Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 43 A real liar never lies when he deceives people!

Chapter 43 A real liar never tells lies when he deceives others!
Hearing Xu Lai's words, Su Ye turned around and looked at each other. After a few seconds of silence, Su Ye said slowly, "I really didn't know how to do it before, but suddenly there were many more pictures in my mind. All kinds of national martial arts were displayed in a short period of time." Time is yours!"

Xu Lai: "..."

Brother, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Who are you fooling? !
In the live room,

[Shit, I thought Ye Zi could tell me one, two, three, but this is the result?Even a three-year-old child cannot be coaxed. 】

[Now I really want to ask in Ye Zi’s ear, is Zundu fake? ! 】

[It's over, it's over. You can't coax a three-year-old like this! 】


[Looking at the anchor... he shouldn't be lying! 】

[No, buddy, are you really lying?Is it really innocent? ! 】

[Brother above, do you want to see who he is before he says this? 】

【Fuck!Hongchuan? !A nationally renowned psychology expert!Visiting professor at Huaqing University? ! 】

[It’s absolutely true, the homepage has official certification! 】

[It’s true, Professor Hong said it’s true, then… there’s a high probability that it’s true! 】

[Ye Zi really didn’t lie, but this matter... is somewhat outrageous! 】

[Hong Chuan: Maybe... it's a montage lie! 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, what is a montage lie? ! 】

[Montage lies, for example:
To be honest, I witnessed the whole process of the murder but I didn't see the murderer's face clearly.

The connotation is that I killed the person!
To decipher a montage-style lie, you only need to flash it back once. Lies cannot be flashed back smoothly. 】

[Montage lies: every sentence is true.By reversing the order, editing, and changing the language, fragments of truth are combined into lies.Even if someone exposes her, you will choose to believe her.My ex has already reached the level of proficiency in this move. 】

[For example: She divorced me and was with someone else, and I beat her.

In fact: I beat her, she divorced me and was with someone else. 】

[For example: I was playing outside with my friends, there were boys and girls, and two of them even kissed each other.
In fact: I was out on a date with someone else, a boy and a girl, and we even kissed. 】

[Explosion! 】

[Let me tell you the truth, I have never told the truth. 】

[For example: The person I like is very affectionate in other people’s arms, but in fact I like the person in other people’s arms very BT. 】

[It’s really BT! 】

[To sum up, a real liar never tells lies when he deceives others! 】


At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room naturally did not believe that what Su Ye said was true.

of course,

Xu Lai naturally didn't believe it, "Yi Zi, I turned off the live broadcast, can you tell me the truth? We are brothers, what can't we say?!"

Su Ye nodded, "Yes, we are brothers, but even if we are brothers, isn't it normal to have some little secrets of our own? Everyone has things they don't want others to know, right?"

Su Ye continued, "Fat man, let me ask you, have I harmed anyone?!"

Xu Lai shook his head,

"Then since I didn't harm anyone and I didn't trigger the law, I am a free person, right?"

Xu Lai nodded,

"Fat man, tell me, now that we are at this point, if I leave you, will I be equally angry?"

Xu Lai nodded,

"But I won't leave you, because of what? Because you're my good brother, right?"


"Louder, right!?"


"What are brothers? If there is no trust, can brothers still be brothers? No!

Fatty, if one day there is something you don’t want to tell me, do you think I will ask more? ! you think I will hurt you? ! "

Xu Lai shook his head, and then said hurriedly, "Yi Zi, I'm sorry, I..." "Okay, don't apologize, I understand. Fatty, you have to remember that we are together for life..."

"Good brother!" Xu Lai answered loudly.

In the live room,

[Why do I suddenly feel... Fatty seems to be in a KTV! 】

[Nonsense, what is KTV? If you don’t know, don’t talk nonsense, it’s clearly KFC! 】

[How did I hear it was ICU? 】

【?Not a UFO? 】


[No matter what it is, there is something wrong with the leaf designation. Haven't you checked it out yet? 】

[No more pretending, I’m showing off my cards. He is our supervisor in M’den! 】

[Brother Ye Zi is very handsome in PVC. If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to resist him! 】

[Sister, you are right, who can withstand this! 】

[Brother, tell the truth, have you ever worked in an MLM? ! 】

[More than just having done it before, this is at least a manager level! 】

[Watch the anchor every day, the more you watch, the more torture you get! 】

[Ye Zi, if we can’t do it, let’s do it. We can’t hide it anymore! 】

[Supervisor, run quickly. You must not be caught by them. The future of our brothers depends on you! 】

[Manager, hope you are safe! 】


Just as everyone in the live broadcast room was discussing happily, Su Ye's voice sounded,
“Okay everyone, that’s it for today’s challenge, goodbye!”

The voice was about to fade away, but the screen in the live broadcast room was already black, so Su Ye decided to cancel the broadcast.

at the same time,

Chen Shan sent a message to Liu Feifei, "Qianxi, please watch the last live broadcast. You... have a safe idea. Be careful. That guy Su Ye... PUA is very capable. He is not a good person!"

After reading the message from Sister Chen, Liu Feifei replied decisively, " not that kind of person!"

Looking at the message sent by Liu Feifei, Chen Shan couldn't help but cover her forehead.
She knew that Sissi was tempted, but she didn't expect that so many people would fall for her!

No, you have to keep a closer eye!My own Sissi is very innocent and cannot be deceived by that guy Su Ye.


at this time,

Su Ye and Xu Lai went to have lunch. After the meal, they originally wanted to go swimming.

But Su Ye received a message from Liu Feifei: [Are you free in the afternoon? 】

【have! ] Su Ye replied decisively.

As for the fat man... I can only feel embarrassed!

Liu Feifei: [Then you go swimming with me! 】

swim? !

Su Ye's eyes suddenly lit up and he replied: [OK!I'll pick you up soon! 】

Liu Feifei: [Okay! 】【See you later! 】

Su Ye: [See you soon! 】

Putting down the phone, Su Ye looked at the fat man and said, "Fat man, you can go swimming by yourself later! I have something important to do!"

"What's wrong? Let me accompany you!" Xu Lai said anxiously.

"No, no, I can do it myself. You go swimming, I'll be fine soon, and I'll find you later!" Su Ye replied.

"Okay!" Xu Lai originally wanted to insist, but when he thought about what Ye Zi said just now, he decided to forget it and go first. When Su Ye finished his work, he would naturally go.


Xu Lai went to the swimming pool first, while Su Ye went to pick up Liu Feifei.

(End of this chapter)

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