Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 54 Uncle: I’m right, this guy is not a good person

Chapter 54 Uncle: I’m right, this guy is not a good person
When Xiao Li heard this, he felt helpless. This old man... Oh!

You shouldn't give Su Ye and Xu Lai any drinks, now it's okay! ?
Su Ye said at this time, "Xiao Li, don't call the doctor, let Uncle Wang take care of it!"


Uncle Wang looked at Su Ye differently, what a good man!This kid is really good. I was really wrong about him before!

Xiao Li said, "No, Uncle Wang's body really can't drink, absolutely not!"

words fell,

Uncle Wang naturally refused to comply, and started rolling around with a set of combos, which gave Xiao Li a headache.
Su Ye said at this time, "Just a little, just let Uncle Wang drink a little!"
Uncle Wang, tell me, is a little okay? ! "

Uncle Wang nodded hurriedly, "A little! Just a little!"

Xiao Li nodded helplessly in agreement, "I'm just watching from here. I can only drink a little, absolutely not more!"

Uncle Wang smiled happily and said, "No problem!"


Su Ye took a new chopstick, dipped it in the wine, and handed it to Uncle Wang's mouth. Uncle Wang didn't even react, the chopstick went into his mouth, and the next second,
Just listen to Su Ye say, "Okay, Uncle Wang, finish drinking at one o'clock, just be honest!"

Uncle Wang:? ? ?

My judgment of people is indeed correct. This guy is really not a good person!
Xiao Li immediately laughed out loud and gave Su Ye a thumbs up. Well done!
In the live room,

[Good guy, Ye Zi is a bit inappropriate! 】

[The uncle used you as a salvation, and his eyes became friendly when he looked at you, but in the end... you just broke my heart like this! ? 】

[Uncle: I treat him as a family member, but he treats me as a devil? 】

[Uncle: Why are you going to graves and burning newspapers to fool ghosts? ! 】

[Yi Zi, uncle’s heart is in pieces! 】

[Just say it a little bit, Ye Zi, you know a little bit! 】

[Uncle: A bunch of kids in Nancun bully me because I am old and weak! 】



Uncle Wang looked at Su Ye resentfully, "Is this what you said?!"

Su Ye nodded calmly, "Is there any problem?!"

Uncle Wang: "?!"

Any questions? !
I just want to beat you to death now!

Su Ye said confidently, "That's exactly what I just said. You also agreed. You won't regret it, right?!"

"Get out!" Uncle Wang glared angrily, then turned directly to face the wall at the head of the bed.

Angry!The kind that can't be coaxed well!

after that,

Su Ye, Xu Lai, and Xiao Li went into battle together and finally coaxed the old man. Naturally, he was not allowed to drink wine. As he got older, tobacco and alcohol should be the most important things to pay attention to.


Night and early morning,

Su Ye's live broadcast is closed, and Su Ye and Xu Lai have no intention of living here.

I quietly contacted the person in charge and explained the situation. As for the money paid previously, it would be credited to Uncle Wang.

After everything was settled, Su Ye and Xu Lai left. On the way back,
In Su Ye's mind, the voice of the system sounded,

[Congratulations to the host, the challenge task is completed, the reward songs "Silk Opera" and "Ten Years in the World" will be distributed at the same time, and the copyright will be registered at the same time! 】

Su Ye's eyes lit up slightly. These two songs were both good and could be used when going to the imperial capital.

However, why is there only a song reward this time but no point reward? !
[The difficulty of this challenge mission is too low! 】

Su Ye: "..."

silent all night,
The next day, Su Ye and Xu Lai did not start the broadcast on time. Instead, they sent a video. They stopped broadcasting for the past few days in preparation for going to the imperial capital.

Comment area,
【wipe!Are the leaves floating?You actually started going off the air! 】

[In order to promote opera, I worked hard! 】

[This photo posted by Brother Ye is so handsome that I am licking the screen like crazy. 】

[Salary is paid once a day, 4000 before tax and 40000 after tax. It is better to do well in the oral test and more importantly in the written test. There is also no insurance and one fund, no tricks, and there is social security! 】

【? ? ?What's the meaning?Recruitment is here! ? 】

[Brother, my knowledge is a bit shallow! 】

[Woo hoo, I understand this in a damn second! 】

[When we are not together, we are free-mouthed, but when we are together, we are salty-mouthed! 】

【6! 】



near noon,

Su Ye sent a message to Liu Feifei, making an appointment to swim and have dinner in the afternoon. Liu Feifei replied that she was busy with work these two days, and I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to see her during this time.

At this time,

Xu Lai curled his lips and said, "You are planning to abandon me again and find someone else!"

Su Ye retorted, "What are you talking about? What are you talking about?! Can I abandon my best brother? You just say what you want to do? I will accompany you!"

"Ha!" Xu Lai said indifferently, "I don't have time!"

Su Ye: "..."

This piece of shit, just know it, why do you have to say it's so useless! ?

Of course, Su Ye would never admit it!
"Nonsense, what kind of friendship do we have? Everything else is just a cloud. Brothers are the most important!" Su Ye said firmly, with a firm look in his eyes as if he wanted to join the party.

Xu Lai: "⊙⊙!"

Got it!
Just be tough-mouthed!You say yours, but I don’t believe a word of it.

Two days ago, my limbs could be broken and I had to wear clothes. My mood changed very quickly!
damn thing!
real dog!


time flies,
The next day,

Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived at the Imperial Capital one day early. Although Mr. Qin had prepared everything, necessary rehearsals were still needed.

When Su Ye and Xu Lai got off the plane, Mr. Qin personally picked them up. This made Su Ye a little flattered. He did not expect that Mr. Qin would come to pick up the plane in person.
There was naturally a flurry of official politeness between the old man and the young man, and they exchanged greetings.

Of course, the words of greeting were not against one's heart, and they were indeed telling the truth.

Mr. Qin personally picked up the plane. When the news spread, the upper echelons of the entertainment industry were shocked.
What is Mr. Qin’s identity? !He actually went to pick up Su Ye in person. This is a treatment that even officials don't have!
Mr. Qin is here and Su Ye is in the entertainment industry, that is, they are as stable as Mount Tai.

Coupled with Su Ye's terrifying traffic, whoever dares to use his brain must think carefully.

Imperial National Peking Opera Troupe,
Su Ye and Xu Lai entered under the leadership of Mr. Qin. The entire group was waiting in the conference room to discuss rehearsals and tomorrow's promotion. Because the theater was not big and the number of people seated was limited, the promotion channel had to be Su Ye's. live streaming.

As for the selection of operas, it is natural to choose operas that are easily accepted by young people.

Su Ye's previous acting style was Tsing Yi's singing style, so the role of Tsing Yi in the drama she chose was naturally large.

After the discussion, everything was perfected. Su Ye sang the full version of Chi Ling in front of everyone, which made everyone applaud continuously.

Having never heard the full version before, they were still a little bit vague, but now that they have listened to it, they are sure of tomorrow!

"Yi Zi, I still don't know the name of your song!?" Qin Banshan asked.

"Chi Ling!" Su Ye replied sonorously and forcefully.

Qin Banshan nodded, "Chi Ling! What a name! Tomorrow, the word Chi Ling will be known all over the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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