Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 9: Has my leaf ever been on the street?

Chapter 9: Has my leaf ever been on the street?
"Ye Zi, this... you must not be able to open it, right? Plastic sheets, iron wires, etc. won't work. It was all luck. This lock can't rely on luck!" Xu Lai said at this time.


In the live room,

[Haha, it’s just luck that Fatty is still looking for help. Fatty, stop looking for help. Ye Zi has already said it, it’s all about true power. 】

[Uncle policeman has paid attention. Ye Ziming doesn’t want to run away. He is sure to enter to drink tea. As for whether he can come out, it is hard to say! 】

[I hope the anchor has no criminal record. I feel that this anchor is indeed interesting. He really does the fan task! 】

[By the way, none of the tools available to the anchor are useful for the electronic password lock, and this lock is more complicated, so the anchor will definitely not be able to open it. 】

【plus one! 】

【10086! 】


At this time,

Su Ye did not reply to Xu Lai's words, but continued to flip through his backpack and took out tools from the bottom.

Xu Lai said suspiciously, "Yi Zi, this is...?"

Su Ye replied, "Infrared scanner!"

words fell,

Su Ye turned it on directly, and the fingerprint on the password button was clearly visible.

Xu Lai: "..."

Ye Zi, are a real punishment!During the four years of college, you have been hiding quite well!
You used to get along with me as an ordinary person, but now you don't want to pretend? !

The live broadcast room even exploded.

[No...he...his tools are really ridiculously complete! 】

[It’s a hammer, Ye Zi is alive on his body, check it, you must check it strictly! 】

[When Ye Zi escapes from the secret room, it’s time to go in and drink tea. 】

[If you enter and unlock the door and run out, it will really explode! 】

[Isn’t there a challenge for the next issue?Unlock the prison and escape! 】

【 Punishment!Real punishment! 】

[Just here, shouldn’t this be the live broadcast room?Why... pure prison style! 】

[Modu Police Department official account: Hey, this kid can be hacked!It is indeed copyable! 】

Following the official comments, there were naturally a lot of comments below, all of which were just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

The electronic code lock was opened easily by Su Ye. The next few secret rooms all used electronic code locks. For Su Ye, there was really no pressure.

In just 15 minutes, Su Ye cleared the customs, 5 minutes earlier than the scheduled time.
When Su Ye came out of the secret room, the shop owner had been waiting for him. At this moment, the shop owner's face turned green. He looked at Su Ye with a resentful look, like a resentful woman who had been abandoned.

Seeing the store owner like this, there was a burst of laughter in the live broadcast room.

[Haha, looking at the appearance of the shop owner, he might want to beat Ye Zi to death! 】

[Store owner: I never expected that someone would escape from an escape room by picking the lock directly! 】

[Store owner: After opening the store for many years, this is really the first time I’ve seen such a top-notch guy! 】

[This one, the shop owner will probably have a shadow when he sees the locksmith in the future. 】


The store owner handed the prepared cash to Su Ye, "I'm willing to admit defeat. This is money. From now on, when Mr. Su comes, no matter how many friends he brings, it will be free, but... he won't be able to open the door and clear the level in the future."

Although the shop owner felt a little uncomfortable, his attitude was still very good and he was willing to accept defeat.

Furthermore, this incident will definitely become popular, and the topic will definitely be very popular. Are you worried about whether your store will become popular?This money is equivalent to advertising. In fact, he should be secretly enjoying himself for such a small amount of money in exchange for such a large amount of traffic.In this bet, the store owner is actually the biggest winner!
Of course, the store owner obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. After this wave, his store will become popular, but most of them are trying to unlock the door, which makes the store owner smile bitterly. Of course, this is something for another time. Let's talk about it later. Don’t mention it.


Looking at the money handed over by the store owner, Su Ye naturally accepted it without politeness and said at the same time, "Boss, I'm sorry, I'm really not good at solving problems, otherwise I wouldn't have made such a decision! Escape rooms or something, no. suit me."

"Indeed, I should say it or not, but I am really good at picking locks! My little brother used to be... very powerful, right!?" The store owner answered.

Su Ye: "..."

What's the meaning? !I am talking about the successors of socialism and the three good young people. Do you doubt me? !
I am someone who closely follows the pace of the Party!

In the live room,

[Hahaha, this boss is very tactful! 】

[Forget about the store owner, I don’t believe Ye Zi if he has nothing to do with him before! 】

[Should I say it or not, Ye Zi is also a true fan. He exposed himself just for the fan mission! 】


There are constant rockets in the live broadcast room,
A Feifei shot a hundred rockets in a row, which shocked the live broadcast room. One hundred rockets, this is not a small number,

[Damn it, where did this rich woman come from? 】

[My sister, you are really cool! 】

[Could it be that you have fallen in love with Ye Zi and want to take care of Ye Zi?Needless to say, Ye Zi’s appearance is really good, a little better than me at my peak! 】

[How I wish there was a rich woman who could see through my stubbornness and let me enter her heart. 】

[In addition to his good looks, Ye Zi is also very skilled in skills. The technical job of unlocking is a test of his skills! 】

[I always feel that you are driving at a high speed, but I have no evidence! 】

At this time, looking at the comments on the public screen, Liu Feifei spat lightly, are you still supporting him?It's good if he didn't chop him once. Let me chop him off a lot. Now he has set up a hundred rockets. His heart is bleeding. Su Ye, hum!Write it down in your notebook!
Inside the escape room,

Looking at Su Ye who was speechless, the store owner cleared his throat and said, "Little brother, if you don't want to say it, forget it. In fact, there is no need to hide it. In fact, it can be seen that he is definitely someone who has been on the street."


Su Ye looked at the shop owner and said, "Can the boss see it? It seems that the boss is not simple either."

Everyone: ⊙⊙! ?

What the hell!

[What does Su Ye mean by this, has he really been on the road?This...can't be! 】

[Uncle policeman has three seconds to arrive at the battlefield! 】

[You are thinking too much. If Su Ye had really been in Taoism, could he just say it like this? 】

[That’s right, what does Su Ye mean?Teasing the shop owner? 】

[Perhaps it’s all in the past tense, so that’s why I say it honestly! 】

Shop owner: "..."

I was just joking, how could you really have been on the street?
Ah this~!
Xu Lai:! ! !
Have my leaves ever been on the street?I don't know anything about it?The boss is by my side? !

Good guy!
I'm calling out good guy!

Seeing the confused look on the shop owner's face, Su Ye continued, "Boss, don't you ask me which road it is?"

The shop owner answered subconsciously, "Which way?"

At this moment,

Everyone is looking forward to it. They really want to know which road Su Ye has been on, especially some media people. Unlocking and clearing the secret room itself is a hot spot. If you add the story of being on the road, the hot spot will definitely be Even higher, they will have already figured out how to write the report!

(End of this chapter)

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