Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 81: The Law of Cause and Effect Weapon is online, go directly to Little Life!

Chapter 81: The Law of Cause and Effect Weapon is online, go directly to Little Life!

As the live broadcast started, more than 30 online people flooded into the live broadcast room in just a few minutes.
In the live room,

[Yi Zi, what do you think about the discharge of nuclear sewage in my childhood! ? 】


The comment area is full of comments like this,
See here,

Su Ye sneered and said, "What do I think? I fucked my little life, beep beep beep beep beep~"

There is automatic blocking for swear words. Even if there is no sound, you can tell just by looking at the shape of your mouth that what Su Ye cursed was quite dirty.

In the live room,

[Hahaha, the scolding lasted for more than a minute, and it contained a lot of maternal content! 】

[6 ah! 】



Su Ye said, "Brothers and sisters, let's complete today's challenge mission."

In the live room,

[Challenge: Go away from Xiaozhi’s crazy condemnation and let the world see how abominable Xiaozhi is! 】

[Challenge: Destroy the little days! 】


[Hey guys, are you serious?If Ye Zi really goes away, he will come back! 】

[This challenge is somewhat outrageous! 】


Looking at the challenge posted in the live broadcast room, it suited Su Ye's plan. He was going to do it, but he could still get rewards from the system by hosting a live broadcast.

However, the challenge sent by the fans still didn't work. Su Ye said calmly, "Okay, let's go to Xiaozhi and let them try what the law of cause and effect weapon is!"

He posted this challenge task himself. Su Ye asked the system. If he posted this task himself, he could still get rewards, but the rewards would not be too high.

In the live broadcast,
This moment really exploded instantly,

【no!Ye Zi, you really want to go! 】

[By the way...what is a causal weapon? ! 】

[Ye Zi, are you serious or not? !It would be pointless if we were bragging. 】

【Ah!Has this anchor always been so good at bragging? ! 】

[He's new here, I want to ask him, has he always been so brave? ! 】

[Oh, I also said that I was going to assassinate the leader of Xiaorili. If I succeed, how will I escape? 】

[It must be self-defense! 】

[Don’t say it’s self-defense, so what if it’s not! ?Can't you just apologize for such a small thing?After all, the deceased didn’t say anything! 】

[Haha, brother, are you trying to laugh me to death so you can inherit my credit card? ! 】

[This brother said it well, I totally agree! 】

[I think, even if it is not self-defense, Brother Ye is still a child and should be forgiven! 】

[If this is not self-defense, then I think all life should be respected. I hope the victim’s family can forgive the person involved, forget this history, and value peace! 】

[Damn it, brother, my 70-meter sword can’t be held back!Pay attention in your next life! 】

[Brother, I'm lucky that I have strong skills. The 40-meter sword has reached 39 meters, but I still stopped it at the critical moment! 】

[Come here, put on the enemy's clothes quickly! 】

【? ? ?Good guy, you have to be ruthless! 】

【……】At this time,
Douyin Headquarters,

Not to mention Zhang Changzhou, even Wei Nan frowned slightly.
She wasn't sure whether Su Ye was serious or just wanted more heat?
If it was the latter, then Su Ye might be dead after this.

And if it's the former, then Su Ye's fate may be... the result is naturally foreseeable.

No matter which option you choose, it's not a good choice. In such a matter, you really shouldn't gain popularity in this way.

It's too bad!

"Mr. Wei, what should we do now?" Zhang Changzhou asked carefully.

The development of the matter has exceeded the limit of his control. The decision on this matter still needs to be made by Mr. Wei.

At this time,

Wei Nan didn't know what to do. Now that Su Ye's live broadcast room is closed, Su Ye will be really useless. If Su Ye really goes, in fact... there is still hope.

She was deciding that if Su Ye really collapsed, then... Douyin would also be greatly affected.

For a time,

Wei Nan is not easy to make decisions, but judging from Su Ye's previous performances, maybe... you can trust Su Ye, maybe... you can take a gamble.

Once he fails, he, as the CEO, will be done with it, but once he succeeds, the benefits are self-evident.

This was a huge gamble in life, and it was really difficult for Wei Nan to make a decision for a while.

After being silent for a long time, Wei Nan finally decided to put everything on the line and take a big gamble. Now she must bear all the pressure from the board of directors.

at the same time,

Chen Shan shook her head and said, "For the sake of popularity, you should never do it! Sissi, he has lost his original intention. How can such a thing be so popular? He is afraid that he will be banned by the entire industry, which is a pity. .”

Originally, Chen Shan was not very optimistic about Su Ye. Of course, this lack of optimism was referring to the love he had only seen with Liu Feifei, not Su Ye's own talent.

But now, for Chen Shan, he is even less optimistic about Su Ye. Such a person really cannot be trusted.

go? !

Does he really dare?
"Sister Chen, why are you so prejudiced against Su Ye? I don't think... he would lie about such a thing." Liu Feifei said decisively.

This is what Liu Feifei really thinks. He doesn't think Su Ye is a random person. Now that he has said it, he will definitely do it. What Liu Feifei is worried about now is Su Ye's personal safety.

If she could, if she didn't want Su Ye to go, wouldn't she be banned?Block him, block him, she can still support him.

Of course, this is just a thought. Since Su Ye is determined to go and she supports it, what if... Su Ye can really create a miracle? !
Chen Shan: "⊙⊙!?"

Sissi, are you serious?
I originally thought that your poisoning was quite serious, but I really didn’t expect that it had reached such an extent? !

Really finished!

"It's not Sissi, you..." When the words came to her lips, Chen Shan suddenly didn't know what to say.


Su Ye looked at the doubts in the live broadcast room and just smiled lightly, "Since I said it, I will definitely go! As I said, dump it! What I play is real! This time... please watch a big show!"

words fell,

In the live room,

[If nothing else, when it comes to showing off, the anchor has probably never lost before! 】

【Really?Anchor, how many lives do you have? 】

[What is the explanation for this so-called causal weapon? ! 】

[I don’t know, most likely it’s just a walk around. 】

[It’s true, it must have been a walk around, it was fierce in China, and after going there, it was: Taijun!Taijun!I will lead the way for Taijun! 】

[Hahaha, nothing! 】


At this time, no one in the live broadcast room believed that Su Ye could really do something big in his small life. This designation was impossible and there was no need to think about it. Furthermore, what is a causal weapon?I've never heard of it before, maybe it was a fart in the past?
(End of this chapter)

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