Chapter 1 Back to the Past
"In the shooting competition of the 23rd Olympic Games in Los Angeles, which ended this morning, Chinese athlete Xu Haifeng won the championship of pistol shooting. This is also the first gold medal won by a Chinese in the Olympic Games. It is a zero breakthrough in the history of Chinese Olympic Games. .”

"Let us here congratulate Xu Haifeng for his brilliant achievements, and at the same time congratulate other Olympic athletes in foreign countries for their brave achievements, glory for the country, and return with honor!"

"Next, please enjoy the song "Sweet Honey" sung by Teresa Teng, a famous Hong Kong musician."


Teresa Teng's soft and sweet singing sounded in the loudspeaker broadcast, which seemed to have entered the hearts of every listener.

Shen Lin lay on the bed, but didn't care to listen.

Staring blankly at the roof...

The old roof is full of mottled and cracked, a bare light bulb hanging from a patterned wire...

Looking at the familiar picture, his mind was full of thoughts.

I am reborn...

I went back 40 years to July 1984, 7...

The memories that had been suppressed in his heart for many years surged up clearly in his mind.

He will never forget this day...

1984 was the year of the Olympic Games, and it was also the first time that the new Chinese team participated in the Olympic Games.

Chinese athlete Xu Haifeng won the gold medal in shooting on July 7, and the Chinese stood on the Olympic podium for the first time.

On this day, the people of the whole country are excited!

But for Shen Lin, this day was the starting point of the tragedy in his life.

Before the age of 20, his life was almost smooth sailing.

His father is the director of a large state-owned factory, and his wife is the most beautiful girl in the factory.

But all of this changed with his father's sudden illness.

My father retired due to illness, and the factory has a new factory manager. The new factory manager was criticized by his father because of his poor life style, and he held a grudge.

Secretly instigated the workshop director to wear small shoes for Shen Lin everywhere, and put the debt on Shen Lin's head. After Shen Lin worked the night shift for a month, he was tired and accidentally made a mistake, which caused a batch of produced parts to change. Became waste.

It stands to reason that this kind of waste product caused by operational errors only needs to be compensated according to the internal price, but the factory director immediately announced the expulsion of Shen Lin.

This incident also became the fuse to detonate the gunpowder barrel. At the general staff meeting, Shen Lin, who was out of control, shot rashly and injured the factory manager.

Not only did he lose his job, he was also arrested and sent to a detention center.

Unhappy at work, frustrated in life.

It made him full of extremes, he drank heavily, and he hung out with a group of cronies.

His wife, Lu Xiaorong, begged her husband more than once to turn around, but instead of acknowledging his gratitude, Shen Lin beat his wife.

Just this evening, he beat Lu Xiaorong again because he was drunk. Neither he nor Lu Xiaorong knew at the time that Lu Xiaorong was pregnant for more than a month.

The child was miscarried because of the heavy hand...

And when he sobered up, it was too late!

It was also because of the miscarriage of the child that the heartbroken Lu Xiaorong resolutely divorced him. He couldn't afford it and died of depression three years later.

When he lost everything, Shen Lin regretted it too much.

If God could give me another chance to do it all over again, I would definitely not...

"Crack it!"

A soft sound woke up Shen Lin who was in deep thought.He looked up and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure walking in.

Her tall figure was still the same, but she was thinner than she remembered, and her face was a little pale.

It is her, my love!
Shen Lin stood up excitedly, watching his lover reappear in front of his eyes with burning eyes.

With his mouth open, thousands of words were stuck in his throat, but he didn't know what he wanted to say first, so he didn't say a single word.

However, what Shen Lin paid the most attention to was the bruises on Lu Xiaorong's face!
Although Lu Xiaorong used makeup to lightly cover up the marks, but if you look closely, you can still see the signs of injury.

This was the accident the night before yesterday when he was drunk and accidentally pushed her down during an argument and hit her on the door frame.At this moment, a feeling of distress and guilt came to Shen Lin's heart.

