Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 2 Starts with waste collection

Chapter 2 Starts with waste collection

Seeing the empty house with its bare walls, but full of traces of Lu Xiaorong's life, Shen Lin secretly made up his mind.

In any case, thank God for giving him a chance to live again.

Feeling the fifty cents in his trouser pocket, Shen Lin knew what he should do.

Fifty cents, in modern purchasing power, is only enough to buy a lollipop.

In 1984, for 10 cents, you could buy [-] sticks of ice cream, or five packs of cigarettes, and two bottles of good-quality Niulanshan.

I want to make money!

It was the first time in Shen Lin's life that he had such a strong idea of ​​making money.

He wants Lu Xiaorong to no longer worry about money, and he wants his unborn child to live a good life without worrying about food and clothing.

How can I make money?
At the very least, Lu Xiaorong should be able to afford meat and rent in a short period of time, so that he won't worry about daily necessities.

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about how to make money, a passerby on a bicycle dropped a glass bottle of soda, and the bottle rolled to Shen Lin's feet.

Just as he was about to kick it out, he saw two people rushing towards a glass bottle like a race.

Both of them were carrying dirty fertilizer bags, and when they were running, there was a lot of clinking inside.

Pick up junk!
Suddenly, it was as if a bolt of lightning had struck Shen Lin's brain!
No, it's not picking up trash. To be precise, it should be called waste recycling.

The profession of picking up trash has existed since ancient times.

It is a very low-level industry in society. After all, it has to deal with garbage all day long.

It will make ordinary people scoff and avoid it.

However, few people know the benefits and profits behind the recycling industry.

However, most of the waste recycling workers at this time are still in the ranks of picking up junk, and prefer to operate without capital.

Shen Lin heard from the owner of a waste collection station that when he started his business, he started his business by collecting waste books and old newspapers in the offices of major factories.

At that time, everyone was picking up junk on the street, and no one thought of the concept of door-to-door acquisition. He only found the office of the factory to collect old newspapers, and the profits were frighteningly high.

But the business opportunities that Shen Lin sees are far more than just collecting waste paper and scrap iron.

His real goal is to recycle old household appliances.

In the waste recycling industry, what really makes money is the repair of used home appliances and the reselling of second-hand home appliances.

And repairing home appliances is Shen Lin's old profession.

Recycling worthless discarded household appliances and selling them second-hand after repairing, the profit from the price difference alone is enough to enter a well-off life in advance.

In contrast, the money for waste paper and scrap iron can only be regarded as drizzle!

Shen Lin, who has 30 years of experience in repairing home appliances, is very confident in his skills.

Make up your mind and do it!
Shen Lin turned around and returned to his residence.Although it is easy to collect tatters, at least you must have equipment.

Among them, the most important equipment is a tricycle.

In the last century, there was a shortage of supplies, and the country was still a planned economy, implementing an economic model of shopping by ticket.

It is not enough to have money, tickets are also needed.

To buy food, there are food stamps.

If you buy meat, you have a meat ticket.

To buy a bicycle, you must have a bicycle ticket.

Time came to the 80s. With the economic improvement, the country has canceled many types of bills one after another. However, to buy such a large item as a tricycle, a tricycle ticket is still required.

Money is not easy to buy, and it is even more difficult to get a tricycle.

When going downstairs, Shen Lin saw a broken flatbed truck thrown in the yard. He remembered that it should belong to the landlord's house.

"Boom boom boom!"

Shen Lin came to the door of the landlord's house and carefully knocked on the door of the landlord's house.After a while, Aunt Chen opened the door.

Seeing that it was Shen Lin, the old lady looked stunned for a moment, but then she said, "What's wrong with you?" That attitude of rejecting people from thousands of miles away made Shen Lin truly realize how unpopular he was.Thinking about it, even the landlord couldn't stand me, which shows how much of a jerk I was at that time.

"Aunt Chen, do you use your scooter? I want to borrow it for two days." Shen Lin hurriedly said with a smile.

Aunt Chen really looked down on this bum who spends his days and drinks but makes his wife suffer. If it weren't for Lu Xiaorong's good looks, she would not bother to talk to this man.

"What are you borrowing a car for?"

"Aunt Chen, I'm going to pull some things to earn money. I can't sit and eat like before." Shen Lin explained: "If I earn money, I can pay the rent owed to you earlier."

"Don't you want to sell it?" Aunt Chen questioned Shen Lin's reason for coming.

"No, this will never be. You are my landlord. Is it okay for me to deposit the keys of the house with you?"

Looking at Shen Lin who looked calm and completely different from the self-abandoned one before, Aunt Chen even felt that she was facing two people.

"Okay, you can use it. I remember that the left fetus is out of breath. You can go to Lao Li to borrow a pump."

Aunt Chen said this, hesitated for a moment and said: "Shen Lin, Xiao Rong is a good boy, you should live a good life."

"Aunt Chen, I know, I will live a good life in the future." Shen Lin said firmly.

Looking at Shen Lin who was leaving, Aunt Chen shook her head. When she walked into the room, someone asked, "Who is it?"

"Shen Lin, who rented our house, said that he wanted to borrow our car to make some money."

"Hmph, don't believe that bastard kid, he's just running the train with his mouth full, just like his bear, a dog can't get rid of eating shit, he has to fall into a big somersault!"

Aunt Chen had always been convinced of her old man's judgment, but now she heard him say this, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Poor little daughter-in-law!"


A large woven bag for chemical fertilizers, a steelyard, and a cart borrowed from a neighbor's house became all of Shen Lin's equipment.

Pushing the empty car on the busy street, Shen Lin felt that many people were looking at him.

Obviously, his attire really doesn't match the cart that pulls things.

However, Shen Lin didn't care about these things. He looked up at the hotter and hotter sun, and felt that his body was covered with sweat.

This sweltering day made him miss the air conditioner before his rebirth.

But now, it's not the time for him to think about air conditioning, no matter how hot it is, he still has to make money.

Shen Lin's first stop was in front of an office building of an agency. According to his experience, the office building of an agency has the most waste newspapers and books.

Most of the rag collectors are still wandering around picking up rags. Naturally, no one will eat the fat.

Putting down the car under the shade of the tree, Shen Lin walked towards the office building.The guard at the gate glanced at Shen Lin twice and found that he was not threatening, so he ignored him.

When he came to a large room that was marked as an office, Shen Lin knocked on the door and walked in. At this time, there were four people working in the office, and the ceiling fan on the roof was spinning rapidly, but the whole office still gave people the feeling of a stove. a feeling of.

"What's the matter with you?" A skinny man in white short-sleeved clothes, waving a folding fan, and with a wet towel on his head shouted loudly when he saw Shen Lin approaching.

Shen Lin touched his pocket and said, "Comrade, I have something to ask you."

He took out a crumpled pack of cigarettes, opened it, and handed one out respectfully.

Seeing this, the skinny man became more accommodating: "What's the matter, tell me?"

"The leader, I just want to ask, do we have any old newspapers here? I'll pay for it!"

The reason why Shen Lin approached this skinny man was not only because he was the first to speak, but also because of his age and position.

This man's position in the office is not very good, coupled with his age, Shen Lin can judge from experience that this man is a veteran without a position in the office.

Once you reach the age of a middle-aged man, you will inevitably worry about daily necessities.

Therefore, this person must be the easiest breakthrough for Shen Lin to collect trash.

The man originally wanted to say no, but when he heard the money was given, his eyes lit up.

PS: The new book sets sail, please support the big guys, it is updated four times a day, nothing can be shaken

(End of this chapter)

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