Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 47 King of Hell: Why is this kid dodging one after another!

Chapter 47 The King of Hell: Why is this child so flashy?

Looking at the comment area, Xu Lai felt that today was going to be miserable and he would have to broadcast at [-] o'clock in the evening. Alas!I'm used to showing off, how can I bear this?

Therefore, Xu Laishun was giving Su Ye a wink, and he had to figure it out as soon as possible.

Su Ye gave Fatty a reassuring look. He had to deal with them, but he still wanted me to work overtime? !
There are no doors!

Clearing his throat, Su Ye said, "Let me tell you something about my childhood. When I cried when I was a child, my mother would feed me egg custard. As soon as I ate it, I wouldn't cry. Later, when I grew up, I would eat eggs. Geng felt dizzy and went to the hospital for a check-up. He was allergic to eggs and had fainted when he was a child."

In the live room,

【Hahahaha~! 】

[King of Hell: I often hugged you when you were a child! 】

[King of Hell: You were the closest to me when you were a child. You would come to me whenever you cried, and then send you back after you were coaxed. 】

[Start: I grew up in the underworld. 】

[Stop saying anything and start reading. I’m a local dog. I love reading. I will definitely read it when I open it! 】

[Many years later, you ate egg custard again.

King of Hell: Drink, grow up! 】

[King of Hell: When you grow up, you are all busy~ You are all busy~]

[Quick, are there no more skit themes?Come out quickly! 】

[King of Hell: Why is this child so flashy? 】

【Because of my little star! 】

["I'm allergic to egg custard at the beginning, my wife of the King of Hell"]

[Hurry up, I want to see the book in 10 minutes, I want to read it!Woohoo, please! 】

[Black and White Impermanence: Something is flickering at the door, it can't be haunted! 】

[King of Hell: If it weren’t for the fact that you were too young at that time, crying after eating, sleeping, and sleeping, it would be too troublesome to take it back, otherwise I would have kept you when you first had allergies. 】

[Hahaha, I really want to die laughing in the comment area! 】

[Since ancient times, there is nothing wrong with commenting on talents! 】


at this time,

Liu Feifei looked at the comment section and burst into laughter. She was so beautiful.

Looking at Liu Feifei's state, Chen Shan pursed her lips and felt a little helpless. Don't ask, you are just watching Su Ye's live broadcast.

This little girl has been slacking off at work recently and just wants to see Su Ye all day long. Sure enough, this person!You can't fall in love. Once you fall in love, it will be miserable!

"Sissi, look at these endorsements. They are all carefully selected for you." Chen Shan placed several documents in front of Liu Feifei and said.

But at this time, Liu Feifei seemed to have not heard Chen Shan's words at all, and grabbed Chen Shan, "Sister Chen, look at Su Ye's live broadcast room, you are really laughing to death!"

Chen Shan: "..."

This girl... The next second, Chen Shan kept smiling. Netizens are really talented.


Really show!

at this time,

Su Ye looked at the camera and said, "It seems that the brothers and sisters are very happy, isn't that... a reward!"

As soon as the words fall,
In the live room,

【wipe!A dog anchor with big ambitions, is that all?Just want to send us away? 】

[That’s right, this is not how you would treat a beggar. Shut up, dog anchor! 】

[Brothers and sisters, be vigilant and guard yourselves. You have to carry the happiness of a moment and the happiness of a day clearly! 】



[I have forgotten that I earned enough [-] bucks from Ye Zi’s challenge today. I almost gave him a reward. It’s so exciting! 】


Looking at the comments,

Su Ye was helpless: ⊙⊙!
This group of guys is really... I really... cried to death!
For a person who has been in a bad state for a long time, this is simply too cruel!

Su Ye nodded heavily, "Okay, you can do it, then let me tell you one more thing. When I was a freshman, my classmates and I went to their hometown village and changed the ringtone for an old lady's mobile phone. The old lady praised me for half an hour. , saying that I will be a high official in the future!" In the live broadcast room,

[Hahaha, I suddenly found the role of college students’ vacation! 】

[I helped eight elderly people change their eight-yuan mobile phone plans and became famous in the whole village. Everyone said that I have a good life! 】

[Help the uncle to enlarge the text on the screen. The uncle says everywhere that I can cure blindness. 】

[Hahahaha, the name of the miracle doctor has spread, and people from all over the country will know about it soon! 】

[In the eyes of old people, people who can do things for the masses are high officials! 】

[Woo~ Good guy, sublimate directly! 】

[Done: Hey, as expected of a college student!
Unable to do it well: Hey, this is a college student! 】

[I taught my grandma quadratic functions for 4 days and hoped she would help me with my homework. She said she didn’t want to be a scientist! 】

[You have to teach me. You can’t influence grandma to take the civil service exam in the future! 】

[I helped an uncle in the village unmute his phone, and he said I was great for fixing his silent cell phone! 】

[I helped an old man exit the super power saving mode. He kept praising me for upgrading his black and white mobile phone into a color 8G mobile phone. 】

【Power on!Shut down!

Grandma: Hacker! 】

[The reserve of our milk words is quite rich! 】

[Fix your neighbor’s wireless network, unplug and plug in.My grandpa: My granddaughter is a great engineer! 】

[Laugh! 】


Looking at Charlie's comments in the live broadcast room, Su Ye continued, "Now that it's like this, aren't you guys going to reward me a little?"

In the live room,

【Ah!Ye Zi, you think we are stupid!I’ve given you a reward, but you’re going to do it again. 】

[Ye Zi, please don’t insult my IQ, or I’ll beat you up! 】

[Brother, you are very brave!Beat the leaves?You may have forgotten how powerful Ye Zi is! 】

[Uh... rub!I almost forgot about this. It’s all because Ye Zi knows so much that I can’t even remember it! 】

[Brothers and sisters, let’s just hold on!withstand!Must let the leaves sow for a day today! 】

【OK! 】


Su Ye: "..."

Are you polite?
Politeness: Are you Su Ye? !

At this time, Su Ye people were really numb. This group of guys were really bad. There were bad people among the crowd!
According to this situation, I'm afraid I really have to work until twelve o'clock in the evening! ?

Do not!
Absolutely not!


Su Ye's eyes lit up instantly. How could he have forgotten that now that he had a heaven-level singing skill and a red aria, he could not handle them? !
In this parallel world, the decline of opera is even worse, and there is not a single opera song. As soon as this song "Chi Ling" comes out, it will burst into disbelief.

"Well, let me sing a song for everyone!" Su Ye said lightly.

Xu Lai:? ? ?
Ye Zi, are you serious! ?

Old fans in the live broadcast room:! ?

【Fuck!Ye Zi, are you serious? ! 】

[Stop, stop singing, can't you do it if I brush it up for you? ! 】

[As an old fan, I was lucky enough to hear Ye Zi singing. It was simply...tsk, the sound was so unpleasant that I probably couldn't bear it! 】

[Is it that unpleasant to hear? ! 】

【Have! 】

[Dog anchor, are you going to do this?If it’s hard to hear, just turn off the volume on your phone!Do you want to use this little trick to make us compromise?dream! 】

[That’s right, the anchor’s thoughts are so beautiful!I would like to hear how ugly the anchor can sing! 】


(End of this chapter)

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