Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 53 Director of the village information center? !

Chapter 53 Director of the village information center? !

In the live room,

[Uncle Wang, this momentum is right, are we short of money?Add money and make them look down upon others! 】

[Uncle Wang, we have to be bold! 】

[Uncle Wang: If I add money, how will you respond? ! 】


Xiao Li: "..."

"Uncle Wang, is this a matter of whether we pay more or not? You are already in high school, so we have to control your diet!"


Uncle Wang didn't care, "No, I want to eat it. It's exactly the same as them. I don't care, I want to eat it. I'll pay more!"

this moment,
Uncle Wang looked exactly like a child playing rogue. Xiao Li was helpless when he saw this.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Uncle Wang said hurriedly, "Okay, okay! Stop shouting, don't add me. Isn't it okay if you don't add me?"

Xiao Li nodded with satisfaction, then left and continued delivering food to other houses.

In the live room,

【Ah!It's too early to spray! ? 】

[Don’t jump to conclusions about anything so early. Internet violence happens frequently, all because of people like you! 】

[I was shot. I couldn’t see who fired the shot. He was standing in the sun, standing on the moral high ground! 】



Su Ye started cooking. Uncle Wang looked at Su Ye's food and then at his own food. Where was his appetite?

"Xiao Su! How does it taste?" Uncle Wang asked.

Su Ye nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad!"

But Uncle Wang shook his head, "In my opinion, it's not good. The ingredients look stale. Come on, I'll help you taste it!"

Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: "!!!"

Uncle Wang, your calculations are all in our faces!
In the live room,

[Hahahaha, I’m laughing so hard, this man is so cute! 】

[Uncle Wang knows how to make an abacus! 】

[Uncle, this is too obvious and a bit clumsy! 】


Su Ye said at this time, "Uncle Wang, you'd better calm down for a while. It's already high. We won't eat. Let's see!"

The corner of Uncle Wang's mouth twitched, "Fuck! Cruel!"

This scene naturally made everyone in the live broadcast room laugh. This man is so funny.

Uncle Wang:? ? ?

Don’t let me play even if it’s fun!

after lunch,

Su Ye and Xu Lai were forced out of the house by Uncle Wang, and went out to play with a group of uncles and aunts.
According to Su Ye's idea, he came here purely to rest and to provide for his old age, but he really couldn't defeat Uncle Wang.

After the introduction by Uncle Wang, and under the eyes of the uncles and aunts,

Su Ye and Xu Lai were sitting on pins and needles, looking like good babies. They couldn't bear it. They really couldn't bear it.
In the live room,

[Hahaha, this scene can only be felt when returning to the village. 】

[Every time I go back to the village, I see a bunch of uncles and aunties gathered together, and it really gives me a chill down my back. 】

【Same as above! 】

[The famous scene of the village intelligence organization! 】

[Ye Zi, I’m just asking you if you can stand it! 】



After Su Ye got used to it, she started to do activities and chat with the uncles and aunts.

It was said that they were chatting, but Su Ye couldn't get in the conversation at all and could only chime in a few times. The uncles and aunties all talked about their children, and then there was a lot of gossip.
among them,

The eldest sister is the most powerful. It seems that there is no one who doesn’t know the gossip.
Under the admiring gazes of the surrounding adults, the aunt patted her chest and said, "I used to think that in our village, he was the director of the information center."

Hearing this, Xu Lai couldn't help but said suspiciously, "Auntie also knows about the Internet!"

The aunt was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "I don't understand!"

"Ah!? Then the director of the information center is..." Xu Lai said confused.The aunt replied, "For example...whose girl in the village went out to work for two years and came back, and whose couple got into a fight, let's wait."

Xu Lai: "!!!"

Good guy, what a director of such an information center!
Su Ye: "..."

In the live room,

[Hahahaha, damn, I’m laughing so hard, you’re such an information center director! 】

[To say he is the director of the Information Center is not a big deal, but this is clearly the Village Information Bureau! 】

[This aunt is a thief! 】

[I’m not saying that, the intelligence agency in the village is really powerful! 】

【It’s fierce!I haven’t been home for five years [smile] I heard in Huicun that I had been shot for two years! 】

【Hahahaha~! 】

[I said I was delivering food outside, but they said in the village that I was selling food outside! 】

[I said I was full, but they said I ran away with someone! 】

[Going home early for the New Year, the village aunt said: This young man came back so soon to celebrate the New Year, he must not be doing well! 】

[It’s okay, don’t panic, my home is the intelligence station, and my grandma is the station manager. 】

[A sheep died at the head of the village, and a mother died at the end of the village! 】

[It’s clear whether a dog has been neutered in the past! 】

[The 5G network is not as fast as them in transmitting information! 】

[Hahaha, this description is indeed quite appropriate! 】

[When I returned to the village after four years of college, they said I had entered! 】

[I don’t dare to go back to the village now. The sense of oppression is so strong that every dog ​​I pass by has to be scolded! 】

[Is there any way to break it? ! 】

[Yes, you walk over, look around, and say: Oh, are they all alive? ! 】



In a flash,
dinner time,

Su Ye and Xu Lai's standards were higher, and Uncle Wang's eyes were straightened.

"Eat so much greasy food at night, be careful of suffering when you are old. Young people, where is the health care you promised? I tell you as a person who has been there, you can't eat it!" Uncle Wang said earnestly.

In the live room,

[Hahahaha, jealousy has changed Uncle Wang beyond recognition! 】

[Uncle Wang seems to be caring at every turn, but I heard a meaning in his words, give me something to eat! 】

[Another meaning is, if I can’t eat it, you can’t eat it either! 】

[This old man is interesting! 】


Su Ye replied at this time, "It's okay, uncle, if you don't make it while you are young, how will you make it when you are old?"

Uncle Wang:? ? ?

Little guy, you're the one who sticks the tube on my lungs, right? !


Su Ye continued, "Uncle Wang, how about you do a little bit too?!"

Uncle Wang's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked cautiously, "Is it okay?"

"No!" Xiao Li's voice sounded outside the door.


Uncle Wang's face became aggrieved. Xiao Li looked at Su Ye and said, "You can't give it to Uncle Wang!"

"I know, I know, I'm just teasing Uncle Wang!" Su Ye replied hurriedly.

Uncle Wang:? !
tease me? !
Do you still have any trust between people? Come and lie to me, an old man in his 60s!
Damn you!

Xiao Li nodded, "Just don't give me any. Come on, Uncle Su, Uncle Xu, give me your wine!"

Looking at the wine, Uncle Wang's eyes became brighter and brighter, "No, why do they still have wine?!"

Xiao Li said calmly, "Added money!"

"I also want to pay more, and I also want to drink!" Uncle Wang said loudly.

Xiao Li curled his lips, "Doctor! Doctor!"

"Even if you call the Lord of Hell, I will still drink!" Uncle Wang said without compromise.

PS: There will be another chapter later. Please vote for it, collect it, and start working on it!Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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