Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 38 Song: You’re too cute, I’m going to slap you!

Chapter 38 Song: You’re too cute, I’m going to slap you!


The principal looked at Su Ye in surprise, "What are you doing?"Can this be tried blindly? !He's not a big problem outside the cage, but it would be trouble if he made the tiger more aggressive.

The purpose of calling Su Ye here is to promote it, to clear up the name of this industry, and to see if we can recruit a few breeders. There is really not enough manpower now.

If a tiger dies because of Su Ye, that won't work.

Xu Lai: "..."

Ye Zi, we don’t want to mess around!

Is this possible? !

In the live room,

[Can this be tried?Anchor, stop making trouble! 】

[Yi Zi, haven’t you also studied animal psychology? ! 】

【How can it be? !You really can’t believe that Ye Zi is omnipotent! ?Impossible, absolutely impossible! 】

[Ye Zi, let’s not act recklessly. This is a nationally protected animal. If it gets more and more manic and dies, it will be really troublesome. 】


At this time, no one believed that Su Ye could calm down the manic tiger.

The director asked at this time, "Mr. Su, did you study animal psychology?"

"That's right, I know a little bit!" Su Ye replied.

Before the director could say anything, the tiger in the steel cage became more and more manic. His head hit the steel cage harder and harder, and blood started to flow from his head.
Su Ye said at this time, "Let's try it. A dead horse is a living doctor. There is no better way now, right?!"

Without waiting for the director to say anything, Su Ye walked over directly, and Xu Lai said hurriedly, "Ye Zi, be careful!"

Su Ye did not look back, but said loudly, "Don't worry!"

The director did not stop him. As Su Ye said, there is no better way now. He can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor. What if... what if it works? !

Of course, the director felt that this idea was a bit too impossible. If this happened... it probably wouldn't happen.

in front of the screen,
Everyone was a little nervous. Although there was a steel cage, the tiger's condition and terrifying strength seemed to be able to break out of the cage in the next second.


Watching this scene in the live broadcast room, Liu Feifei couldn't help but feel excited.
He muttered, "This fool!"

at this time,

Su Ye had already walked to the cage. The originally manic tiger stopped and looked at Su Ye with sharp eyes.

Su Ye said calmly, "An Xin, I don't mean any harm. I brought you here to treat your injuries. Be good!"

Everyone: "..."

That's it? !
Can the tiger understand it? !

at this time,

The tiger only felt that the aura on Su Ye's body made him very comfortable, and it also understood what Su Ye said.

The manic mood gradually subsided,
Looking at this scene,
The director was shocked, that's it?So the tiger really calmed down? !This... this is unscientific!

Su Ye: "..."

I have a system. Do you think this is scientific or not?

In the live room,

【No!Just one sentence, then the tiger really calmed down? ! 】

[Is this animal psychology?This is magic! ? 】

[Weird, this anchor is definitely weird! 】

[I cried to death, brother Ye Zi really knows everything? !this……! 】

【Almighty genius! ? 】


At this moment, everyone watching the live broadcast was confused. They had expected many endings, but they did not expect it to be like this.Then,
Su Ye continued to approach like a steel cage, and the tiger also walked towards Su Ye, seemingly running in both directions.

What is Su Ye going to do?
Everyone had this question. The next moment, Su Ye slowly raised his hand and reached into the cage.


"Mr. Su!"

Xu Lai and the director were both shocked. Is this something they can do? !

In the live room,

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!He...he actually stretched out his hand! ? 】

[Are Ye Zi crazy?Although there is protective gear, if he is bitten, he may lose an arm! 】

[Don’t worry, I think Ye Zi is not that reckless! 】


next moment,
Su Ye put his hand on the tiger's head. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the tiger actively cooperated and lowered its head. When Su Ye touched him, it actually had a look of enjoyment on its face, not at all the fierce look it had just now. .

Director: Ah this~!

Xu Lai: Damn it!
What's the situation? !

In the live room,

【? ? ?I'm the one who got angry, right? 】

[What a fairy scene is this! 】

[Animal trainers are not so efficient, right? ? 】

[The anchor is by no means an ordinary person, check it, check it strictly, can the official do better! 】


[By the way, I actually saw cuteness on a tiger’s face. Oh my god, I must be crazy! 】

[No, you didn’t, it’s really cute! 】

[Tiger: When you read this letter, I will already be a national first-level protected animal. Time flies so fast. It has been more than hundreds of years since I left the mountains. Now I eat well and sleep well. That’s fine, you don’t have to worry about someone hitting me in the middle of the night. Oh, by the way, I also got to know a monkey. I’ll introduce you to you if I have the opportunity. Song, I miss you. The wind tonight is the same as the wind blowing in Jingyang that night when you and I first met. It's just as heart-warming, but the only difference is that I will never see you again. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not stopping. The tiger's skin is itchy but loose. How I wish you could come back and see me, even just once. Come, no matter how far you are, I will wait for you. 】

[Hu, I was surprised and happy to receive your letter. I didn’t expect that our separation from Jingyanggang that year would be forever.Now I am already the head of the infantry in Yanggu County. I eat and drink spicy food every day, but I still can't forget the day I met you in Jingyanggang.As soon as the wind blows and the snow blows, my thoughts and dreams fail to come true. There is no sound of tiger in the valley. Your thoughts will live up to your will. No matter how far the journey is, I will definitely overcome it and meet you. Wait for me! 】

[Oh, crouching dragon and phoenix chick! 】

[When these two gentlemen wanted to withdraw from the literary world, I just didn’t care! 】

[Song: You’re too cute, I’m going to slap you! 】

[Talents, they are all talents! 】


After Su Ye completely comforted the tiger, when Su Ye left, they saw reluctance on the tiger's face, which sent the comment section into a frenzy.

This outrageous scene is really rare.

What kind of person is Su Ye!

This topic instantly shot to the top of the hot search list.


Su Ye, the director, and Xu Lai were walking around the park when they saw a doctor treating a sick tiger.

The director stepped forward and said, "Doctor Hu, how are you?"

"I'm sorry, director, I...I've tried my best. With my current level, I can't save it. I'd better call in a veterinary expert!" Dr. Hu said with shame.

He really had no choice. With his medical skills, he really couldn't save the tiger.

"Okay, I'll contact some experts soon to see when they can come as soon as possible!" the director said.

words fell,

Su Ye looked at the tiger's condition and then said slowly, "Unless we can arrive today, it will be too late. If the director believes it, I can give it a try!"

(End of this chapter)

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