Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 52: Soaking wolfberry in Coke, focusing on health preservation

Chapter 52: Soaking wolfberry in Coke, focusing on health preservation


Su Ye took action directly and found a nursing home that was nearest and had good conditions.

After more than 20 minutes' journey, Su Ye strode into the nursing home.

The person in charge of the front desk was a 40-year-old lady. After seeing Su Ye, she politely said, "Hello, do you want to check in?"

"Yes!" Su Ye nodded.

The lady at the front desk asked again, "Which elderly person in our family wants to check in?!"

"I'll check in!" Su Ye replied.

Front desk lady:? ? ?
you? !

Do you want to look in the mirror and see how old you are before you come to a nursing home? !

In the live room,

[Hahahaha, the eldest sister was immediately confused. You look like you are in your 20s and you live in a nursing home? ! 】

[The eldest sister is doubting life! 】

[Sister: There must be something wrong with this child! 】

[Who is a good person who lives in a nursing home in his 20s? 】

【6! 】


"Young man, are you...serious!?" The eldest sister expressed doubts. This young man was probably not here to tease her.

"Sister, let's check in together!" Su Ye hugged Xu Lai and said.

The eldest sister looked at Xu Lai and said, "What... is he taking pictures of?"

Su Ye explained, "I want to record the life in the nursing home!"

The eldest sister nodded, and then said, "Okay! But now there is no single room. You two have to make do with an uncle. The uncle is old and has to go to bed on time at night. You can't disturb the uncle's rest, okay?"

"You must not disturb the uncle!" Su Ye promised.


The eldest sister checked Su Ye in, and a dedicated service staff led Su Ye and Xu Lai to the house where they lived.
The staff knocked on the door, and the voice of the man inside came, "Come in."

open the door,
The room is neither big nor small, with three beds and a TV. The facilities are relatively simple, but it looks very clean.

"Did you go to the wrong room?" The uncle looked at Su Ye and Xu Lai and asked the staff.

"No, uncle, they will be your roommates from now on!" the staff member replied.

uncle:?who! ?

Are they two my roommates? !
No...were they the ones who moved in? !How old are they?

In the live room,

[Hahaha, the uncle is also confused, the CPU is about to burn out! 】

[Uncle: My old man lived in a nursing home when he was over 60 years old, and they lived in a nursing home since they were over 20 years old! ? 】

[Hahaha, isn’t this just a 40-year detour? 】

【Hey~!Man, what you said makes sense! 】

[I want to open an e-sports nursing home, but I don’t know if there are any prospects! ? 】

[Yes, it must be there. As long as you open it and the price is right, I will move in directly! 】


While the uncle was confused, Su Ye and Xu Lai had already arranged everything.

Su Ye looked at the uncle and asked, "Uncle, what is your surname?"

"My surname is Wang!" Uncle Wang replied.

"Uncle Wang, you can call me Xiao Su or Ye Zi, just call him Fatty." Su Ye said.

Uncle Wang nodded, and then asked the confusion in his heart, "Xiao Su, look at you... you are only in your 20s, why are you still in a nursing home?"

Su Ye replied, "I'm keeping in good health!"


Su Ye gave Xu Lai a wink, and Xu Lai handed the thermos cup to Su Ye.
When I opened the thermos cup, I saw that there were wolfberries inside, but the wolfberries were soaked in cola instead of water.

Uncle: ⊙⊙! ?

Is this how you maintain your health? !
In the live room,

【wipe!Leaves know how to preserve health! 】

[Cola soaked in wolfberry, good guy, I call him good guy! 】

[Is it really effective?I'll try it another day! 】

【Still young!I really don’t understand the pain of middle age, how can I say that?When middle-aged people have no choice but to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup. 】

[...] After Su Ye drank half of the Coke in one breath, Uncle Wang said, "Xiao Su, you said you are so young and it is the time of struggle. What's the point of coming to a nursing home?"

"As long as you are willing to endure hardships, there will be endless hardships. Uncle, you live in a nursing home when you are 60 years old, and I live in a nursing home when I am more than 20 years old. Has it saved me 40 years of detours?" Su Ye answered.

Uncle Wang: "..."

Something seems wrong, but it seems to make sense!
never mind!

Don't dwell on this topic.

"Xiao Su, what are your usual hobbies?" Uncle Wang continued to ask.

Su Ye's reply was very simple, only two words, "Sleep!"

Uncle Wang: "..."

"Apart from sleeping?"

"Have a meal!"

"Except for eating!"


Uncle Wang:! ! !

In the live room,

[Hahaha, I feel like Uncle Wang is going to explode in frustration! 】

[Uncle: We can’t communicate, we can’t communicate at all. This is probably the so-called generation gap! 】

[Sleeping, eating, being in a daze, this... isn't this pure waste? ! 】

【? ? ?How do you speak?What other people do is their business, and it’s not harming you. It’s none of your business! 】

[I suspect Ye Zi is spying on me! 】



[It’s fun to show it badly for a while, and it’s always fun to show it badly! 】

[Three thousand classes, only doing one thousand and five thousand jobs, this is called making money, you understand? ! 】


For a long time after that, Uncle Wang didn't talk to Su Ye. This young man, damn!They can't communicate at all. Are all young people today like this? !

As time passed slowly, it soon came time for lunch.

The staff knocked on the door,

Uncle Wang said calmly, "Come in!"

The staff came in, pushing a dining cart, and the meals in the nursing home were served on dining plates.
"Uncle Wang, this is yours!"

"Uncle Su, Uncle Xu, this belongs to you two!" the staff said, putting down their meals.

After looking at his own food and then at Su Ye and Xu Lai's food, Uncle Wang suddenly became unhappy.

"Xiao Li, what do you mean?! Why are my meals like this? How come their meals are so sumptuous, with big fish and meat? How can I be treated differently?! You are like this! No, it would hurt my old man's heart too much!" Uncle Wang said with great displeasure.

They all paid money, so why do they eat so well, while my meal is watery? In contrast, my meal has no appetite at all!


You must give yourself a reasonable explanation!

Staff member Xiao Li said at this time, "Uncle Wang, there is no other way, they have increased the money!"

Uncle Wang: "...!?"

Can I add money to this?No one has told me this!

In the live room,

[How uncomfortable this makes the uncle, the dog anchor, really doesn’t do anything about human affairs! 】

[Quick, add it to the uncle, you must add it, follow the anchor's instructions. 】

[Is this nursing home constantly squeezing money from the elderly? ! 】

[It's really hard to live in a nursing home! 】

[Uncle, let’s be tough. I’ll also add money. I’ll pay you for the extra money. Seriously, I’m not kidding! 】

[Mr. righteousness! 】

[What kind of nursing home is this? It’s rubbish! 】


At this time,

Uncle Wang said quite confidently, "I'll also add money, do what they do, give me a share, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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