Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 94: I treat my sister as my wife, but my sister treats me as a source of wealth?

Chapter 94: I treat my sister as my wife, but my sister treats me as a source of wealth?
[This challenge is okay. Previously, Ye Zi asked Tianxian Sister to chop him with a knife from Pinduoduo, and he just waited for Sister Tianxian to chop him! 】

[Hahaha, I am already looking forward to this scene! 】


[Tell me, is there a possibility? What if... this kid Ye Zi succeeds? 】


The live broadcast room was completely silent.
This is a question worth pondering. What if... Ye Zi really succeeds and catches the fairy sister?
【Impossible, absolutely impossible! 】

[Who is Sister Tianxian?In recent years, many wealthy families have chased young men, but the fairy sister is still unmoved, Ye Zi? !Impossible, absolutely not! 】

[If he really catches the fairy sister, then he will really have a way to die! 】

[Why do I feel...the two of them still have a sense of CP? ! 】

[1. If the two of them get together, I will definitely support it! 】


And then,
Seeing this challenge, Su Ye's face did not change, and his heart was about to bloom with joy.

Xu Lai: "?!"

What kind of kid is so blind, isn't this just letting the leaves pretend? !
This time it’s not just about pretending, but also about spreading dog food.

good good!
Whoever issued the challenge, you already have a way to die.

At this time,

Su Ye said with an embarrassed look, "This challenge... is very difficult for me to handle!"

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙! ?

Difficult?It’s hard for you to get a hammer!You look pretty good pretending, why the hell don’t you act!

Wait, he can actually act.

Now Ye Zi probably has a clear idea of ​​how to pretend, it’s clear! ?

He looked embarrassed, but his heart was probably full of joy already!
In the live room,

[Difficult to do?What I want is that it is difficult for you to handle. If you were easy to handle, wouldn’t we have to die in pain? 】

[That’s it, Ye Zi will challenge this, you don’t dare to do it! ? 】

[Pass this on, Ye Zi is scared! 】


Looking at these comments in the live broadcast room, Xu Lai couldn't help but cover his forehead.


Doesn't this play into the hands of that bitch Ye Zi?
You think you are on the third floor, but the leaves are on the fifth floor!
Got it!
It's your choice, so get ready to cry!I hope there will be enough paper by then.

Su Ye sighed, "Okay, since everyone wants to see it, I will accept the challenge!"

In the live room,

[Ye Zi is a man who can handle problems, and he is really good at solving problems! 】

[Ye Ye, my warrior, you can do it, we believe in you, come on! 】

【Fuck!Ye Zi is so brave!Okay, courage is commendable, I am optimistic about Ye Zi. 】


Su Ye contacted the director of Lian Zong. The director breathed a sigh of relief at Su Ye's arrival. The comment was made by him. This was also the premise for Liu Feifei to come. As for the affairs between the two, the director didn't care, as long as the show was popular. That’s it.

Fortunately, Su Ye agreed, and the director was naturally very happy. With Su Ye's current traffic volume, the variety show has already become extremely popular even before it is broadcast. With Sister Tianxian together, the popularity will be terrifyingly high.

Love TV Series will officially start live broadcast tomorrow. Now Fatty is considered unemployed and can take a short vacation. This makes Fatty very happy. He no longer has to eat dog food at the scene, and... he can still have time to go on dates.


The world is beautiful!

back home,
Su Ye sent a message to Liu Feifei: "Sister, I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't be able to get up. Can I go to my sister's house to sleep today?" ! Liu Feifei: "Can't you get up?"Brother, wipe your saliva, your intentions are exposed. I didn’t expect you to be such a rogue brother. 』

Su Ye: "My sister wronged me, I feel so sad. My hurt heart needs comfort, and I need a kiss and a hug from my sister!" 』

Liu Feifei: "An emoticon of a kitchen knife!" 』

Su Ye: "Crying emoticon!" 』

In the end, Su Ye succeeded, packed up his things and left that afternoon.
What surprised Su Ye was that the fat man didn't have any yin and yang aura, and seemed to be eager to leave on his own. No!There's something wrong with this damn fat guy!Is there a dog outside? !

What the hell!

It’s really possible!
Fatty is the same as him, the iron tree is blooming?

But... who is the target?The fat man, like him, had no contact with any girls on weekdays. The two of them were basically together. How could he not count the girls the fat man would come into contact with?Could it be online dating! ?

It seems that you should pay more attention in the future. You silly brother, don’t be deceived by online dating.

As for Liu Feifei, Sister Chen, who was originally going to come over, was persuaded to leave by Liu Feifei.

Putting down the phone, Liu Feifei's cheeks were rosy. Why couldn't she withstand Su Ye's hard work? !

What if he does something bad?I'm not ready yet!
At this time, Chen Shan looked at her Qianqian's mobile phone and her eyes flickered. Something was wrong, very wrong. It couldn't be that guy Su Ye! ?


This is progressing a little too fast! ?
never mind!

Sissi has always been a measured person. No matter how old she is, she should have her own choices. She should take care of everything that should be taken care of. It is not good for her to take care of everything. That would be inappropriate.

Furthermore, there has been no movement from the chairman and his wife, so I can worry about it.

I hope my Sissi won't be obsessed with love, and she can't just give it to her for free.


When Su Ye entered the house, Liu Feifei did not have the complicated mood just now, but was surprisingly peaceful.

"Sister, why don't you give me a hug to welcome me?!" Su Ye said softly.

Liu Feifei: "..."

"My good brother, can we stop being so coquettish? I really have no resistance!"

Su Ye bared his teeth and smiled, then hugged her decisively, and then kissed her again. The two of them basically stayed like this all afternoon, so inseparable that they almost became conjoined twins.

at night,

Liu Feifei cooks by herself, which makes Su Ye a little surprised. Sister Tianxian can actually cook?Among contemporary young people, this is simply too strange.

Liu Feifei cooked and Su Ye helped. Although it was their first time, the two of them had a surprisingly tacit understanding.

After dinner, Su Ye took the initiative to wash the dishes. Whoever doesn't cook should wash the dishes. This is the rule of the world. Su Ye understands it, so he washes the dishes consciously.

after that,

The two of them were tired for a while, and they had to get up early tomorrow. They went to bed early, and of course they slept in separate rooms. Su Ye went to the guest room consciously. The two of them were progressing fast enough now, so it was good for now.


silent all night,
The next day,

When Su Ye got up, Liu Feifei had already prepared breakfast, "My lazy brother is up. Let's eat. After that we should leave."

Su Ye nodded obediently. Looking at Su Ye's appearance, Liu Feifei rubbed Su Ye's head. Her brother was so cute, and her heart almost melted.

Su Ye said calmly, "I treat my sister as my wife, and my sister treats me as a source of wealth?"

Liu Feifei couldn't help laughing, "Nonsense, this is a sign of my sister's love for you, understand?"

Having said that, what else could Su Ye say? He could only reply with the word "understanding".

after breakfast,
Su Ye and Liu Feifei rushed to the live broadcast of Lian Zong.

(End of this chapter)

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