-made steel cages, and it is absolutely impossible to break out.

There are indeed breeders who have had accidents, but it is definitely due to operational errors. The cages are not closed tightly, the distance is too close, and they are not careful. Some sometimes do not even wear protective gear.

Moreover, the rumors on the Internet about how many breeders die every year are completely false. "

"Is that true?" Xu Lai asked.

"Of course!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was naturally discussing whether what the director said was true or false.

Su Ye said at this time, "But, why doesn't anyone speak up to correct it?!"

"There are too many people who believe it, and we don't have much traffic, so we can only let the rumors spread!" the director said helplessly.

In the live room,

[It looks like the director is not lying! 】

[Yes, you’ll know just by looking at it! 】


In a flash,
The director took Su Ye to the park. There were tigers all in steel cages, some lying down and some standing. They didn't look so fierce.

Just as the director, Su Ye and Xu Lai were walking, a roar suddenly sounded, followed by an explosion, which frightened the three of them. They saw a fierce tiger hitting the steel cage, and its huge tiger paws hit the cage. It was trembling, but as the director said, the tiger could not break through the steel cage.

Xu Lai was half relieved, but he still retreated slightly behind Su Ye and the principal.

"Director, does it want to leave?" Su Ye asked.

The director nodded slightly, "There is such a process, but it has not been cured yet. If it is allowed to leave, it will definitely die in the wild. Just let our animal psychology experts comfort it later."

words fell,

The tiger in the steel cage began to bang its head against the steel cage. Looking at this posture, it looked like it was about to commit suicide.

The director hurriedly called, but the expert he wanted to call happened to be away at the moment, and something happened at home.

"What can I do?" The director was immediately worried. He could comfort the other tigers, but he couldn't do it with this one.

"How about... let me try?" Su Ye's voice sounded faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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