Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 41 Check!It must be investigated thoroughly!

Chapter 41 Check!It must be investigated thoroughly!


The strong man and Su Ye got into a stance. The strong man was full of muscles and had fists as big as sandbags. In comparison, Su Ye looked a little too weak, as if he could be killed with one punch.

Xu Lai looked at this scene with his heart in his throat, ready to stop at any time.

In the live room,

[It’s already this time, are the leaves still holding on? ! 】

[If this can hold a few punches, I will admire the anchor. Not only is his mouth tough, but his bones are also tough! 】

[Tell me, how many punches can the anchor hold? 】

[Two punches are the peak! 】

[Look where I hit him, I’m afraid he’ll be knocked down with just one punch to the head! 】


at this time,

The strong man moved, and punched out, and there was a sound of piercing the air, which showed how terrifying his speed and power were. Just this punch surprised many people.

【Good guy!If I get punched, I'll look at the room right away! 】

[Um... If you can look at the room, then your health is good. If I get punched like this, I will look at the coffin directly! 】

[Brothers, let’s have a feast! 】


Next second,
Su Ye dodged the punch, and everyone was not shocked by this. After all, Su Ye's physical fitness was indeed very good, and it was not difficult to dodge it.


The strong man punched repeatedly, and his legs were not idle at the same time, but he did not cause any harm to Su Ye, and Su Ye easily dodged them.

This made the strong man start to put away his contempt, "No wonder you dare to be so crazy, you do have some abilities."

He really didn't expect that Su Ye looked thin, but his body was filled with majestic power, and his body's reaction speed was extremely fast.

The strong man became stronger and stronger, and his moves became faster and faster, opening and closing widely.

at this time,

Su Ye did not fight and retreat like before. This strong man had some strength and was very impressive. If he still wanted to be the same as before, then this fight would be delayed for who knows how long.


Su Ye fought with him and used the Bajiquan.
Bajiquan takes the head and feet as the universe, the shoulders, knees, elbows and hips as the square, the arms facing each other front and back, and the dantian holding the yuan in the center means creating a door.

Use the mind to guide the energy, and use the energy to destroy the force. The three sets of six points are combined with the inside and outside, and the momentum is majestic. The power of all directions is the eye, and the whole body is the hand. The movement changes, the change changes, and the change leads to the spirit. It is infinitely wonderful.

Bajiquan attaches great importance to the practice of offensive and defensive techniques.In terms of usage, it pays attention to touching, shouldering, squeezing, leaning, inserting needles whenever there is a gap, drilling into any gap, not fighting if you don't want to fight, and attacking when you see a move.

Su Ye is now in the realm of martial arts master, the top existence in national martial arts.

For a time,

Everyone saw Su Ye going head-to-head with the strong man, not losing at all, and seemed like Su Ye had the upper hand.
Xu Lai: "!!!"

This... doesn't Ye Zi know how to box? doesn't look like it!
You call this not knowing how to box and kick? !
In the live room,

【? ? ?What's going on? Why did the leaves suddenly... branch out? 】

[What punch did Ye Zi use? 】

[It seems like... Bajiquan? ! 】

[It seems that I have also practiced Bajiquan! 】

[Brother, how do you compare with Ye Zi? 】

[Um...let's put it this way, half a catty! 】

[F*ck, what a bull!Dude! 】

[Don’t get me wrong, I’m half a pound of scrap metal and eighty taels of gold. They’re not on the same level at all! 】

【? ! 】

[Bajiquan is a short-fighting boxing method, and its movements generally pursue a vigorous, unpretentious and rapid-fire style.

In martial arts techniques, it is important to take every inch and hit hard.It truly has the characteristics of being pushed, helped, squeezed, leaned on, collapsed, and shaken in general.Bajiquan exerts force on the heel, travels along the waist, and penetrates through the fingertips. Therefore, it is extremely explosive and has the characteristics of martial arts. It has the potential to shake the arms and knock the sky and fall down, and stomp the feet to shake the nine states.

Therefore, in the traditional Chinese martial arts circles, Bajiquan has always been said to have Tai Chi to stabilize the world and martial arts to determine the universe.

Judging from Ye Zi's level, he is probably at the level of a martial arts master! 】

【What! ? 】

【wipe!Is it true? At the Armed Police Headquarters before, he... was he pretending? ! 】

[It’s terrifying to think about it! @ Modu Armed Police Headquarters official account @ Modu Police Bureau official account, please increase your efforts to check, there is something wrong with this designation! 】【I say there is a problem with the anchor, who agrees and who opposes it! ? 】

【Agree 1】

【Agree 10086】


at the same time,

Watching the live broadcast, the captain of the Armed Police Headquarters and the captain of the Magic City Police Department gave the order again, check!It must be checked carefully. Although there was no problem in the previous check, we still have to check carefully. There is something wrong!



Su Ye leaned against the iron mountain, and the sound of explosion resounded, and then he saw the strong man flying backwards and hitting the ground heavily.

This scene,
The crowd exploded. The 1.9-meter-tall, burly man was knocked two to three meters away and fell to the ground. This... this requires such terrifying power!

【Nasty!Brothers, I'm numb! 】

[Kneel down and beg Brother Yezi to help me do something big! 】

[Wow, brother Ye Zi is so handsome, my breathing is starting to quicken! 】

【Asthma? 】

[Look, there is an honest man here. Go do your homework and stay out of social affairs. Shortness of breath is not necessarily asthma. 】

[Weeds surround the house door outside, and the clear spring inside the door moistens the dragon! 】

【Xiu Er, is that you? 】

[Talent, I was extremely unwilling for my husband to withdraw from the literary world back then! 】

[What on earth is it like to be satisfied with one meal and three meals of grass! 】

【Speak of love with every word, but love with deep words! 】

[Are you all devils? 】


at this time,

The strong man stood up and said, "I lost, but I don't accept it! Since you're kicking the gym, I don't count myself. Do you dare to let me call a few people here?!"

He was happy, but it wouldn't work if he wasn't happy. He was really no match for him. If it were a serious battle of life and death, the collision just now would kill him.

But he couldn't let Su Ye leave like this, otherwise how could he continue to open the boxing gym?
Shake people!

This is the only way for a strong man.

"It's not about playing in the gym, it's just about learning from each other, why bother?!" Su Ye said lightly.

"It has to be like this. This is a rule. If you don't dare, then just admit defeat and leave!" The strong man said solemnly.

Su Ye nodded, "Okay, I admit defeat!"

Seeing Su Ye being so happy, the strong man's face became even more ugly, "Are you humiliating me? If you want to leave like this today, then step over my body!"

Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: "⊙⊙!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room: "!!!"

"Okay, then you can call me!" Su Ye replied.

words fell,

The strong man got up and went to get his cell phone, made several calls, and then looked at Su Ye, "Just wait a moment!"

Su Ye nodded helplessly,


Eight people arrived, practicing karate, Taekwondo, Wing Chun, Hong Quan, etc.

Looking at Su Ye, Sakurajima player Matsushita Taro said in broken Chinese, "Qian Sang, you can't even beat such a thin sick man? You really have grown this burly body in vain."

"Indeed, this burly body was blinded in vain!"



Su Ye's indifferent voice sounded, "It will be easier to beat you! Or, you can all come together!"

(End of this chapter)

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