Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 8 If God had not given birth to me, Su Ye, the road would have been locked for eternity like

Chapter 8 If God had not given birth to me, Su Ye, the road would have been locked for eternity like a long night!

"Ye Zi, let's go solve the problem quickly. This time it's not a math problem. I'm good at reasoning problems." Xu Lai said at this time.

Not only did everyone in the live broadcast room not believe it, Xu Lai also felt that Ye Zi would definitely not be able to open the magnetic card lock. After all, compared with the previous two levels, the magnetic card lock was too difficult, and it was much easier to solve the problem in comparison.

Su Ye asked, "Fat man, do you believe me?!"

Xu Lai: "..."

Brother, it seems that this is no longer a question of belief or not, this is a magnetic card lock!


In the live room,

[Haha, good guy, the fat man is speechless in just one sentence! 】

[Fat Man: This is a question that I really don’t know how to answer! 】

[Fat Man: I heard it, but I don’t know what to say. How about you say something else? 】

[I just want to see what the fat man’s expression is now. It’s very exciting! 】

[No...where did the anchor get his confidence? 】


At this time,

Su Ye put the backpack on the ground and opened the zipper. At this moment, Xu Lai's camera followed, and then... Xu Lai fell silent, and everyone in the live broadcast room was also silent for a short time.
Because Su Ye's bag is full of unlocking tools, and they are quite complete.
Master key unlocking kit, a special unlocking tool for various sawtooth locks and slotted locks.

Cross lock pick, AB lock pick tool, tinfoil pick tool...

"Yi Zi, you..."

Su Ye replied lightly, "I am a host and have more lock-picking tools. Is it reasonable?"

Xu Lai: "???"

In the live room:

【? ? ?What a reasonable hammer! 】

[No, the anchor really knows how to pick locks? 】

[Su Ye: It makes sense for me, a host, to be able to unlock locks! ? 】

[Why do I suddenly feel like the anchor can open this magnetic card lock? 】

[It’s a hammer, this guy didn’t think about solving the puzzles to pass the level from the beginning, he came here with the intention of unlocking the door from the beginning! 】

[Although there are many and complete tools, the magnetic card lock is not that easy to open, and it is difficult to open the magnetic card lock with his tools. Even an experienced teacher has trouble. 】

[Don’t be fooled, everyone, the anchor definitely can’t open it. Even if he can really open it, it won’t be done in a short time. If you ask me, it’s better to solve the problem! 】


At this time,

Su Ye has already started to get started. The magnetic card lock is indeed difficult to open, especially because it is controlled by the backstage, this a big deal?Isn't the ultimate secret of unlocking a lock just getting the latch open?Skip the magnetic card lock and start from scratch.

There was a gap in the door, so Su Ye used a plastic piece and iron wire to push the latch open.

Seeing Su Ye like this, everyone naturally questioned, do you want to open the door with this?

Just when everyone thought Su Ye couldn't open it, there was a soft click and the door opened!
Xu Lai: ⊙⊙! ?

Everyone: "...!"

Damn it!He's really turned on!
At this moment,

The owner of the escape room shop lost his composure and stood up instantly, his eyes full of surprise.
He was full of confidence just now and had a chance to win. The magnetic card lock Su Ye would definitely not be able to open, but what does this mean now?A slap in the face? !
"Boss, what...what should I do?" the store manager asked hurriedly.

The store owner calmed down quickly, "Don't worry, the lock at the back is more difficult, and it's impossible to open the door this way. I don't believe it, he can still open it!"


The live broadcast room also exploded.
[No...this, he just opened the door? ! 】

[Look, what is professionalism, na~!This is called professionalism! 】

[He... No, he is a host who can unlock the door. Is this reasonable?This is unreasonable! 】

[That was a magnetic card lock, he...he just opened it? !Has he registered it? 】

[@魔都PoliceOfficial account, officer, there is something wrong with this guy, I suggest you check it out! 】As soon as this comment came out, the following people naturally followed suit. They were all from @魔都Police, and they were all calling for a good investigation of Su Ye. This guy might have a criminal record!


In the Magic City Police Station, the police officer who managed the account hurriedly went to see the captain.

"The criminal team, a live broadcast room is full of @our police station, requesting a thorough investigation of the anchor."


The execution team asked, "What's going on?"

"A host named Su Ye plays an escape room game. He doesn't answer the questions but opens the lock directly. He just unlocked the magnetic card!" the police officer replied.


"Did you open the magnetic card lock?" The criminal team was a little surprised. Needless to say, it was difficult to open the magnetic card lock. "Has he registered with our police station?"

The police officer shook his head slightly, and then the criminal team said, "Which live broadcast room, go in and have a look!"


The official account of the Magic City Police Department entered the live broadcast room, and these words floated across the screen,

No, an official comment also floated by: I heard that this kid is very tortureable and can be tortured, so I came to take a look.

this moment,
The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became even more explosive.

[Hahaha, are all officials so humorous now? 】

[The policeman is right, this anchor is indeed very tortured and can be tortured! 】

[Haha, here it comes!coming!Officials from the Magic City Police Department are actually here! 】

[Uncle policeman, this anchor must be investigated carefully. 】


Douyin live broadcast department,
"Minister, do you want to stop the live broadcast now? The officials are here." The young man asked.

Zhang Changzhou shook his head, "No, let's see what the official says. If we are asked to turn off the live broadcast, it won't be too late. Besides... if there is really a problem, we are providing evidence, right?"

The young man nodded naturally and patted the horse, "You must be a minister and be far-sighted!"

At this time,

Xu Lai was a little panicked when he saw the official account of the Magic City Police Department entering the live broadcast room and the comments. He quickly winked and said, "Yi Zi, you are so lucky, you can open all these!"

Su Ye looked at the fat man with disgust in his eyes, "Luck? What kind of luck? This is pure strength, understand?! If God had not given birth to me, Su Ye, I would have locked the way forever like a long night!"

Xu Lai: "..."

Brother, it’s not... since when are you still pretending? !
Got it!
But don't be afraid. The worst case scenario is filing a case. Anyway, Ye Zi definitely has no criminal record. Xu Lai is sure of this, being brothers for four years.

In the live room,

[Hahaha, it’s so funny. The fat man wanted to make up for Su Ye, but Su Ye didn’t understand it at all and even pretended to do it. 】

[God damn it, if I were not born, Su Ye would have locked the road for eternity like a long night!This guy is really awesome! 】

[Haha, what would Ye Zi’s expression be like if he knew that the police were targeting him! 】

[Don't say it, you really don't say it, I'm really looking forward to it! 】

[Should I say it or not, this time, Su Ye is indeed pretending! 】

[Please tell me how helpless Fatty is now! 】

[Fat man: Helpless! ?I want to die now! 】

[You said... Su Ye doesn't really have a criminal record! ? 】

[Looking at the level of proficiency, there is a high probability that it is! 】


blink of an eye,

Su Ye and Xu Lai entered the new secret room again. This time, no one looked at the question. Who looked at the thing, they just looked for the lock. Soon, the electronic code lock came into view.

(End of this chapter)

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