Lu Xiaorong, who was carrying a plastic vegetable basket, glanced at Shen Lin, and then walked towards the back room expressionlessly.

From Lu Xiaorong's expression, Shen Lin felt that the two of them were like a pair of strangers.

Shen Lin instinctively stretched out his hand, he wanted to touch this person who made him feel guilty all his life.But the moment his hand landed on Lu Xiaorong's shoulder, Lu Xiaorong waved and opened Shen Lin's extended palm heavily.

No words were spoken, there was only indifference between the two of them.

Lu Xiaorong's reaction made Shen Lin accumulate more and more memories in his mind, which became clearer and clearer.I thought of more things, all of which were stupid things I did when I gave up on myself in my previous life.

Lu Xiaorong's attitude towards himself now is heartbroken!
"It's great to see you now." Although he didn't know whether Lu Xiaorong would understand what he said, Shen Lin couldn't help but said.

Lu Xiaorong tightly held the vegetable basket in her hand, she didn't know what happened to Shen Lin today, but the past incidents made her not in the mood to talk to Shen Lin at all.

Therefore, she just put down the vegetable basket silently, and then picked the vegetables silently, as if two people were strangers in the same house.

An awkward atmosphere lingered between the two.

At this moment, even Shen Lin, who had been a man for two lifetimes, didn't know what to say.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door came in from the outer door, breaking the current embarrassing situation.

"Is Lu Xiaorong at home!" The one who spoke had an old voice.

When Lu Xiaorong heard this voice, his face changed first.Her hand froze for a moment, then she walked towards the door.

As the door opened, an old lady with gray hair and patched clothes came into Shen Lin's eyes.

It's the landlord, Aunt Chen.

When the old lady saw Lu Xiaorong, there was a trace of hesitation in her eyes, but in the end, she still said: "Xiaorong, you haven't paid the rent for half a year."

"My aunt knows that it's not easy for you, but our old man's blood pressure has been high for a while, and recently he even ran out of money for medicine."

Lu Xiaorong's pale face suddenly turned red.She rubbed her hands together, her expression full of embarrassment.

"Aunt Chen, I... I should have paid you the rent a long time ago. You can see if this works. I will be paid in these two days, and I will give you the salary immediately." Lu Xiaorong said hesitantly.

The old lady's face turned ugly, she pondered for a while, and said: "Xiao Rong, your aunt knows that if you have a little way at home, aunt will not rush you, but now, aunt's family really needs money urgently. "

"Hey, how about this, I'll go to a relative's house to borrow it first, and you can also go to acquaintances, relatives and friends to borrow it, I don't want too much, just give me a month's rent first." The old lady's voice was a little low: " If you haven't, then you can move to another place to live."

While speaking, the old lady glanced at Shen Lin inside, then shook her head and left.

From the old lady's expression, Shen Lin felt a kind of disappointment.

Rent, at that time... At that time, it seemed that I had never paid rent!
Shen Lin subconsciously touched his trouser pocket, and found a wrinkled fifty cents, which he snatched from Lu Xiaorong the day before yesterday to buy wine.

Just when Shen Lin was feeling more and more ashamed, Lu Xiaorong had already taken out a small bag from the dilapidated drawer.

A shriveled and ugly little bag with a few traces of black stitches.

A few fluttering banknotes fell on the table as the packet was dumped.

One dime, two dime, the biggest is a fifty cent bill!
Looking at the scattered banknotes, Lu Xiaorong didn't make a sound. She gently picked up the ten-cent notes one by one, then turned her head and walked out the door.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who was about to leave, and asked loudly.

Lu Xiaorong paused for a moment without looking back, but she finally said, "Borrow money!"

Following these words, there was the sound of the door being closed.

Lu Xiaorong went to borrow money, and he was still pregnant to borrow money. Thinking of Lu Xiaorong's current situation, a huge sense of guilt suddenly rose in Shen Lin's heart.

He froze for a moment, then quickly chased out the door.

When he chased him out, Lu Xiaorong had already left on his bicycle.

Sighing heavily, Shen Lin walked back to the residence.

(End of this chapter)

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