Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 80: Becoming a monster in my childhood!

Chapter 80: Becoming a monster in my childhood!
at this time,

Su Ye looked at Chen De and said, "Director Chen, this is my own idea about the character. Feng Yuxiu is an out-and-out martial arts idiot who strives to be the best in the world. If he is born with a disability, he relies on hard training. , practice martial arts to the extreme, so that it can better reflect the character of the martial arts idiot."

words fell,

Director Chen clapped his hands and applauded, "I felt that the character of Feng Yuxiu was not mature enough before, but I didn't know where to start. Ye Zi, the character of Feng Yuxiu must be you!"

The crew members present all nodded. Su Ye's acting skills were not only outstanding, but he also fleshed out the character with his own understanding.

The role of Feng Yuxiu really has to be Su Ye!

In the live room,

[Family members, this is so exciting! Ye Zi is really going to succeed in her audition! 】

【wipe it up!Let Ye Zi make a fool of himself, and now Su Ye is about to make his debut? ! 】

【Damn!Ye Zi is really damned, there’s nothing he can’t do, right? ! 】

[I’m convinced, I’m really convinced! 】

[I dare to say that in the next ten years, 20 years, or even longer, no one in the Internet celebrity circle or entertainment circle can surpass Su Ye. 】

【I also think so! 】


[When will it be released? I can’t wait to see it! 】

[I just like Brother Ye Zi’s naughty look, I feel like my whole body is about to melt. 】





Su Ye naturally entered the crew smoothly, and there was still some time before the official start of filming.

The challenge has been completed, Su Ye decisively stopped broadcasting, which made everyone in the live broadcast room feel embarrassed.


Su Ye and Director Chen discussed some details, as well as Su Ye's remuneration,
What surprised Director Chen was that Su Ye didn't care much about the salary. According to Su Ye's popularity, and his acting skills were so good, and he also fleshed out the key figure Feng Yuxiu, Chen Deshen was already ready for Su Ye's lion's mouth. , who would have thought that Su Ye didn't care so much about remuneration.

In the past, Su Ye wanted to be popular and wanted to make a lot of money, but now Su Ye, money is enough for him, enough to live comfortably for the rest of his life. Rather than making money, he wants to do something he likes. of.

When Su Ye left,
Chen Deshen couldn't help but sigh, "The entertainment industry will definitely be dominated by Su Ye in the future!"

Screenwriter Li on the side did not refute this statement at all, and nodded in agreement. For a long time in the future, the entertainment industry will be ruled by Su Ye.

after leaving,
In the back of Su Ye's head,

The system sounded,
[Congratulations to the host for exceeding the challenge, reward: Law of Cause and Effect Weapon! 】

Su Ye: ? ? ?

What about points? !

Furthermore... Dog System, can you explain to me what a causal weapon is?
[As long as the host leaves China, the degree of bad luck will increase to one thousand percent, and all kinds of rare natural disasters will chase the host, but the host itself will be safe and sound. 】

Su Ye's eyes suddenly lit up. Damn it, this thing is a bit fierce!

Suddenly, Su Ye felt that he should go for a walk in Xiaoli.

Indeed it can!
This is acceptable without awarding points.


That night,

Su Ye and Liu Feifei were watching movies and eating as usual, and during the meal,

Liu Feifei's mobile phone notification sounded, it was a news push. She glanced at it subconsciously, and then Liu Feifei clicked on it. The more she looked at it, her expression became colder and angrier.
See here,

Su Ye said suspiciously, "What's wrong?!"

Liu Feifei said nothing, just handed her mobile phone to Su Ye,

After taking the phone and looking at the content of the news, Su Ye's face turned cold instantly.
In my childhood, I wanted to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea!

What a wonderful little life it was? !

Damn offal!
The ocean is a part of humanity that can never be lost, and Xiao Tian's actions can already destroy his country, his species, and his descendants.

"Damn it!" Su Ye said in a cold voice.Liu Feifei answered, "This race really deserves to die! Whether it's because of the blood feud in the past or the things that harm all mankind today, it deserves to die!"

words fell,

Su Ye was sure of one thing. Originally, she was still thinking about when to go for a walk in Xiaoli, but now it seems that she has to go tomorrow.

"Definitely damned!" Su Ye's voice was cold.

In a flash,

The fact that this happened has made people feel no joy at all. Now they only have one idea: how can we make this race extinct?


The whole network exploded,

[This little life is so damned! 】

[Why can Xiaoli be so annoying to people for generations? ! 】

[F*ck, fight and kill!If we don’t destroy them, how will future generations survive? 】

[Good news: There will be a second part of The Classic of Mountains and Seas
Bad news: maybe I’m one of the directories [smile]]

【I fuck him...beep beep beep beep~! 】

[In the should we tell the younger generations that the sea is blue? ! 】

【future?Is there still a future? 】

[Will the creatures in the water die or mutate? 】

[Zombies...maybe not impossible! 】


At this moment, not only domestic netizens, but also netizens all over the world are scolding.

Trash like Little Days should disappear from the map of the world.

At this time, the whole world is resisting the small days. The world belongs to the people of the world, and this is a matter that is closely related to everyone.

After Su Ye sent Liu Feifei back, Su Ye went home directly and packed his things.

Su Ye didn't want to take Xu Lai with him when he went to Xiaoli this time. He had no problem with the law of cause and effect weapons, but he couldn't guarantee that Xu Lai would be safe and sound.

He should do this alone!

"Fat man, let me tell you something. Starting from tomorrow, I will give you a monthly discount!" Su Ye said.


Xu Lai's expression did not change at all, but he asked casually,

"What? Want to have a small time? Ye Zi, there's nothing we can do!"

Su Ye: ? ? ?
What the hell!

When did you become a roundworm in my belly?
Before Su Ye could say anything, Xu Lai continued, "Don't deceive me. Do you think I believe it? You can go and take me with you, otherwise you don't want to go either."

words fell,

Su Ye was a little helpless and asked in his mind: If the system takes Fatty with him, can it guarantee his safety?

[One thousand points can be exchanged for a protection card! 】

Su Ye: "..."

Dog system!
In the end, Su Ye gritted his teeth and redeemed it.

"Okay! I'll take you with me and leave tomorrow!" Su Ye said firmly.

Xu Lai replied calmly, "Okay!"

There were no more unnecessary words between the two of them, and a major event was settled.


In a flash,
The next day,

After Su Ye and Xu Lai had breakfast, they started the live broadcast as usual...


I have been busy during the day today, so the update is late. Sorry, there will be another chapter soon!
(End of this chapter)

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