Chapter 48 A Chiling Song

Su Ye cleared her throat and was about to start singing. At this time, Xu Lai had already put on his headphones and played a song. He knew Ye Zi's singing very well, but he still wasn't looking for excitement anymore.


Su Ye slowly started to sing, "The sleeves rise and fall when the play is over, it has nothing to do with me when I sing about joy and sorrow, separation and separation."

Fans open and close gongs and drums and silent
Who can tell the outsiders about the love in the play..."

At this moment,

In the live room,

【? ? ? 】

【? 】

[Who said Su Ye’s singing was unpleasant? Do you call it unpleasant? ! 】

[Is this unpleasant?This is clearly the sound of nature! 】

[Do you have any misunderstandings about unpleasantness? ! 】

【What song is this? !It seems... I have never heard of it! 】


Seeing such comments, the old fan who had already turned off the volume in the live broadcast room was a little suspicious.

what's the situation? !

Does Ye Zi sing well? !
What are you kidding? !

Liar!The designation is a lie, just to trick them into turning up the volume and receiving a critical hit!
People nowadays have very bad consciences!

of course,

There are also some old fans who want to give it a try and turn up the volume a little bit.

Su Ye's singing continued, "I am used to blending all the joy, anger, sorrow and joy into the pink and ink,

It doesn’t matter if the lyrics are sung, the bones and ashes are all mine..."

Old fan: Damn it! ! !
[This...this is what Ye Zi sang! ?My whole body is numb, what kind of natural sound is this! ? 】

【No!I don't believe this was sung by Ye Zi. How is this possible? ! 】

[Are there any old fans about the volume? !I am also a long-time fan, and I guarantee that Ye Zi sings really beautifully! 】

[I am also a long-time fan, and I guarantee with my personality that if you don’t listen, it will definitely be your loss! 】


Seeing comments like this, many old fans were tempted and turned up the volume.
Su Ye's song came, "In troubled times, duckweed endures to watch the flames of war burning the mountains and rivers,

I am so humble that I dare not forget about my country, even if no one knows me~! "

In the live room,

【Fuck!Damn it!It exploded! 】

[What a sentence! I dare not forget to worry about my country despite my humble position! 】

[It sounds really good. It seems that sometimes, you still need to trust others! 】

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brother Ye Zi's singing is so beautiful, it's numb!Brother Ye Zi, I want to welcome you. Please give me a chance! 】

[Welcome along the this the road I understand? ! 】

[Brother, you understand, it’s the one you understand! 】

[Flowers are not flowers, mist is not mist, and one finger can become a reservoir! 】

[I usually take special care of my sister and often buy toys to play with! 】

[The great river in Guan Nei is racing, the spring scenery is covered with soft water on both sides. If there is no Dragon King to regulate the sea, who will lead the elite soldiers to regulate the water flow! 】

【wipe!Good literary talent, really good literary talent. When he retired from the literary world, I strongly opposed it! 】


At the same time, Liu Feifei was also very excited, "Sister Chen, have you heard that Su Ye's singing is so beautiful? When I read the comments just now, I thought Su Ye's singing was very ugly, but now it seems that top singers are It’s not necessarily better than Su Ye’s singing.”


Chen Shan nodded seriously. She really didn't expect that Su Ye could sing so beautifully. The most important thing is that she had never heard of this song. Is it original? !
at this time,

Su Ye's singing continues, and the real explosive part begins now,
Just listen to the current Su Ye, who has switched to a dramatic tone,

"The people under the stage walked by, but the old color was not seen,

The people on the stage sang, the heartbroken farewell song,

The words of love are hard to write down, she must use blood to make peace with her singing,

When the curtain starts and ends, who is the guest? "


The whole live broadcast room exploded.
【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it!My whole body felt like it was being electrified, and I was numb! 】

[The ears are pregnant, Jiubaitai! 】

[This... why does this sound like a tune? It's a bit like... an opera! 】

[That’s right, this is all about drama! 】

[Is this... is the drama so good? !Why... I didn't feel that before! 】

[It exploded, it really exploded! 】

[Fat man, what’s going on? Why does Ye Zi sing so beautifully? And is this song original to Ye Zi? ! 】

【Fat man...】

At this moment, looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, everyone was calling him, saying how beautiful Ye Zi's singing was. Xu Lai calmly said, that's it?You still want to deceive him with this little trick?

Tender!You are still too young!
No!It can also be said that you don’t understand Ye Zi’s singing skills very well!Still want to fool me? !
Fatty, I am very smart!

At this time, Xu Lai ignored those comments at all. Looking at his appearance, he seemed to be somewhat smart.


Chen Shan's eyes were shining as she looked at Liu Feifei and said, "Sissi, this song will definitely hit the Internet. If this song is Su Ye's original work, then you must talk to Su Ye and let her I’ll give you the right to use this song at an easy price!”

As a top manager, Chen Shan has been in the entertainment industry for many years and has a very good vision. This song will definitely become an evergreen tree, because there is no similar song in the current music world.

Liu Feifei pursed her lips when she heard this but did not reply.
Chen Shan continued, "If you are embarrassed to speak, then let me do it! Don't worry, I will definitely negotiate a good deal, and I will definitely not treat him badly. After all... maybe we will still be a family in the future!"

Liu Feifei's cheeks couldn't help but blush. What a family, Sister Chen really is. What she said was too explicit, but Liu Feifei did not refute.

Chen Shan: "..."

Got it!
There are no more symbolic rebuttals, now everyone knows Sima Zhao’s intentions!
Liu Feifei:? !
How can there be such a description!
That is at this time,
A big rocket appeared in Su Ye's live broadcast room, and each big rocket cost 1000 yuan. According to Su Ye and Douyin's share, Su Ye had already earned [-] yuan, and the goal of [-] yuan had been exceeded long ago.

At this moment, Su Ye's eyes lit up, and then he decisively stopped broadcasting without even thanking or concluding remarks.

Seeing the hacked comments and the fact that the anchor had downplayed a few words, everyone collapsed.

【What the hell? !The dog anchor is really off the air!No hesitation at all! 】

[He didn’t even thank the big brother who sent the big rocket! 】

[It’s not him... I’m really convinced, can’t I just finish singing and then go off the air?This is only half of the song! 】

【wipe!Who gave the reward? !I'm really convinced. Don't you want to read the title of the live broadcast? 】

[Ye Zi, can you start singing and finish singing? Don’t make me kneel down to beg you! 】

[Woo, my body is even number, my ears have been pregnant, and now... I have been aborted! 】


But at this time, Xu Lai was very happy. It was determined that some people couldn't stand it anymore and had to learn from me. Hey, I'm such a clever little guy!
Although Ye Zi's move is very lethal, it really can't be used easily!
At this time,

Everyone in the live broadcast room was almost red-eyed, this Ye Zi is really a bitch!
At least I finished singing!
The big brother who was giving rewards on the live broadcast was even more confused. He was excited for a moment and thought that with rewards, the anchor would work harder. What was the result?Directly downloaded? !
I rub!

He sat up by himself in the middle of the night and had to call him sick!
(End of this chapter)

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