Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 93 From petty thief to felon!

Chapter 93 From petty thief to felon!

Su Ye came back to his senses and nodded heavily, "Okay! Are you still engaging in fraud?! How much has been defrauded?"

The middle-aged man replied truthfully, "It's not big, they're all worth more than 1000 yuan. It's not much money, but it's not as much as what you make from robbery."

Ok? !

Su Ye was silent,

Xu Lai:? ? ?
Good guy, in addition to fraud, you also rob?


In the live room,

[This guy can do it. He really tells the truth! 】

[Haha, is this guy playing with matryoshka dolls? ! 】


After a moment of silence, Su Ye asked again, "How much did you steal?!"

"A hundred thousand or so!" the middle-aged man replied.

"Where's the money stolen?!"

"They're all taken to restock!"

"Did you get the goods? What kind of goods did you get?"




Su Yeqian was really silent this time, Xu Lai was also silent, and the live broadcast room was quiet.
Su Ye was the first to come to his senses, "Who is the seller?"

"He quits now!" the middle-aged man replied truthfully.


The middle-aged man nodded, "Really, if the deal didn't go through last time, let me kill him!"

Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai:! ! !
In the live broadcast room:●)o(●!
[In the first two years, I will work directly to the death penalty, okay!Can!Awesome my brother! 】

[Verbal commendation, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, five hundred thousand! 】

【wipe!Let him make a fool of himself and he earns 50 in a blink of an eye? ! 】

[Good guy, if Ye Zi is a police officer, why can’t he directly become a director from an intern? 】

[A little thief, third-class merit, second-class merit, first-class merit! 】

[This guy has a profound understanding of what it means to be lenient if you confess and be lenient if you resist! 】

[This plot twist really caught me off guard!Even TV dramas wouldn’t dare act like this! 】

[Yi Zi, can you learn from this big brother? If you have anything to explain, just do it quickly! 】


The criminal team who watched Su Ye's live broadcast quickly rushed to the scene of the incident in person, and even carried guns. Although they were subdued by Su Ye, there was no guarantee that no accident would happen, in case there were any accomplices. Woolen cloth? !
Soon, the police arrived and took the middle-aged man under control. Su Ye and Xu Lai had to follow him back to the police station to cooperate in making a record.

Before getting into the police car, Su Ye downloaded the video, and this time the challenge was successfully completed.

When the police car drove towards the police station, the system voice sounded in Su Ye's mind,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission and being rewarded with god-level gambling skills! 】

Su Ye:! ? ?
Dog system, you are really good at it!
You know clearly that I, Mr. Su, have been sworn in with gambling and drug addiction my whole life, and yet you pressured me to give me god-level gambling skills?Come on, tell me what you think.

As a good young man of the new era, are you trying to poison me? !
It works!

It's better to have something than nothing. Having it and not having it are two different things.

police station,

The middle-aged man was very cooperative and the process went very quickly. Su Ye and Xu Lai's notes were also completed quickly.

The criminal team looked at Su Ye and kept looking at him. Su Ye was even hairy when he saw him.
"Execution Team, why are you looking at me like this?! I am a serious person, and my orientation is very serious." Su Ye said this with a hint of joking.Hearing this,

The face of the criminal team suddenly changed, "Get out! You kid, tell the truth, where did you get this ability from?"

Su Ye spread his hands helplessly, "Maybe this is the so-called talent!"

"..." The criminal team was speechless. There was no evidence at all. They really couldn't do anything to this kid. They couldn't even detain him. However, judging from Su Ye's behavior and what happened before when he went to Xiaoli, Su Ye couldn't do anything to him. Ye is loyal to the country and the party.

After leaving the police station,

Su Ye immediately accepted Liu Feifei's message, "I'm sad that my heart was stolen by you. It turns out that your stealing skills are so high." 』


Su Ye laughed out loud. Xu Lai came up at this moment and wanted to peek at Su Ye's information. Su Ye's smile faded and said, "Fat man, it's not good to peek at other people's information. By the way, you can go home by yourself." , I have something to go out for."

After saying that, Su Ye strode away without giving Xu Lai a chance to speak.

Xu Lai looked at Su Ye's leaving figure with resentment. What's the important thing? Isn't it just to go on a date?

Sure enough, this was a world where I was the only one injured.

Just when Xu Lai was feeling depressed, a beautiful figure came into view. She was a policewoman. Judging from her appearance and figure, she was definitely at the level of a policewoman.

Xu Lai felt that he had fallen in love, so he plucked up the courage and walked straight up. He had to get the contact information today.


That night,

Su Ye and Liu Feifei had a romantic candlelight dinner in a restaurant.
Originally, they were sitting across from each other, but Su Ye felt that this was not good, so he sat down next to Liu Feifei. During the meal, the two of them held the hand and did not let go from beginning to end.

I have to say that this person who just fell in love is like glue and the sweetness is beyond the limit.

after dinner,
After sending Liu Feifei home, Su Ye got a farewell kiss as she wished when Liu Feifei got out of the car. Her warm and soft lips really fascinated Su Ye.

If that hand hadn't been installed with an automatic navigation button, Liu Feifei was so shocked that she pushed Su Ye away and could have kissed her for a while longer.

Seeing the unsatisfactory hand, Su Ye hit him hard and said, "There is no future!"

But don't say it, you really don't say is indeed...not enough for outsiders.

Liu Feifei's cheeks were red as she entered the house, and it didn't go away for a long time. She looked down from time to time and cursed: Rogue!

But... the kiss still felt good, like an electric shock.

My first kiss in more than 20 years was just gone!
That bad thing is so cheap!
The most important thing is that the bad guy's hands are really dishonest!

But... but... the taste of this is not enough for outsiders to understand!

(Readers are naturally outsiders, so that’s a hateful review! There is no other way. I believe in everyone’s imagination, and everyone understands.)

When Su Ye returned home, she was originally in high spirits, but when she saw that the house was empty, the fat man was not there. Did he go shopping? !
It’s so bad that I can’t show off!
Time passed little by little and Fatty hadn't come back yet. Su Ye quickly called Fatty, but Fatty hung up the phone.

Su Ye: "..."

Is the fat man unhappy? !
When Su Ye was thinking this, Fatty sent a message, "I have something important. Don't call me. I'll be back in a while."

Su Ye: ⊙⊙!
Important matter?

This sounds very familiar!


The next day,

Su Ye and Xu Lai got up a little later than usual. After breakfast, they naturally started the live broadcast as usual.

"Brothers and sisters, start the challenge mission!" Su Ye's voice sounded.

At this time,

In the live room,

[Challenge: Participate in the new episode of Love TV Series and pursue the fairy sister! 】

(End of this chapter)

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