Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 98: Lie down and listen, and cover it with a white cloth!

Chapter 98: Lie down and listen, and cover it with a white cloth!

After the old man of the house agreed, Su Ye started to make preparations. The suona reed needed to be warmed before playing. When Su Ye was ready, he started to play.


A high-pitched and light voice sounded, like the high-pitched hoofbeat of a bird, straight through the sky,

As the Su Ye is played, the music is gentle, and one seems to hear the cries of cuckoos, partridges, swallows, mountain chirps, blue sparrows, thrushes, larks, blue waxbills and other birds, as well as the crow of roosters.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, especially the old teachers. They had never heard such a suona song.

In the live room,

[Good guy, I have goosebumps all over my body. This... this is so explosive! 】

[Why have I never heard this suona song? ! 】

[Suona Scholar: This piece of music is really amazing. It is a suona piece that will be remembered for centuries. The suona playing techniques include the unique articulation, glide, tongue, finger flower, vibrato, as well as swallowing, spitting, padding, beating, etc. Wiping, pressing, etc., as well as tongue punch, breath punch, rebound sound, anti-double spit, continuous flick, air lip and vibrato, finger air and vibrato and other difficult techniques, all of which are included, it is simply incredible! 】

As soon as this comment came out, the live broadcast room exploded even more. The commentator was the King of Suona. In this era when the national essence is declining, Suona is even more unpopular, and this person is definitely the leader who single-handedly carries the banner of the Suona world. Now Suona can appear on the Internet platform and has a certain fan base, all because of this person.

[Teacher Sun actually gave an evaluation that will last forever. How explosive! 】

[What else can Ye Zi not do?I'm really convinced! 】

[In other words...this song is Ye Zi's original work? 】

[It exploded even more, damn it!Damn the leaves!He made me feel that I was just here to make up the numbers. 】


[Oh, it’s just a suona. It’s just mediocre no matter what. It’s not as good as a Western instrument at all! 】

[What, you’ve been kneeling for a long time and can’t stand up?Now lie down, cover it with a white cloth and listen, try again! 】

[Hahaha, you’re right! 】


[Stop arguing, there’s something wrong with the fairy sister’s eyes! 】

[Oops, I feel like I’m about to fall, my eyes are full of worship! 】


at this time,

As Su Ye continued to play, suddenly the sound of birds came from the sky. Looking up, the birds of Wuyang Wuyang were hovering in the sky, seeming to be following the rhythm of the music, and their chirping sounds seemed to echo. The sound of suona.

The people at the scene were numb with excitement. What a grand occasion this was! ?I felt the blood all over my body was boiling and I had goosebumps all over my body.

In the live room,

【Fuck!What the hell!What the hell! 】

All the words "Fuck" flooded the screen. At this time, in this scene, everything seemed to be unsatisfactory. Only this "Fuck" sentence could express their shocked mood at this moment.

A white bird was circling in the sky. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it, because it was so magical. This was a city, not a fantasy!

However, this thing really happened!

[You wouldn’t even dare to write a novel like this! 】

[It’s so explosive. The one who was talking about Western music just now, come on, get out of here and play the piano again! 】

[It’s just a coincidence, why are you so proud?It’s just not as good as Western instruments. 】

【Hey!Your fucking mouth is so tough!Your whole body is soft, but your mouth is hard, right? 】

[I’ve already said that if you lie down and listen, it’s best to cover it with a white cloth! 】

[Of all musical instruments, suona is the king, understand? ! 】……


At the end of the song, Su Ye said loudly, "Farewell to the old hero!"

The flocks of birds singing in unison in the sky seemed to be sending off this national hero.

The old man of the house was already in tears with excitement. He really didn't expect that this young man could actually sing such a song and attract hundreds of birds to see him off.

He was actually a little sad before. His father fought for the country and left quietly, not wanting to trouble the country. Now in this scene, he felt a lot better. His father was worthy of such a scene. .

"Little sir, what's the name of this song?" the old man asked, wiping his tears.

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!" Su Ye replied.

The old man nodded frequently, "Okay, what a song. A hundred birds are paying homage to the phoenix!"


In the live room,

[A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix, this is a good and appropriate name! 】

[The old man who left is a hero of our Chinese nation. It is really appropriate to send this song to the old man! 】

【well!One of our old heroes from China is missing again!If it weren't for these revolutionary martyrs, where would we be today?Maybe we have all become slaves! 】

【This prosperous age is as they wish! 】

[Old hero, have a good journey! 】


In the comment area, everyone wrote this sentence,

At that time, China fell, China suffered, aliens invaded, and the country was humiliated. This must not be forgotten. However, countless revolutionary martyrs in China have gone on and paid countless blood. Those revolutionary martyrs can never be forgotten.

Su Ye's voice sounded at this time, "To reach the rivers and mountains with blood. A uniform of military uniform, a hero for a lifetime. A man with iron blood and tenderness is worthy of the world. A seven-foot man deserves to be worthy of the world. The territory of the motherland should be defended to the death and cannot be compared with others. Despite thousands of winds and waves, Still holding up the backbone of the nation.”

As soon as the words fall,
Everyone present applauded, and these words made people's blood boil.

At this time,

A lot of people poured in at the door of the house. Among the several elderly people headed by them, some were wearing military uniforms and some were wearing Chinese tunic suits. Just looking at the momentum, you can tell that none of them are simple.

This made the live broadcast room even more explosive and ignited. From the words of condolences later, I learned that they were all national heroes when the old man took over his troops.

For a time,

Su Ye's live broadcast room completely exploded. There were so many people pouring in that the server almost collapsed. The name Su Ye, together with Liu Feifei, directly ranked second on the hot search list. The first hot search was the old man, one of those Chinese people. Revolutionary martyrs are national heroes.

When the funeral was finished, Su Ye temporarily left the live broadcast. He went to meet several of the old man's comrades. Su Ye treated them with respect. These were all national heroes. Su Ye felt that any kind of respect was not enough.

After a conversation, when Su Ye was about to leave, the relatively young old man in the middle, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, said, "Boy, you are good. Follow the rules and abide by the law. If you are bullied in the future, you can call the old man. The old man said A few words will still work.”

Su Ye said hurriedly, "Thank you, old man!"

When Su Ye reappeared in the live broadcast, Liu Feifei looked at Su Ye. She really wanted to throw herself into Su Ye's arms now. Her husband was really awesome.


It's still being broadcast live, so many people are watching, I'm a little embarrassed, but I really want to hug you!

Forget it, just bear with it for a while and hug her in private.

Su Ye seemed to have noticed Liu Feifei's thoughts and bared her teeth and smiled, "Sister, I've done so well, why don't you give me a hug as a reward?!"

(End of this chapter)

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