Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 82 Typhoon turns a corner and heads straight to the small life!

Chapter 82 Typhoon turns a corner and heads straight to the small life!

But then, Su Ye's operation caused the entire live broadcast room to explode.

【Fuck!Ye Zi actually booked a ticket!He really went! ? 】

[No...seriously? 】

[This is my first time here. Is the anchor always so brave? ! 】

[Suddenly I was looking forward to the so-called law of cause and effect weapon! 】

[Ye Zi really worked hard to open a single page for the family tree! 】

【Let’s put on a show! ? 】

【Whose general is this?Are you really brave enough to risk your life? ! 】


There are various comments in the comment area, and the majority of people insist that Su Ye is just showing off.

Su Ye and Xu Lai had already prepared, packed up their suitcases, and headed directly to the airport to exchange tickets, go through security, and board the plane.
This process is live broadcast, and there is absolutely no way to fake it, and there is no room for manipulation.
Su Ye didn't stop broadcasting until the plane door closed and the plane started to take off.

In the live room,

【Fuck!Ye Zi, he is serious! 】

[Dare to say it and do it, Brother Yezi, holy shit, I’ll cry to death! 】

[If this vote of leaves succeeds, then he will be a national hero! 】

[Just two words, looking forward to it! 】


Until this time, the comments, sarcastic and questioning voices in the live broadcast room were much less, but not absent. Although Su Ye really boarded the plane to Xiaori, it still depends on what Su Ye does after arriving at Xiaori.

If the Taijun is really summoned, it will not be a great honor to the ancestors, but will bring disgrace to the eighteenth generation of the ancestors.

Of course, there is a high probability that Su Ye won't, unless Su Ye doesn't want to return to China.

While Su Ye was on the plane, a piece of news was released in China: a typhoon was about to land in the coastal areas of China, so protective measures were required.

Whole network:

【wipe!The last typhoon hasn't left yet, and now it's coming again? ! 】

[Damn it, I am willing to use my ten years of longevity in exchange. I hope this typhoon will turn around and go directly to my small life. 】

[Mr. righteousness! 】

[I would also like to second my opinion. I can’t use my 20 years of longevity. If I die now, it’s worth it if I die in a shorter time! 】

【Sir, you deserve to enjoy the Imperial Ancestral Temple! 】

[There are more than one billion people in the country. One person is born every year, and in more than one billion years, I wonder if I can resist it in my little life! 】


As time passed, Su Ye had left the territory of China, the law of cause and effect weapon was automatically activated, and the bad luck reached the extreme level in an instant.

However, Su Ye didn't feel anything at all, and felt that it was no different from usual.

never mind!

Let's see!
Produced by the system and designated high-quality products, you don’t have to worry about this.

At this time,
The typhoon that was about to land in China suddenly turned a corner and headed straight for Su Ye.

Such a sudden change made the weather observatories in coastal cities suddenly overjoyed.
The sudden turn of the typhoon is a great thing for China.

Moreover, judging from the typhoon’s turning posture and route, it is obvious that it is heading for a small life, which makes this news even more happy.

When the information was confirmed and it was confirmed that the typhoon had wandered around and left, and that it was heading for a small day, the news was overwhelmingly pushed.
The whole network exploded,

[The typhoon turned a corner and went away, and it went straight to Xiaoli! ? 】

【6! 】【Hahaha, Xiaotian is bringing this upon himself. It is best for this typhoon to let the nuclear wastewater pour into Xiaotian! 】

[Ye Zi should be about to go away to his small life now, and the typhoon is turning around again at this time. Is there any connection between this... maybe? ! 】

[Brother, I have to say that you have a really big brain. How can this be connected?Pull it down quickly! 】

[It’s not like typhoons have never turned around before. It’s just a coincidence! 】

[That is, is it possible that Su Ye is still a god, and even typhoons have to obey him? 】


[This is an operation that even God looks down on, this is pure punishment from heaven! 】

[Yeah, let them dump the nuclear waste water into the sea, and pour it back for him, so that all the little lives will die. 】



Time passed by minute by second, and when the whole Internet was discussing fiercely,
Su Ye's plane was already parked at the airport in Xiaoli. After getting off the plane, Su Ye intuitively started the live broadcast.

Because everyone is paying attention to and looking forward to Su Ye's subsequent live broadcast. When Su Ye started the live broadcast, in just two or three minutes, the number of online viewers reached 3 million. This is definitely a terrifying statistic. Since the live broadcast started, Su Ye It is definitely No. 150 in the live streaming industry, and no one can shake its status.

Looking at the airport in my childhood, in the live broadcast room,
【Fuck!Damn it!Damn it~? !No, Brother Yezi, are you serious? 】

[Let’s not talk about making big things happen. As long as Su Ye can speak out in his childhood, I respect Su Ye as a man. 】

[...Yi Zi, the typhoon was originally going to land in China, but now the typhoon has turned a corner and seems to be heading towards you. Zi Zi, you should be careful! 】

Looking at this comment, Su Ye's eyes flickered slightly. The typhoon that was about to hit China turned a corner and came towards him? !Is this the law of causality weapon at work?Or is it just a coincidence?
Su Ye was really not sure whether it was the former or the latter. Of course, Su Ye still preferred the former.

"Thank you for your concern, I will be careful, but... this typhoon comes quite well.

I'm sorry, I'm worrying about my personal quality. I don't represent the country or the nation, but only myself. "Su Ye said lightly.

words fell,

In the live room,

[Yi Zi is right, I personally have no qualities and it has nothing to do with the country or the nation. 】

[I hope that the nuclear wastewater will be poured back and the little people will be left to reap the consequences. It would be better if they all die! 】

[Garbage among a bunch of garbage, the earth should not have such garbage. 】

[Little boys back then still threw less!The whole little day should be included, otherwise this thing would still happen today? ! 】

[It is absolutely impossible to reason with or dissuade beasts, so fight them!I am willing to charge at the front! 】

[I am willing too! 】

[It is imminent to expand the territory and take revenge! 】

[Fists are principles. I support fighting a small life. I am willing to donate 1 yuan to support the country! 】

[Although I haven’t saved much money and am still paying off the mortgage, if I want to live a small life, I am willing to donate [-]. If not, I can sell the house at a critical moment to help the country. 】


Everyone in the comment area thinks that they should live a small life now, destroy their country, exterminate their species, and exterminate their descendants. This is the way to go!
at this time,
In the early days, the governor of the coastal city kept cursing, and the typhoon actually circled around the door of China, and came directly to prepare for him with great force. This must be prepared quickly to avoid being caught off guard.

Once the sea water pours in, that will be the real trouble. If the sea water really pours in, then the city should disappear.

At this time, Su Ye went to the car rental agency to rent a car. He had already planned the route. He would have a good time walking around for the whole day. He wanted to see if the typhoon was following him.

In a flash,
When Su Ye left the coastal city in his childhood and walked inward, the typhoon officially landed.


Large new book: "I'll just pick up a treasure box, fairy, why are you trembling?" 》

Brothers who like fantasy can go check it out!Thanks a lot!

Asking for comments, recommendation votes, favorites...etc.!
(End of this chapter)

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