Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 49 The beginning of the era of national style!

Chapter 49 The beginning of the era of national style!
In just ten minutes after Su Ye decisively removed it from the air, half of the song Chi Ling became completely popular. Big bosses in the music industry were shocked by this half of the song.

It has never happened before that a song combines elements of opera, and Su Ye did an excellent job of integrating it.

among them,

Many top music kings and queens want to contact Su Ye, hoping to hear the full version. If possible, they naturally want to obtain authorization.

among them,

The veteran Queen Princess is most optimistic about this song and is discussing it with her manager.

"Sister Yuan, please contact Su Ye as soon as possible. I want to hear the full version. As long as we maintain this level, 1000 million and 20.00% sales share, I can accept it!"


Sister Yuan couldn't help but be shocked. Such a price, especially for a queen like the princess, is really ridiculously high.
But soon, Sister Yuan calmed down. As a top manager, she knew the potential contained in this song. The level of the entire song should be maintained at the same level. The princess has been in a state of silence in the past few years. , if you win this song, you will definitely become popular again.

"Okay, Sister Fei, I'll do it right away!" Sister Yuan replied.


Sister Yuan was about to leave, and the princess called to Sister Yuan to stop her, "If this price is not good, the sales volume can be reduced."

"Okay!" Sister Yuan responded.

Although the conditions proposed by Sister Fang are outrageous, this song is indeed worth it.


at the same time,

Peking Opera Troupe,
A young man hurriedly entered the group leader's office and said in a loud voice, "Master!"

Looking at his reckless appearance, he was already in his [-]s. The upright-looking dean said, "Tsk! How many times have I told you not to be so rash all the time? You have to be calm when things happen. As the saying goes, the heart is as ice as ice." Qing, don’t be surprised if the sky falls!

You are just too young, you have experienced too much, and you are learning as a teacher. Even if the mountain collapses in front of you, your face will not change. What is this?This is a real man! "


The young man was very impressed and said, "Master, I know I was wrong, and I will never do it again next time!"

Seeing the young man like this, the group leader nodded with satisfaction, "Tell me, what's the matter?"


The young man was busy showing half of Su Ye's Chiling to his master. When he heard Su Ye's singing in the video,
"The play is folded and the sleeves rise and fall

Sing joys and sorrows

Fans open and close gongs and drums and silent
Who can tell the outsiders about the love in the play..."


"Duckweed in troubled times bears watching the flames burn mountains and rivers
I am humble and dare not forget my country, even if no one knows me~! "

At this time, the old group leader slammed the table, his expression full of excitement.
"Okay! I dare not forget my country despite my humble position, even if no one knows me~!

If we, the great Hua Xia, are all such good men, who in the world would dare to look down upon me, a son of the Hua Xia!
good!This guy is really good! "The old group leader admired it very much.

The young man on the side: "..."

To be able to hear the word "good" from Master's mouth is already a great honor for a singer who is not in the spotlight.However... the real explosion is in the next sentence. Master praised a little too early, and the word "good" is not enough!

Next second,
In the video, Su Ye's singing continues to sound, and has switched to a dramatic tone.

"People in the audience can't see the old color when they walk by

People on stage sing heartbreak farewell song

Love words are hard to write, she sings to be reconciled with blood
The curtain rises and the curtain falls, who is the guest~! "

As soon as the voice fell, the old leader stood up from his chair in an instant, his eyes full of surprise, and he was obviously excited, "This... what's next?!"

The young man replied, "Master, you should be calm. When things happen, you should be calm. Your heart should be as clear as ice. You will not be surprised when the sky falls and your face will not change when Mount Tai collapses in front of you!"


The old group leader's face darkened, and he grabbed the young man's ear with his hand, "Okay! I've learned the yin and yang strange master, it's really good!"

"No, no, no! Master, how dare I, I just think... you are not like this!" The young man begged for mercy.

Although he predicted that Master would be surprised after listening to this song, his prediction was obviously wrong. Master was much more shocked and excited than he expected.

At this time,

The old leader let go of the young man's ears, "What do you know!? Alas! Nowadays, our opera is in decline and is almost on the verge of being lost. Today's young people don't like opera at all. If this continues, opera will We are afraid that we will disappear in the long river of time. If this is the case, we will be the sinners of history. How can we have the face to face our ancestors when we go underground?"

After a pause, the old leader continued, "I have always been thinking of ways to better promote opera and get young people to accept it, and now... a ready-made way is right in front of me!

The revitalization of opera will probably depend on this young man! "

Hearing his master's words, the young man was a little stunned, but when he thought about it carefully, it was indeed true!

"Master, I... will contact him. If possible... we can definitely cooperate." The young man said.

The old leader nodded, but then waved his hand and said, "In this case, I will contact you personally."

what! ?

The young man was stunned and said in shock, " this necessary?"

"Isn't it important? I didn't explain it clearly just now?" the old leader said seriously, "Find his contact information!"

"Good!" said the young man.


On the Internet, this half of the song and Su Ye are extremely popular. No one has thought that an era of national style will begin at this moment.


at this time,

Xu Lai saw the video of Su Ye singing. At that time, before the voice could be lowered, he heard one sentence, and then he froze in place. Then he turned up the volume and listened to it all. Xu Lai was stunned for a long time. Come back to your senses.


Ah this~!
Is this what Ye Zi sang? !
Do you want to be so outrageous!

Can I still not know Ye Zi’s voice?But this...what, was it intentional before?Are you kidding me? !

"Yi Zi, come here!" Xu Lai shouted loudly, pointing at the video and saying, "Explain to me, what is going on?! You were not like this before!"

Su Ye, "..."

Got it!
You still have to explain!
But this thing... can't be buried!That way there’s no need to explain!
never mind!never mind!After all, they are the best brothers, so that’s not the case!
"I was just too lazy to sing well before, but this time I just took it a little more seriously." Su Ye said lightly.

Xu Lai:? ? ?
Or are we not brothers? If we were brothers, would you just pretend like this? !
A little more serious? !
Can you sing like that with just a little bit? !
Are you usually too lazy to sing?Why do I not believe it so much? !

In the end, the two quarreled for a while, and then naturally let it go.

Just after the two of them finished fighting, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in Su Ye's mind.
[Congratulations to the host for overfulfilling the task, the popularity has exceeded [-] million, the reward will be a critical hit, please wait for the host, the system is calculating...]


Su Ye's eyes were sharp, and the critical hits were distributed! ?Not knowing how generous the reward would be this time, Su Ye was looking forward to it.

PS: Brothers, we are still recommending. Data is very important. Please collect it, subscribe, vote for recommendation, and ask for everything. I updated three chapters yesterday, but the data dropped sharply, and my heart turned to ice!
Thank you, gentlemen, please!
(End of this chapter)

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