Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 79 Don’t wear big shoes on your small feet

Chapter 79 Don’t wear big shoes on your small feet

In the live room,

【Fuck!Ye Zi really wants to go! 】

[Is Ye Zi serious?If you don’t want to act blindly, just go ahead and broadcast it! 】

[If Ye Zi were to take advantage of others, that would be too much! 】

[Which director is this? Don’t you know the entire rating penalty?Um! ? 】

[It can be said that doesn’t this give Ye Zi a loophole to take advantage of it? ! 】

【Damn it! 】


at the same time,


The screenwriter and Director Chen said, "Old Chen, is it necessary to find an Internet celebrity to increase the popularity? The role of Feng Yuxiu is too important, how can you find such an Internet celebrity?"

"Lao Li, I asked him not just because of his popularity. You haven't seen his live broadcast. He is a master of Chinese martial arts. As long as his acting skills are good, I really want him to play Feng Yuxiu!" Chen Deshen That's it.

Everything he said was sincere. He valued Su Ye's popularity, but what he valued more was Su Ye's Chinese martial arts. And judging from the scalper issue, Su Ye also had acting skills, but whether he could control them The role of Feng Yuxiu... is hard to say.

Let's give it a try. Anyway, if you give it a try, there will be no loss for the crew. On the contrary, it will promote the movie because of Su Ye.

There is no problem with the quality of the script, even if there is no publicity from Su Ye, it will be fine, but it is better than nothing. After all, Su Ye's popularity now is terrifying.

And after hearing Chen Deshen's words, Old Li nodded,'s really good.



Su Ye and Xu Lai arrived at the set, and director Chen Deshen came to pick them up in person. This was a great honor. Of course, with Su Ye's current popularity, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Hello, Director Chen!" Su Ye said politely.

Chen De smiled deeply and said, "Teacher Su, you are even more talented than you look on the live broadcast!"

"Director Chen is so complimentary! Don't call me teacher, just call me Ye Zi." Su Ye replied.

The two people who met for the first time naturally exchanged polite greetings.

In the live room,

[It is actually Director Chen, who has won the Golden Horse Award for Best Director, the Academy Award for Best Director, the London International Discourse Film Festival Best Director Award, etc. 】

[It’s Director Chen. It seems that the movie he made this time should be good. 】

【I’m looking forward to it! 】

[I am more looking forward to whether Ye Zi can pass the interview. 】

[Since Ye Zi dares to go, there must be something! 】




in the theater,
Chen Deshen said to Su Ye, "Ye Zi, I will let someone take you to put on makeup first. At the same time, I will ask Lao Li to tell you about the script and the experience of the character Feng Yuxiu. You can think about it."

words fell,

Su Ye's eyes changed slightly, Feng Yuxiu! ?Sure enough, it’s a shot of one person’s martial arts!
But what surprised Su Ye was that Chen Deshen actually wanted him to play this role.

"Okay!" Su Ye replied.

Su Ye followed the staff to put on makeup, and screenwriter Li gave Su Ye the narration of the character Feng Yuxiu.

The script was very different from Su Ye's impression. The only thing was that the Feng Yuxiu in the script was not lame and was not born with any defects.

After putting on makeup, Su Ye looked at herself in the mirror. She no longer had the fair skin she had before, and there was also a scar on her face.

"Teacher Su, it's okay!" the makeup teacher said.

Su Ye nodded slightly, "Okay, thank you!"

"You're welcome, that's right!" the makeup teacher replied.


In the live room,

[Good guy, this makeup teacher is really awesome! 】

[This is simply a head-changing technique! 】

[I don’t know why, but I feel like Brother Ye is so handsome like this, licking the screen! 】

[Sisters, who understands!The screen was cracked by my licking! 】【Sisters, I very worthless! 】

[Understood, completely understandable! 】

[Excuse me, what should I do if my shoes fall off? 】

[Do you still care about that? 】

[My suggestion is, understand? ! 】

[Hahaha, damn, this sentence is like stabbing a lung tube! 】

[Although I am a man, I like women. 】

[The physics teacher said it’s in a small space! 】

[I always believe in fallen warriors. 】

【? ? ?Is this a comment section?I don’t know, I thought I had entered some kind of land of tigers and wolves! 】



At this time,

As Su Ye left the dressing room and prepared for the audition, all the crew members were whispering about whether Su Ye could do it.

Of course, the discussion was very low, so Su Ye couldn't hear it. After all, Su Ye was too popular now, and they couldn't afford to offend a popular figure.

Looking at Su Ye's appearance, Director Chen said that it was done well, then looked at Su Ye and said, "Ye Zi, how do you understand the character!?"

"I have my own understanding!" Su Ye replied.

Director Chen nodded, "Okay, then...can we start?"

"Okay!" Su Ye replied.

words fell,

Su Ye slowly closed his eyes and put himself into the role of Feng Yuxiu,
The moment Su Ye opened his eyes, a terrifying momentum spread,
Everyone in the crew was shocked. This... what kind of look is this!

Being stared at by such eyes is like being stared at by a ferocious beast that will be swallowed in the next moment.

At the same time, this look also contained invincible determination and contempt for everything.


Su Ye moved, his steps were heavy and lame. The next second, a hoarse voice sounded, "I am Feng Yuxiu, please give me some advice!"

Su Ye continued, "It's a matter of life and death!"

Seeing Wan Quan replaced Su Ye in the camera, the crew was shocked.
The live broadcast room also completely exploded.

【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it? !Is this really a leaf? ! 】

[With such momentum, I felt trembling through the camera. I wouldn’t believe him if he hadn’t killed anyone before! 】

[I have definitely killed someone, Ye Zi has definitely killed someone! 】

[Where is the police uncle?Please take it away and check it out again! 】

[Other people’s villains are actors, but Su Ye’s villain really doesn’t look like someone he acted. 】

【It really scared me! 】

[No, he can also act!I really want to know what else he can't do! 】


When Su Ye calmed down, everyone in the crew reacted, followed by thunderous applause. They really didn't expect that Su Ye's acting skills would be so explosive. This was so different from what they expected.

When the applause stopped, Chen Deshen said slowly, "Yi Zi, what you are doing is different from what you acted in the script!"

In the live room,

【? ? ?It's not me, your acting is pretty good. Director Chen is still not satisfied? 】

[Does it have to be exactly the same as the script?Isn’t it allowed to create something? ! 】

【That’s it! 】

[It's best to give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise we will start an online violence! 】




PS: If you have any challenges you want to see, please feel free to mention them. Write whatever you can. Please vote for recommendations, collect them, and ask for everything. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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