Chapter 50 Qin Banshan

After a while,
The mechanical sound of the system sounded,

[Congratulations to the host, critical strike rewards are distributed, treasure appraisal knowledge is maxed out, and treasure appraisal eyesight is maxed out!One thousand bonus points! 】

Su Ye: "...?"

Is this gone? !
Is this the crit reward? !

I have been looking forward to it for a long time, is this it? !Isn't this the same as taking off my pants, and show me SpongeBob SquarePants.

system:? ? ?
[Host, do you know what this means?If you just pick something up, you will be at the peak of your life. This is faster than singing, live streaming, etc. 】

[Warm reminder, if the host doesn’t want it, the system can take it back! 】

Su Ye:? !

Take it back!
go away!


after that,

Su Ye's cell phone rang. The caller was Liu Feifei. She answered the call.
Liu Feifei's voice came, "Did you miss me?"

Su Ye: ? ? ?
This...surprise came a bit too suddenly!

On the other end of the phone, Liu Feifei's cheeks were already red. What nonsense was she saying? !
How did you say these words? What is the difference between this and a confession? !

Originally, I wanted to ask Su Ye about that song and whether I could sing it, but I felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to speak. I was a little shy, but I didn't think so and even said what was in my heart.

This is too embarrassing!

Now I am even more embarrassed to ask Ge, otherwise...he wouldn't think that she is a bad woman, right? !

Chen Shan beside Liu Feifei: ⊙⊙!

Sissi, we won’t do this, it’s just a song, are you going to send yourself out?

This damn love brain!
After a slight reaction, Su Ye replied, "Of course I did. I just wanted to ask you if you miss me, but you asked me first. Just this time, I won't do it next time!"


Liu Feifei's awkward feeling eased a lot, and her heart suddenly felt warm.
Su Ye continued to ask, "Is there something wrong with the sudden call?"

Liu Feifei replied, "Nothing, I just asked you when you have time to have dinner together!"

"As long as you make an appointment, I'm available at any time!" Su Ye answered.

Liu Feifei pursed her lips, and the two dimples on her face revealed her mood at the moment. She was aroused, really!

After chatting casually for a few words, Liu Feifei hung up the phone. After all, there was someone beside her who kept winking at her, so it was not good to keep chatting.

Just after hanging up the phone, Chen Shan looked at Liu Feifei helplessly, "Sissi, why don't you ask me about business? Then why did you ask me to do this, torture a dog!?

Sissi, you have learned bad things, you are really cheating and killing me now! "

Liu Feifei hurriedly explained, "No, Sister Chen, I...I'm sorry, the atmosphere was there just now, I...I'll ask if the song is good again, wait...when he has a good song in the future, I'll ask him if it's good ?!”

Chen Shan: "..."

after? !
"Sissi,'s hard to have another song of this caliber in the future!"

The level of such a song is definitely a milestone. Even if Su Ye wants to surpass this song, it will be difficult!

There are too few opportunities like this. If you miss it, you will really miss it!

Of course, Chen Shan also knew what Liu Feifei was thinking. She really liked Su Ye and didn't want anything else to get involved in her relationship.

"I believe him, there will definitely be one." Liu Feifei retorted lightly.

Chen Shan:! ?I...I'm crazy!

Forget it, I don’t want to talk to the love brain!

That is to say, it seems that Su Ye is really good now. There has been no information from the police, so Su Ye's background is clean.

One day I should get in touch and see how it goes. Considering my love-minded Sissi, if she really turns out to be the wrong person, it will be over!


at the same time,

Su Ye's phone rang again. When he answered the call, a rich and vicissitudes of voice sounded on the other end,

"Mr. Su?!"

"I'm Su Ye, who are you?" Su Ye replied.

The voice sounded, "My name is Qin Banshan, the leader of the Imperial Capital National Peking Opera Troupe."

Su Ye was slightly startled. He still knew the name Qin Banshan. Anyone who knew some opera would have heard of this name. Nowadays, the only leading figure in the opera world, an old artist with both virtue and skill, is worthy of admiration. figure.

"Mr. Qin! I can't bear to be called Mr. Qin. You are trying to offend me. Just call me by my name!"

On the other end, Qin Banshan's hearty laughter sounded, "Okay, then just like your fans, how about calling you Ye Zi?"

"Mr. Qin's love!" Su Ye responded, and then continued, "Mr. Qin called because of that song?"

"That's right! Now you also know that opera is in decline. I have been thinking about how to find an opportunity for opera to continue its inheritance. Your song may be able to save opera. If you are willing, you can hang it in our Peking Opera Troupe. Are you willing to retire from Guangzhou Opera as deputy troupe talent?!" Qin Banshan said in one breath.

After saying that, Qin Banshan on the other end of the phone was worried. He was afraid that Su Ye would not agree, but his intuition told him that Su Ye would agree.

"Young man, no matter how good he is, can hold the position of deputy leader. Opera is the quintessence of our Chinese nation. I don't want to let the inheritance of this quintessence be cut off, so I am willing to do my best!" Su Ye replied.

Qin Banshan breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, "You are qualified for the position of deputy captain, don't refuse!"


Su Ye had never bothered Qin Banshan, so he happily accepted it. This position was within the establishment, and the benefits were needless to say. Su Ye was also willing, but he just felt that he had not contributed yet, so he was embarrassed!
He discussed the future promotion with Qin Banshan. After everything was discussed, he hung up the phone.


Just after hanging up the phone, Su Ye's ringtone rang again. Su Ye couldn't help but curled his lips and suddenly became busy. He didn't know who it was.

After the call was answered, it was the princess's agent who called, and naturally it was for Chi Ling!
"Sorry, this song will not be licensed to others. It has been given to the Imperial National Peking Opera Troupe!"

As soon as Su Ye said these words, there was no sound from the other side, and he just said, "Excuse me!"

Even if opera is in decline now, it is still the national team. There is no one in the entertainment industry who dares to speak nonsense? !
Besides, although Su Ye didn't know it, anyone with a high status in the entertainment industry knew about Qin Banshan's energy, which was something no capital dared to offend.

Don't think that because that person is low-key, they dare to do whatever they want!

After the princess learned about it, she naturally regretted it. She should have contacted her earlier. Now... there is no chance at all. She can only wait and see later!

It's just that...a song of this caliber is probably...hard to come by!

There were some phone calls after that, and Su Ye informed them one by one and refused them one by one.

There were still many calls, but Su Ye just didn't answer them. When the broadcast starts tomorrow and announces that he has joined the National Peking Opera Team, these guys will stop.


silent all night,
The next day,

Su Ye still started the broadcast as usual, but what was different from the broadcast was that the number of people online in the live broadcast room was terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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