Chapter 73 Who are you?

The eldest expert's face turned red, he was obviously very excited, and his hands began to tremble, "Really! This national jade seal... is undoubtedly real!"

At this moment, the rest of the people were extremely excited, it was really a national jade seal!
This is a well-deserved national treasure, reappearing after more than a thousand years.

In the live room,

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it! ?What a royal seal! 】

[It's numb!Ye Zi is making money! 】

[How much does this cost?It must be several hundred million! 】

【? ? ?It’s smaller, the layout is smaller!Several hundred million?Brothers, let’s be bold! 】

[That is the imperial seal!Even if it’s [-] billion, it’s worth it! 】

【Truly priceless treasure! 】

【grass!Making money as a dog-watching anchor is more uncomfortable than killing me! 】




At this time, the entire Internet exploded. Su Ye found the jade seal of the country. For more than a thousand years, this was worthy of a close-up in the history of the world.

From the moment he found the Imperial Seal, Su Ye was no longer a mere internet celebrity, but a person who could leave his name in history.


I’m really jealous!

As long as Su Ye doesn't break the law, what about the entertainment industry?Then Su Ye just crushed him at will.

"Xiao Xuzi, why don't you get my jade seal back!" Su Ye said lightly.

Xu Lai:?
Little Xu?
I? !

OK!I usually call me Fatty, but now it’s better. I’m just Xiao Xuzi?
You think I'm the general manager!
But... that is the imperial seal, so you can take this opportunity to touch it!

For the sake of the imperial seal, I will listen to you this time.

In the live room,

【wipe!The poor fat man went straight into the palace! 】

[As you said, if you become the emperor, why would you make your friends?It must be the Ouchi manager! 】

【The best friend! 】


When Xu Lai held the imperial seal in his hand, it felt so moist!

Look at those eight words again, you are destined to live long and prosperous life!

I am the one destined by destiny!
Seeing Xu Lai's appearance, Su Ye went up and slapped the fat man on the head. His eyes were clearly coveting my national jade seal. He was planning to rebel!
Before Su Ye could speak, Xu Lai shouted, "How dare you hit me!"

Su Ye: ? ? ?
Let me give you a look and you can experience it for yourself!
In the live room,

[Hahaha, Fatty just looked at Ye Zi who called himself me with disdain, but as soon as he got the Imperial Seal, he also called himself me! 】

[How disdainful it was just now, how fragrant it is now! 】

[Sure enough, no one can escape the law of true fragrance! 】

[As for? 】

【As for that~?Please remove the word "?", that is the imperial seal! 】

[If I were holding the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, any dog ​​passing by would have to slap it twice! 】

[After receiving the national jade seal: Suddenly, a madman sharpens his sword at night, and the emperor's star flutters in the sky...]


At this time,

Su Ye slapped Xu Lai again and hid the jade seal from Xu Lai's hand, "Little Xu Zi, you are so brave! You actually dare to covet my jade seal from the country!"

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙!
What happened to me just now? !wipe!
This jade seal is poisonous!

at this time,

The older expert said, "Su...that's not right! Your Majesty, the imperial seal is a treasure of the country. There are many people here and it would be bad if something goes wrong. Your Majesty, please move it!"

Su Ye nodded slowly, "What Aiqing says makes sense, just listen to Aiqing!"

words fell,

Su Ye left under the protection of a large number of police officers. The shopkeeper of Xingbaozhai looked at Su Ye's leaving figure and hesitated to say, "Pass the national jade seal!"Who can not be tempted, but it is a pity that a country takes action. Of course, even if there is no country, Xingbaozhai cannot afford the price.

After getting in the car,

Su Ye said to Xu Lai, "Xiao Xuzi, please turn off the live broadcast first! Let's end it here today!"

In the live room,

【? ? ?We haven’t even watched it a few times, and you’re going to cancel it! ?wipe! 】

[Against the screen, we can still follow the network cable to steal it! ? 】

[Your Majesty, I have always been loyal!I hope your majesty will let me watch for a while longer! 】

[Your Majesty, I am willing to swear allegiance to your Majesty to the death. I hope your Majesty will let me take a closer look. 】

【His Majesty……】

Even if everyone in the live broadcast room begged like this, Su Ye just pretended not to see it and asked Xu Lai to go off the broadcast directly.

Everyone in the live broadcast room: ⊙⊙!
[You bitch, you are so incompetent! 】

[I call you Your Majesty, how can you still be so decisive in broadcasting! 】

[Damn it, dog anchor, you really deserve to die! 】

【I’m a ******......】


Even if they scolded him fiercely, it would not help. Su Ye just ignored that piece of shit and didn't even look at it.

This time, Su Ye really pretended to be big, really big!

I originally wanted to see Su Ye get cheated, but what happened? !He has made a lot of money!

Which good person put forward the challenge? We really want to thank you eighteen generations of ancestors.


In the Magic City Government, this is an instruction from the superiors. The Imperial Seal is a top-notch national treasure and must be protected within the city government without any mistakes.

In the city hall,

The high-ranking official came to greet him in person. The Jade Seal of Chuan Guo was worthy of him. "Comrade Su Ye, are you willing to sell this Jade Seal of Chuan Guo to the country? Logically speaking, the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo is priceless, but...since it is to be sold, it must be sold. There is a price, 50 billion RMB, how about it?"

"Sorry, I don't think about it yet! I will do it later." Su Ye replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Xu Lai:! ! !
This is a high-ranking official from the Magic City, Ye Zi, can you be more polite!
Even if you want to keep it for yourself, you still have to say something for the occasion!
Is it really appropriate to be so direct? !

When the senior official heard this, he nodded slightly and did not persuade Su Ye to give in or anything.

According to the law, there is no problem with Su Ye's choice. Besides, Su Ye also said that not wanting to sell is only temporary and cannot be forced. Su Ye has a huge fan base. Don't cause any more misunderstandings and make the whole network boil.

"Okay, but... this imperial seal still has to be placed in the city hall building. I have a special room for Comrade Su Ye. If Comrade Su Ye wants to see it, he can look at it and play with it at any time, but he cannot take it out. This is also for safety reasons, after all, there are too many people coveting such a supreme national treasure." The senior official said.

For this,

Su Ye nodded naturally. This was actually the best result at present. If Su Ye really took away the imperial seal, he would not have to live a happy life. He was not afraid of thieves, but was afraid that thieves would miss him. In the future, he would not even have a door Dare to go out.

Although Chuan Guo Jade Seal belongs to him, he cannot let Chuan Guo Jade Seal have any accidents.

The matter ended as they discussed, and the Imperial Seal remained in the government building.

After leaving the government building,

Xu Lai directly blocked Su Ye's way, "You are not Ye Zi, who are you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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