Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 39 Damn, he pretended to be here again!

Chapter 39 Damn, he pretended to be here again!
Director:? !

Xu Lai: "..."

Try again?In addition to animal psychology, I also studied veterinary medicine! ?

In the live room,

【Fuck!Isn't it? !Ye Zi also studied veterinary medicine? ! 】

[No professional doctor can do anything. Even if Ye Zi has learned it, are you sure it can be done? 】

[Animal psychology is very good. Those who don’t know better think that Ye Zi belongs to Nangong Wenya, but the veterinarian... shouldn’t be very good! 】

[Is the anchor inflated?How dare you open your teeth! 】


In short, no one thinks that Su Ye really has that medical skill.
at this time,

The director said dubiously, "How about... just give it a try!"

What if?
Although the chance of it happening is very small, it was quite small just now. Su Ye really did it.

The key is, as Su Ye said, the current situation may not wait for experts to come!
Again, let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!
Su Ye nodded slightly, took the tool from Dr. Hu, and walked towards the tiger.

Then, Su Ye started to operate, looking at Su Ye's extremely skilled techniques,
Dr. Hu's eyes suddenly lit up. Judging from this skillful technique, Su Ye's medical skills were superior to his!
Maybe...the tiger can really be saved and cured!
In the live room,

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!Brothers, Ye Zi is very skilled in his techniques, he really knows how to do it! 】

[I want to ask now, is there anything else he doesn’t know? ! 】

[Wow, Brother Yezi’s focused look is so handsome. With so many skills at hand, you can imagine how much Brother Yezi has paid. If possible, I want to tolerate Brother Yezi’s strength and melt Yezi with the softness of water. elder brother! 】

【? ? ?What's the meaning! 】

[Summary: Want it! 】

【wipe!Man, it’s you who summed it up quite well! 】


[Don't worry, one operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the result is two hundred and fifty. 】

[That’s right, you have to look at the results, not just the operations! 】

At this moment, although everyone was shocked by Su Ye's skillful operation, they still remained doubtful about the result.

After half an hour,
Su Ye had finished processing, stood up slowly, wiped the sweat from his forehead,
Doctor Hu took the lead and walked over. Looking at Su Ye's treatment and the tiger's condition, he was slightly shocked.

"Doctor Hu, how are you?" the principal asked hurriedly at this time.


Dr. Hu replied, "Mr. Su's treatment was perfect. After a period of recovery, everything will be fine. This operation was perfect. Even an expert in the veterinary field can only reach this point at most, and there is no way he can surpass it."

The moment the words fell,
The director looked at Su Ye with burning eyes. He was proficient in animal psychology and his medical skills were so good. Now the director just wanted to have a good relationship with Su Ye. If there was any trouble in the garden in the future, he could invite Su Ye.

Xu Lai looked at Su Ye, his whole person was a little dull, what else could Ye Zi not do? !

How many skills did he practice behind my back? !

What else can he not?

We are also brothers, this shows how useless I am!

In the live room,

[Really...cured? !According to Dr. Hu, Ye Zi’s medical skills can be compared with top experts! 】

[Animal psychology is awesome, veterinarians can do it too, and it’s awesome too!Damn it!How many things does he know? 】

[Not to mention knowing a lot, the key is to be proficient in everything. 】

[Who is Ye Zi? !Let alone ordinary people, even so-called geniuses cannot be proficient in so many skills! 】

[Not necessarily, there are still geniuses among geniuses, it’s just that we don’t have access to them! 】

[Damn it, he really tricked me! 】

[At first, I just wanted to watch the anchor broadcast his embarrassment, but in the end, he pretended to be wrong every time. I was really convinced. Can you think of a challenge to embarrass the anchor next time? I don’t want to watch him. Installed! 】




at this time,

Liu Feifei bared her teeth and smiled at Chen Shan, "Sister Chen, no matter what I say, he can definitely do it!"

This time, Chen Shan rarely teased Liu Feifei. She was also quite surprised. She really couldn't imagine how one person could be proficient in so many things.Most people will never be able to master one thing in their entire life, but Su Ye... is a complete exception. He is proficient in everything he knows. What kind of talent does this have? !

It is said that all people are born equal, but in fact, they are not equal from the beginning. Family background, talent level, appearance, etc., are never fair.

Some people do nothing and live a life of prosperity and comfort; some people work hard all their lives but end up with nothing; some people are born at a height that many people will never reach in their lifetime.

The word fairness is a fairy tale!

after that,

Su Yean worked as a breeder for a peaceful day and got off work on time at six o'clock in the afternoon.
Just after getting off work, Su Ye said something and turned off the live broadcast without wanting to wait for a second.

In the live room,

【wipe!The anchor looks very much like me when I’m about to get off work! 】

[Get off work on time?Don't you work overtime? 】

【work overtime?What kind of overtime?With a salary of three thousand a month, you still expect me to be a cow and a horse? 】

[With a salary of [-] yuan, I will do whatever the boss tells me. I have a look even if the boss doesn’t tell me. With a salary of [-] yuan, I will do whatever the boss says. I will work overtime when asked to do it. With a salary of [-] yuan, what the boss says goes in one ear and out the other. If he dares to beep, I will fire him directly! 】

【6! 】

[It should be like this, three thousand a month, do you still expect me to work hard? ! 】

[The biggest cake I have ever eaten is the cake painted by the boss! 】



In Su Ye's mind, the voice of the system sounded,

[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge, reward: martial arts master realm! (There are countless martial arts at your fingertips!) Reward: Two hundred points! 】

Su Ye:! ! !
What the hell!

The realm of martial arts master!

This wave, the dog system is really awesome!

that night,

Liu Feifei sent a message to Su Ye, an emoticon that said Awesome!

Looking at the message, Su Ye raised the corners of his mouth and replied, "Don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend!"

"Bah~! Who has a crush on you!"

"No? My sister is telling the truth!"

"What do you call me?"

"elder sister!"

"Not bad, sensible. I like this title! Be good, little brother!"

"Sister, I heard that a romantic movie was released recently. Do you want to watch it together?"

"Then... tomorrow!"


Xu Lai on the side, hum!Ye Zi, you are miserable, you have fallen in love!

Look, they all turned into cocky mouths!


the next morning,

Su Ye started the broadcast on time, "Brothers, today's challenge can be played on the public screen."

In the live room,

[Challenge, climb the tallest building in Magic City with bare hands without any protection! 】

[Good guy, that's seven floors of 110. Although it's not difficult for Su Ye to climb up with bare hands due to his physical fitness, it's not possible without any protection. If he makes a mistake, the banquet will be kicked off! 】

[The leaves won’t really come! ? 】

[Brother Ye Zi, please don’t, safety is the most important thing! 】


(End of this chapter)

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