Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 74 Brother, your tuition and fees are really not in vain!

Chapter 74 Brother, your tuition and fees are really not in vain!

Seeing Fatty's expression, Su Ye rolled his eyes at Fatty, "Go away, if I'm not Su Ye, who can I be?!"

Regarding Fatty's question, Su Ye was completely honest. He was the same person when he met Fatty.

Looking at Su Ye's determined look, Xu Lai wondered if he was overthinking.

But... after all these years, doesn't he still understand Ye Zi? !Lock-picking, racing, Chinese martial arts... and now he has found the national jade seal. Xu Lai's whole body was numb. Is this really his delicious and lazy leaf? !
I'm afraid this is not an all-powerful time traveler! ?
"Ye Zi, tell me the truth, do you have a system?" Xu Lai asked again.

If it is not occupied by time travellers, then it is bound to the legendary system.

Su Ye: "..."

This damn fat man asked again!
Why is this brain still online when it shouldn't be smart? !wipe!

Su Ye said calmly, "Fat man, what are you talking about, what kind of system!?
do you know?When Lu Zhishen hit the white-bone demon three times, he just... You shouldn't ride a shared bicycle, because the twisted melon is not conducive to the mixing of No. 42 concrete. Therefore, you use a Klein flat to measure the sow's certificate of good citizenship after giving birth in the fake garage. , So, whether Xi Tzu's skills are good or not, whether Xi Men Qing really loves Xi Tzu, whether the two of them have... rowed a boat on Mount Everest, in short, in short, the barber who doesn't want to be a cook , just not a good barber...

Okay, it's time for us to go home, let's walk! "


Su Ye left decisively. He couldn't admit the matter of the system even to death. He just needed to know about it. Some things should be kept secret.

Xu Lai:? ? ?
Do you want to listen to what you said? !Knowledge blender? !
leaf!Your tuition and fees are indeed not in vain!
My brain can't keep up at all. What on earth are you talking about!
This needs to be translated into English, and the CPU of the crooked nuts must be burned!

The key... I don't know why, but I always feel that the order is still very clear.

It's amazing!

Ye Zi, if you can say it completely again, we will listen to whatever you say in the future!
The knowledge structure is really majestic!

If this were posted online, it would really explode.


Xu Lai also calmed down. He knew Su Ye's attitude. He should firmly believe in Su Ye. No matter what happened, Su Ye seemed to be the same Su Ye.

I had thought it through before, but this time it was really because Chuan Guo Yuxi had done it to me that my mind was a little confused.


on the way home,
There was a rare silence between the two,
At this time,

In Su Ye's mind, the mechanical voice of the system sounded,

[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission, reward: thief skills.Five hundred bonus points! 】

Su Ye: "..."

What the hell!

Dog system, you idiot, you have the ultimate thief skills! ?What kind of underworld skill is this! ?

I am a good socialist young man, a person who firmly follows the pace of the party. You give me all these skills? !

[Then the system takes it back? 】

Su Ye: "..."

never mind!never mind!It's better than nothing. I'll allow you this time and won't do it next time!


just got home
Su Ye received a message from Liu Feifei, "Your Majesty, are you home?"I have time now~! 』

Su Ye replied: "Received!"My beloved concubine, wait for me! 』

"Fat man, you are here by yourself. I have something important to do and need to go out for a while." Su Ye looked at Xu Lai and said. "Fuck! You are a bitch, you value sex over friends, and you want to abandon me. You haven't comforted me yet!" Xu Lai wailed.

Su Ye: ? ? ?
"You big old man, I'll give you a hammer, you'll stop!" After Su Ye finished speaking, he left directly.

Xu Lai: "..."

I really can’t have this brother anymore!



When Su Ye arrived outside Liu Feifei's house, it was as usual. Liu Feifei happened to be going out, and the two seemed to have maintained such a tacit understanding.

"My beloved concubine, it's been a while since I last saw you, my beloved concubine seems to be more beautiful again." Su Ye praised.

"Hey! Your Majesty is already the emperor, why is your mouth even sweeter!"

Hearing Liu Feifei's answer, Su Ye's eyes suddenly lit up.
She didn't object to the title of concubine...!
Suddenly Su Ye felt the sweet breath of love. It seemed... it was time to prepare to confess!

"I'm not being sweet, I'm telling the truth!" Su Ye said seriously.

Liu Feifei rolled her eyes at Su Ye with a charming look. She was really wet with honey on her lips.

In a flash,
government building,

Su Ye showed the certificate and entered with Liu Feifei, who was wrapped tightly all over, and went straight to the room where the imperial seal was kept.
When I saw the Chuan Guo Jade Seal up close and held the Chuan Guo Jade Seal in my hand,
Liu Feifei couldn't help but sigh, "You are truly worthy of being a national treasure. You are destined to live a long and prosperous life!"
After the Qin Dynasty, emperors of all dynasties regarded this seal as a talisman and regarded it as a rare treasure and an important weapon of the country.If you get it, it symbolizes your destiny from heaven; if you lose it, it means you have exhausted your energy.Anyone who ascends to a high position without this seal will be ridiculed as a white emperor, showing lack of confidence and being despised by the world.

In the past dynasties, those who wanted to be emperors fought for each other. As a result, the imperial seal changed its owner many times and traveled around Chi County in China for more than two thousand years, disappearing and reappearing. Finally, it disappeared without a trace. It is a sigh. It's a great blessing to be reunited. "

She has always been interested in history, and the disappearance of the imperial seal is the first regret in history.

Su Ye answered the words and said calmly, "It is said that in the 28th year of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang rode a dragon boat across Dongting Lake. The wind and waves suddenly rose and the dragon boat was about to tip over. Qin Shi Huang hurriedly threw the imperial seal into the lake and prayed to the gods to calm the waves. The jade seal was made by This was lost. Eight years later, someone in Pingshu Road, Huayin presented the jade seal of the state again, and the jade seal of the state was returned to Qin.

From then on, the fate of Chuanguo Jade Seal seemed to be determined. It was doomed to be miserable and the fate of the subsequent dynasty was also doomed. "


In a flash,
The two of them stayed in the house for a long time. If they said they were just appreciating the Chuanguo Jade Seal, no one would believe it, and the two of them really just admired the Chuanguo Jade Seal.

at night,

Su Ye and Liu Feifei were still the same, eating and watching movies. Compared with usual, there was obviously more physical contact when watching movies today.

As for the title of beloved concubine, it can be regarded as firmly falling on Liu Feifei.


The next day,

early morning,

Su Ye and Xu Lai started broadcasting on time as usual after breakfast.
In just a few minutes, millions of people flooded into the live broadcast room, and millions of people were online at the same time.

This is the first feat since the start of the broadcast, and it is also the first million milestone in the history of live broadcast. I am afraid no one can surpass it in the future.

And these people, all calling you Your Majesty, naturally want to see the jade seal passed down from the country.
Millions of people shouted "Your Majesty", Su Ye thought he was being punished!

In this era, in ancient times, there would have been an army of millions, and he really made these people suffer!

"We'll see another day. Let's start with the tasks of today's live broadcast challenge!" Su Ye said to the camera.

PS: There will be another chapter later. Please vote for recommendations, praise, and everything. Thank you for your support. Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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