Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 78: I have seen the living Bodhisattva and the living King of Hell for the first time!

Chapter 78: I have seen the living Bodhisattva and the living King of Hell for the first time!


Su Ye left the live broadcast and followed the criminal team back to the police station to accept the investigation. Naturally, the necessary procedures had to be completed. The result was of course that there was no doubt that Su Ye's eighteen generations of ancestors had been thoroughly investigated and there were no problems at all. No.

"Yi Zi, tell me the truth, what have you been through?! How come you know everything!" the criminal team looked at Su Ye and asked.

words fell,

Su Ye smiled helplessly, "Probably just a little bit better than others in talent."

Criminal team: "..."

Are you speaking in human language? !

Just a little more talented than others...that's all? !Forget about just one talent. The problem is that you have too many talents, right? !
never mind!

If you can't find out, there's no way to prosecute, and you can't interrogate, detain or anything like that.

Since Su Ye doesn't want to say anything, forget it. In short, the police station will always keep an eye on Su Ye. Whenever he shows signs of committing a crime, the police station will resort to thunderous means.

Su Ye: "..."

I'm really helpless, I can't say... I'm a time traveler, and I'm bound to the system!It must not be sliced ​​and studied!


The criminal team chatted with Su Ye for a few more words, and the ideological work still had to be done well.

During this period,

The system's mechanical voice sounded in Su Ye's mind,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission and being rewarded with god-level villain acting skills.Five hundred bonus points! 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Su Ye was quite satisfied, but... Why is he a villain? Damn it!Brother, this handsome guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, how can he play a villain?

It was already evening when Su Ye left the police station. Liu Feifei was busy, so Su Ye had to accompany his good brother Xu Lai.

In order to calm down the shock, Su Ye decided to have a good meal tonight, a must!


Su Ye also read the comments on the Internet, which were really lively.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Su Ye directly sent a short video, taking pictures of the delicious food on the table, with the text: How could I, a good socialist young man, do something illegal? !To put the pressure on, we must have a good meal!
With the release of the video, Su Ye stopped looking at his phone. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to look at his phone while cooking? !
And when Su Ye posted this video, the comment area quickly exploded.

[Look, what am I saying? Ye Ziding is fine! 】

[This bitch, I seriously suspect that he is greedy for us on purpose! 】

【Same as above! 】

[How could it not be found out? It really shouldn’t be! 】

[Good guy, Ye Ye is so rich, my mouth is watering just looking at it! 】


【well!Human beings are really cruel for the sake of food. If they want to eat meat, there is actually no need to kill animals. For example, if they want to eat pork, they can cut a piece of meat from the pig and then bandage it, so that they can eat the meat. The pig will not die, the wound is healed, and we still have meat to eat. If a pig eats for 20 years, the pig will die! 】

【? ? ? 】

[Good guy, I have seen a living Bodhisattva, and this is the first time I have seen a living King of Hell! 】

[Previous second: Holy Mother!

The next second: Even the king of hell calls you brother! 】

[This netizen doesn’t realize what cruelty is! 】

[He may have the best understanding of the word "death by a thousand cuts". 】

[You are so kind. You only needed to be stabbed once, but you have been hurting me for 20 years in your life. 】

[Pig: You are playing with Ling Chi with me, right? 】

[Pig: It’s best to take turns keeping watch with both eyes at night [smile] [smile] (no kidding)]

[In ancient times, there was an extremely cruel criminal law called Ling Chi. [Tears ran]】

[Pig: Do you want this blessing? [Awkward laugh]]

[Then there is no need to cut it from a pig [Crying loudly] When you want to eat meat, cut a piece from yourself and bandage it, at least you can eat it for decades [Crying loudly]]

【Perpetual motion machine? 】

【No!It’s a meat machine! 】【Say you are the Holy Mother, you are very cruel to yourself, say you are the Living King of Hell, you are only cruel to yourself! 】

[Lingchi originated in the Five Dynasties, became a formal legal punishment in the Song Dynasty, officially entered the law in the Ming Dynasty, and was abolished in the late Qing Dynasty. Have you picked it up again? ! 】

[Should you say it or not, buddy, Satan has you tattooed on his back! 】

【Ha ha ha ha ~】

[What about those who like to eat pig head meat? 】

【I love dry pot sausage so much! 】


At this moment, the comment section really exploded. This is really what I said...can anyone say it?

Brother, listen to yourself, is what you said true? !

In a flash,
time flies,
Overnight, many people imitated Su Ye and painted rmb. However, no one could achieve the level of Su Ye. Even everyone who painted had difficulty.

For a moment, the entire network once again realized how terrifying Su Ye's painting skills were. He was definitely a master in the painting world, otherwise how could he be so terrifying.

early morning,

After Su Ye and Xu Lai had breakfast, they continued to start a new day of live broadcast.

"Old rules, let's complete today's challenge mission." Su Ye said loudly.

words fell,

There are constant comments in the comment area,

[Ye Zi, do you dare to come to my store and challenge me to get the right amount of pork cut? 】

[I don’t believe in this business. Ye Zi has also worked as a pork seller, and he has to cut off several kilograms and taels accurately. This is really not an easy task. This is what Ye Zi does! 】

[I also think this challenge is okay, Ye Zi, come on! 】


[Brother Ye Zi, do you dare to come to the nightclub for a night? 】

【Oh~!What nightclub to tell in detail! 】

[Is this the kind of nightclub I thought of?Brother Ye Zi, you must go, give me your address, and I will go too! 】

[Brother Ye Zi is mine tonight! 】

[This is possible, brother Ye Zi, hurry up and challenge this! 】


Seeing this challenge, Su Ye couldn't help but curled his lips, "This netizen, you are really punished. Look at the amount of attention of the police comrades in my live broadcast room. Be careful!"

[Brother Ye Zi, don’t get me wrong, we are just waiters, we are regular! 】

【Nightclub?regular? !Just open your mouth? 】


[Ye Zi, do you dare to come and interview the villain in my movie?If your acting skills are not up to par, you won't be able to use it. 】

【Fuck!What kind of director is this? He's so shameless. He's trying to take advantage of Ye Zi's popularity! 】

[Ziye is acting?Will the leaves do it? 】

[I don’t know if it’s possible, but I know I can’t make a conclusion early. Ye Zi is very evil! 】

[Every time I question Ye Zi, I will be slapped in the face by Ye Zi. Does Ye Zi have a protagonist template? I treat Ye Zi as a family member, but Ye Zi treats me as a villain? 】

【Fuck!When you say it like that, it's true! 】


At this time,

Su Ye's expression changed slightly, "Good guy, this challenge comes just in time. I just got the god-level villain acting skills, and the challenge mission is here?" !Isn’t this just a slap on the back?

This challenge is achievable!

"Okay, challenge me to go to the crew to interview the villain! Dump it, I'll play it real." Su Ye said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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