Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 100 Brother, I have a conscience!

Chapter 100 Brother, I have a conscience!
Li Jiashun's head was buzzing!
He felt countless mad cows roaring past his heart!

He didn't know how to describe his current situation!
Can the house still be made like this?

Decoration, of course he knows what these two words mean, but when they are connected together, he really doesn't know how to say it.

"You... aren't you wasting money for nothing?" After fully understanding Shen Lin's intentions, Li Jiashun asked Shen Lin in an unbelievable voice.

Shen Lin looked at Li Jiashun who didn't understand, smiled and said, "Just do what I tell you. By the way, how much do you think it will cost to make these things?"

"These, if everything is according to what you said, at least 5000 yuan..." Li Jiashun made a rough estimate and stretched out five fingers.

5000 yuan is really cheap enough!
But this is also relative, after all, at this time, the salary of ordinary workers is only 40 yuan.

5000 yuan is equivalent to ten years' income of an ordinary worker.

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Okay, five thousand is five thousand, but let's make an agreement, when constructing, you must follow the drawings I drew."

Li Jiashun hurriedly nodded and said: "Don't worry about this, you will never be wrong!"

Qiangzi was quite happy to be able to introduce a business to his cousin, but after hearing the price that Shen Lin and Li Jiashun said, brother Qiangzi didn't know what to say.

I just rented these houses for 1 yuan, and now I will renovate these houses for 5000 yuan.

From Qiangzi's point of view, this warehouse is fine, and it can be used when it is taken out, but it still has to be messed with, what is the repair?
Did brother Shen have money to burn it?

Shen Lin ignored Qiangzi's thoughts, and after he and Li Jiashun agreed on the time to start construction, he said to Qiangzi: "Qiangzi, take me to the printing factory later, let's talk about some business."

Going to the printing factory, what kind of business is this going to talk about? Qiangzi's first thought at this time was, brother, we can't spend any more money.

When Li Jiashun took people to measure the warehouse, he came to Shen Lin firmly and said, "Brother, I admit that you have better vision than I do, and you dare to think and do it, but if I advise you a few words, I can't live with my conscience!"

Having said that, he looked at Shen Lin solemnly and said, "Brother Shen, I think my cousin's construction plan is quite good, and 2000 yuan is quite a lot."

"For a store, there is a door, and there are shelves!"

Shen Lin looked at Qiangzi who was full of persuasion, smiled and said: "Qiangzi, you said this is a store, but why should we rent out such a store!"

"When do you think we can rent out more than 30 stores like that?"

Qiangzi couldn't speak, and he didn't know when he would be able to rent out according to his own method.

"Brother Shen, according to your method, when will you be able to finish it?" Qiangzi hesitated for a while, and finally said hesitantly.

Shen Lin stretched out a finger and said, "One month!"

a month?Qiangzi looked at the confident Shen Lin and said, "Brother, are you sure you will rent out these facades in a month?"

"Of course, the reason why I say one month is because your cousin can finish the things I gave him in one month."

"Otherwise, I can go faster!"

Although Qiangzi felt that he should trust Shen Lin, at this moment, he really couldn't imagine that Brother Shen would be able to rent out this house within a month.

"Qiangzi, do you think it's better to call this half of the street European style or Paris Street?" Qiangzi said casually: "Paris Street is better, so speak smoothly."

Shen Lin nodded and said, "That's right, then our street is called Paris Street. Let's go to the printing factory quickly."


In the office of the Hardware Machinery Factory, Fang Boyuan immediately received a call from Ye Yichen.Although Ye Yichen had already said that Shen Lin was going to rent those 30 warehouses, Fang Boyuan still couldn't believe it when he heard that the contract had been signed.

"Shen Lin really paid 1 yuan?" Fang Boyuan asked in an unbelievable tone.

Ye Yichen said on the other end of the phone: "He paid 1 yuan, and it was stipulated in the contract that he has to pay this amount every year for 15 years."

"Hey, 15, young people nowadays are really bold enough. By the way, he not only has to pay this money, but after three years, every room will have to increase by [-]."

Fang Boyuan never expected that he would make Shen Lin into such a situation with just one shot. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Uncle, you still have a way!"

"By the way, uncle, do you think Shen Lin can rent out those old warehouses?"

Ye Yichen smiled and said: "I'm the chief of the general affairs section of the No. [-] Match Factory. It's not easy for me to rent out in the name of the No. [-] Match Factory. Where does he have the ability to rent out?"

"Bo Yuan, it's not that your uncle is talking big, I can't do things, he is young, he can't even try to do it!"

Fang Boyuan heard the second uncle's complacency, and he was actually somewhat contemptuous of such complacency.

But it was his second uncle who said this, no matter how contemptuous he was, he still complimented on the surface: "Uncle, what you said is so right!"

"Is my second aunt at home today? I happened to get two bottles of good wine, and we will have a drink tonight."

After confirming a time for dinner with Ye Yichen, Fang Boyuan put down the phone and walked around the office.At this moment, his mind was full of the insult that Shen Lin brought to him last time.

Hmph, once you make money, you feel that you can be supercilious, Shen Lin, you have today too!
Anyway, after the contract was signed and the money was paid, all Shen Lin's escape routes were blocked. Fang Boyuan felt that he no longer had to hide this matter.

It's really hard to hide it!
"Xiao Zhang, come here." Fang Boyuan opened his office door and shouted towards the outer door.

Xiao Zhang, a clerk in the factory office, a young man who had just been recruited to the factory not long ago, walked in quickly.

This little Zhang only has a baby face, and when he sees anyone, he laughs before talking, and they all call out in short.

"Director Fang, you are looking for me." Xiao Zhang has always respected Fang Boyuan. Although Fang Boyuan said that he can call him Brother Fang, Xiao Zhang still respectfully calls him Director.

Fang Boyuan waved his hand, asked about Xiao Zhang's work, and then said in a low voice: "Xiao Zhang, do you know Shen Lin?"

The conflict between Fang Boyuan and Shen Lin was basically well understood by the young people in the factory. When Fang Boyuan mentioned this, Xiao Zhang's expression suddenly became a little nervous.

How could he not know Shen Lin?
They both grew up together, but the conflict between Fang Boyuan and Shen Lin is not small. If I say that I have a good relationship with Shen Lin, then...

"Knowledge, that is, the two of us don't play much, and the relationship is average." Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment, and decided to adopt a neutral attitude.

"Well, if you know Shen Lin, you must remember not to lend money to Shen Lin recently." Fang Boyuan's expression became more serious.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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