Chapter 97 The Hundred Birds and the Phoenix
I got on the uncle's tricycle and soon took Su Ye and Liu Feifei into the village. The village was not small. The uncle went all the way to the west and stopped the car in front of a house that was doing some business.
The uncle's voice sounded at this time, "Xiao Su, let's go, let the master see your work first."

"Okay, uncle." Su Ye responded confidently, then turned to Liu Feifei, "Just wait for me here."


Su Ye followed the uncle in, while Liu Feifei was stunned on the spot.
The big job Su Ye mentioned was just doing simple things for others? !
The live broadcast room exploded.
[Good guy, I’ll be honest, I’ve thought about too many possibilities, but I just didn’t expect that this guy would actually work for nothing! 】

[If you are asked to work part-time, you will pick up the free work? 】

[Ye Zi, it has to be you. I’ve been watching you since I was a child! 】

【Where's the camera?Why don't you hurry up and follow up to see what kind of work Ye Zi is doing? 】


The elder brother who was taking the camera was also sensible and quickly followed Su Ye in.

The host is a grandfather in his seventies. Seeing Su Ye so young, he couldn't help but wonder, "Young man, is that okay?"

"Old man, please listen." Su Ye said, taking out the suona from his backpack.

See here,

The comments in the live broadcast room became lively again,
【? !That's... Suona?Good guy, can Ye Zi also play suona? 】

【Amazing my brother! 】

[I just want to ask, is there anything else that Ye Zi can’t do? 】


After making preparations, Su Ye played a piece of music casually, which was really good.

The host was a little surprised by this, "I didn't expect it. You look young, but you are quite skilled. Okay, I'll ask the person in charge to arrange a place for you to live, and you'll work tomorrow."

"Okay!" Su Ye responded.

After passing the test, Su Ye, under the leadership of the previous uncle, arranged to live in a house not far away in the same alley.

"Xiao Su, you can stay at Lao Wangtou's house for one night today. You don't have to be restrained. Just act like a master here." The uncle patted Su Ye on the shoulder and said.

Su Ye was not polite, nodded, and soon chatted with the uncle of the family. Despite the huge age gap, the two chatted very well.

The topic unknowingly came to the house of the old man who was doing business. It was the old man who passed away this time. He had fought against the Japs and participated in the Korean War.

Speaking of the old lady’s affairs, I couldn’t finish talking about it for three days and three nights.

When he was 13 years old, he went to the battlefield for the old man and killed too many little devils. After the Korean War, the old man was seriously injured and was forced to return home. But for such a hero, he never troubled the country until his death. .

At this moment, all the people in the live broadcast room said: [Salute to the old man! 】

[Salute to the national hero! 】

At the same time, Su Ye also had ups and downs in his heart regarding the old man's matter.
At this time,

The sound of system machinery suddenly sounded in Su Ye's mind,

[Give the host the god-level song "Hundred Birds of the Phoenix" to bid farewell to the old man (one-time). The reward is permanent. 】

Hearing the sound of the system, Su Ye gave the system a thumbs up. This system can handle it.

system:? !

How long has it been? Don’t you have any idea whether I can get along? !
At this time,
Suddenly, the baby's cry was heard in the yard. Looking closer, the baby fell to the ground. The uncle hurried out of the house. The female baby cried and said, "Grandpa... Grandpa, kick me!"


The uncle's expression changed and he said loudly, "Honey, turn on the surveillance camera and let me see which chicken it is. Let's add vegetables for lunch, chicken stewed with mushrooms!"

Su Ye: "..."

Liu Feifei: ⊙﹏⊙!
He has to be a hardcore grandpa!
In the live broadcast room,
[Chicken: Master, listen to me, I was playing with my child and I didn’t really want to scratch her!Master: Let me stew for a while, my mouth is tough! 】

[Ha ha ha ha ~ laugh to death! 】

[Also watch the surveillance to see which chicken it is, so it can't be killed by mistake! [Tears ran]】

[This chicken is probably very troublesome to live, and wants to be stewed!It underestimated the love that great-grandpa had for his granddaughter! 】

[All I can say is, be careful in your next life! 】

[This chicken didn't know who he had offended until it died! [cover face]]

[This chicken is really tired.Even cats and dogs know not to mess with the little ones.You can only bully those in the middle! 】

[The chicken thought the great-grandfather was the ancestor, but the little granddaughter was the one [tears running]]

[Seeing that you are all happy, tell me something that makes you unhappy, can you all make money?How do you earn it? 】

[Brother, isn't this simple?Valentine's Day is the easiest time to fish!Good luck, one year at a time, usually I don't earn much, so I just count on that day to get rich! 】

[? ? ?Do you sell flowers? 】

[?It's small, brother, it's true! 】

【How small! 】

【pattern!The pattern is small!If you sell anything, look through the trash can, if you have a watch, a diamond ring, and money! 】

【At that time, I picked up a bouquet of flowers, which contained 5200 yuan. I took the money and gave it back to my girlfriend [secret observation]】

[Good guy, you are really smart! 】

[Be rational, depending on the situation, the video says that this kind of thing has to be in a big city! 】

[Please pay attention, you can't just ask for money for the sake of dignity! [Look]】

[I'm convinced, I spent a whole night digging through the trash can, but I didn't see a single gold [呵笑][呵笑][呵笑]]

[I picked up the watch, and the man threw it on the lawn for some reason. There was also a price list and an invoice. I picked it up when he really left. The invoice had a string of English words behind it. Home is three words, the price is 59800, I was shocked! 】

[Why did I pick up a human cub hiccup bag! [tears][tears]]

[It's true, the last time I squatted next to the trash can and waited for the little couple to throw something away, someone actually threw me a dollar [licking the screen][licking the screen][licking the screen]]

[Which trash can is easier to pick up, is it a milk tea shop? [tears]]

[...? ? ?Why did the painting style in the comment area suddenly become like this? 】


On this day, Su Ye and Liu Feifei stayed comfortably. They had chicken stewed with mushrooms as an extra lunch, which was not too comfortable.

The other three couples were not so comfortable. They had been working non-stop all day, and they were very tired. Moreover, the wages for the day had to be paid in the evening, and they had to eat the leftover food from last night at noon.

The next day,

Su Ye went to the old man of the host family and said that he knew about the old man's deeds and wanted to play a solo song for a national hero like the old man.

What Su Ye said was sincere, and the old man could also feel Su Ye's sincerity.
"Okay! But let's talk first, the music must be good." In the end, the old man agreed.

Su Ye naturally patted his chest and assured that a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix is ​​definitely the pinnacle of suona. Su Ye naturally has full confidence.

At this time,

Everyone in the live broadcast room was looking forward to it, wanting to see what kind of music Su Ye could come up with.

(End of this chapter)

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