Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 42 Everyone here is rubbish!

Chapter 42 Everyone here is rubbish!
Everyone in the martial arts hall:? ? ?
It's a little too crazy! ?

Shall we go together?How can you look down on us? You clearly can’t see us!
Xu Lai:! ! !
Leaves, we can't fly without floating, my heart is always high, I'm afraid!

Chen Shan, who was beside Liu Feifei, said, "After all, you are too young and too arrogant! You are too arrogant. Sissi, you still have to think carefully!"

From Chen Shan's point of view, Su Ye was a bit too ignorant!
Being too arrogant is not a good thing!
words fell,

Liu Feifei said, "Can you still be a young man without being crazy? And... Su Ye may actually have the strength to say this?! The youthful spirit, the bright clothes and the angry horses, that's good!"

Chen Shan: "..."



Really fell in love!
In the live room,

[Ye Zi is so crazy, a sentence suddenly came to my mind: Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about everyone sitting here being rubbish! 】

【Hmm~!It does taste like this! 】

[This is the sentence in my mind: I want to fight ten! 】

[Hmm...this will work too! 】

[Ye Zi is too much! ?It's really possible to fight eight Lianjiazi by one person! ? 】

[That's a bit too arrogant. If we fight alone, I dare say that no one is Ye Zi's opponent. If we fight together, Ye Zi will definitely not be able to hold on! 】

[Although...but...Brother Ye Zi is so handsome! 】


at this time,

The guy from Sakura Country said arrogantly, "Since you ask for it, then we should be satisfied. We have no eyes for fists and feet. If I hurt you, you can take care of it yourself!"

"What a coincidence, this is what I want to say." Su Ye looked at this guy and said calmly.

I don’t know why, but as soon as these words came out, the guy from Sakurajima felt an inexplicable chill on his back and had a bad premonition.


Eight people surrounded Su Ye, all of them with angry eyes. This guy looked down on them so much. If they didn't teach him a lesson today, they wouldn't have to hang out in the martial arts circle in the future.

For a moment,

The eight people took action together. Su Ye also moved at this moment. His feet shook, as if the ground was about to be chopped into pieces. His whole body shot out like a cannonball, exploding with a sound of piercing the air, and rushed towards the man on Sakura Island.

The man from Sakura Island was shocked and subconsciously defended himself. Su Ye came too fast and his momentum was too strong. His resistance was actually very weak.

a muffled sound,
The man from Sakurajima was violently knocked out and flew three or four meters away.

The moment he stabilized his body, a mouthful of blood spurted out. He felt that his internal organs were aching, and he had no strength to fight anymore.

See here,

Everyone in the live broadcast room cheered. No matter what, it felt good to see Sakurajima being beaten. It would be better to die. It was due to personal qualities, it did not involve other people, and it had nothing to do with nationality.

at this time,

The circle of eight people was surrounded by a hole. Su Ye retreated from the hole first, and then entered again.

Basically one move per move, and the moves are also varied, not limited to Bajiquan.
Wing Chun, Tai Chi!
In the live room,

【Fuck! ! !I'm numb, I'm numb!This is too strong! 】

【Outrageous!All of you here take it seriously as rubbish! 】

[Almost one move at a time, this is simply outrageous! 】

[It seems that Ye Zi uses more than just Bajiquan, right? ! 】【Yes, buddy, it is indeed not just Bajiquan, Xiaoniu, Xunqiao, Pointing Finger, Frustration Hands, Flirting Hands, Breaking Pai Shou, Sinking Bridge, and Sticking.This is Wing Chun! 】

[Wing Chun is a boxing technique that combines internal boxing techniques and close combat techniques. It requires the hands, waist, horse, heart, mind, and strength to be integrated as a whole.It emphasizes that the heart directs the mind, and the mind guides the movements of the hands, waist, and horse, thereby forming an overall unity.

It is based on actual combat. It has the main characteristics of changeable moves, flexible application, elastic punching, short bridge and narrow horse, and good at exerting force. Remember, the technique of bending the hand to stay in the middle is marked by the steps of overtaking, cutting, sinking, marking, shoulder, wrist and finger, sticking, touching, ironing, stealing, leaking and the two-word pliers sheep and horse. 】

[There is also holding the sparrow’s tail, this is Tai Chi! 】

[Tai Chi is unique in martial arts and has distinctive characteristics.It requires calmness to stop, softness to overcome hardness, avoidance of reality and use of strength to exert force, and advocates that everything should be based on the objective, live according to others, and stagnate according to oneself.Before the opponent moves, he moves first, and the second attack arrives first, leading the opponent in, making him lose weight, or diverting the opponent's strength, taking advantage of the weakness, and counterattacking with all his strength. 】

[There are quite a few live broadcasters. The key is that from the perspective of application, they are all called martial arts masters! 】

【Fuck!So awesome? ! 】


Following the comments in the live broadcast room, Su Ye had already knocked all eight people to the ground.

There was silence in the martial arts hall, and everyone in the martial arts hall was dumbfounded. They really didn't expect that Su Ye was so strong, so ridiculously strong. Such a existence should only exist in the last century.

In an instant, everyone had finished greeting the strong man's eighteen generations of ancestors. He was kicked out of the hall and was embarrassed, so he pulled them over and rubbed it!Damn it!

at this time,

Xu Lai was dumbfounded. This... really felt like a dream.

It wasn't until Su Ye acknowledged it that Xu Lai came back to his senses. Seeing Su Ye leave, he quickly followed.


Liu Feifei looked at Chen Shan beside her with a bright smile and said, "Sister Chen, how are you?!"

Chen Shan looked at Liu Feifei's appearance and couldn't help but smile, "Sissi has good taste and has indeed found a suitable husband!"

"That's..." Liu Feifei was just waiting for Sister Chen to praise her. She didn't react for a moment, and then she blushed slightly and said, "Sister Chen, what are you... talking nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense? Really? Are you sure?"

"I... Oops, I'm ignoring you!" Liu Feifei said, running back to her room.


at this time,

Su Ye walked out of the boxing gym, and Xu Lai caught up and asked, "Ye Zi, wait a minute, aren't you going to give me a reasonable explanation for this?!"

In the live room,

[Fat man, you can do it!Asked the question I wanted to ask the most! 】

【Hey~!Why didn't I realize before that Fatty was capable of dealing with things! 】

[The fat man is simply our mouthpiece! 】

[Yi Zi, if you don’t confess quickly, please be lenient! ?If you resist, you will be strict! 】

[Little whip pepper water, I asked you if you are afraid? ! 】

[Don’t be afraid, I’m slightly looking forward to it! 】

【? ? ?Brother, you are somewhat BT! 】

[No, BT feels BT even after seeing it! 】


At this moment, everyone was looking forward to Su Ye's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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