Chapter 101 Super Prodigal

Xiao Zhang looked at Fang Boyuan with some doubts!
If it was said that he did not lend money to Shen Lin before, then Xiao Zhang would definitely agree immediately. After all, Shen Lin at that time was really unbelievable.

But Shen Lin is different now. Not only does he earn money by himself, but his family is also very good now.

Among other things, the fact that the old factory manager became the head of the preparatory team of the second workshop of the main factory made many people yearn for it.

Where is the second workshop? The second workshop is a new growth point of the main factory. I heard that the entire second workshop is the heart of the main factory.

Many young workers said that in the future, people who come out of the second workshop will walk sideways in the factory. Now many people are ready to find a way to let themselves enter the second workshop.

As for Shen Lin, many people said that he made money, and he sold a repaired color TV for more than 600 yuan, which is still a friendly price.

Although such a person has no job, in Xiao Zhang's view, he cannot catch up with a hundred horses.Shen Lin like this is not something he can afford to offend.

What's more, why did Shen Lin ask him to borrow money? His total assets are now more than 200 yuan.

"Director Fang, isn't Shen Lin rich? Why would he borrow money from a poor man like me?"

After expressing his doubts, Xiao Zhang regretted a bit, because he obviously didn't believe Fang Boyuan.

However, the words had already been spoken, and it was hard to take back the water, so he could only pretend to smile, waiting for Fang Boyuan's explanation.

Fang Boyuan pondered and said: "I heard from my relatives that Shen Lin is crazy. He borrowed 1 yuan from somewhere and rented the old warehouse of the No. [-] Match Factory."

As a child who grew up in the factory, Xiao Zhang naturally knew where the old warehouse was. He heard that Shen Lin spent 1 yuan to rent the old warehouse. His first feeling was that Shen Lin was a little crazy.

Where is the old warehouse?Except for storing things, no one used that place as a store, not to mention so many rooms, what would Shen Lin do for it?
"Also, the 1 yuan is just this year's rent. Next year, Shen Lin will have to pay 1 yuan in rent. He has been renting for 15 years."

Although Fang Boyuan tried his best to suppress his inner complacency, there was still a schadenfreude smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Zhang, Shen Lin is a bottomless pit right now. If you lend him money, can you still pay it back?"

Listening to Fang Boyuan's words, Xiao Zhang agreed very much. Originally, he thought that Shen Lin was a prodigal son, but now it seems that Shen Lin really hasn't changed much from before.

"Director Fang, thank you for reminding me kindly. Otherwise, Shen Lin might have lent me the little money I saved from my own house." Xiao Zhang said gratefully to Fang Boyuan: "In the future , I will never lend money to Shen Lin."

Looking at Xiao Zhang's expression, Fang Boyuan knew that his words had worked, but now he absolutely couldn't let Xiao Zhang just leave.

After all, there are some things that Xiao Zhang still needs to say.

"Xiao Zhang, it's fine for you to know about this matter yourself, but don't say it outside, otherwise, if it gets out, Shen Lin will easily hate me."

Xiao Zhang patted his chest and said: "Director Fang, don't worry, I will never say anything. Let me tell you, my mouth is the strictest."

After reassuring, Xiao Zhang left Fang Boyuan's office.After counting the private money hidden in the drawer of the desk, Xiao Zhang picked up the phone and whispered to the opposite side: "I'll tell you a secret, please don't tell it to me!"


Chen Hongying felt that someone looked at her differently today.Chen Hongying didn't care too much about this kind of gaze. Since the riot at Shen Lin's house, basically many people looked at her like this.

At this time, Chen Hongying still had a lot of objections to Shen Lin. Although this kid seemed to have made some money, he was not following the right path after all.Fang Bo Yuan is so good, he is simply the best candidate for son-in-law. Alas, what a pity!
"Hongying, you still have vision!" During the lunch break, Xu Hongying had just sat down in the shade of a tree after eating, when a sister with a good relationship on weekdays came to Chen Hongying's side and said in a low voice.

Chen Hongying's eyes widened. She was ready to explode. To her, whoever praised her for her good vision was no different from scolding her.

"What do you mean?" Chen Hongying was not the kind of shy person at all, and when she heard her companion's words were not going well, she directly yelled at her.

The companion suddenly understood, she patted Chen Hongying on the shoulder and said: "Look at you, you are thinking of somewhere, let me tell you, I am really not laughing at you, I am really complimenting you."

While speaking, the companion lowered his voice and said, "You really don't know?"

"Know what?" Chen Hongying was also concerned at this time, after all, the appearance of her companion showed that the matter was serious.

The companion looked around twice, and then said: "Hongying, now it's spread all over the factory, saying that Shen Lin rented the old warehouse of the No. 1 Match Factory for [-] yuan and used it as a store."

"Tsk tsk, I heard that I have borrowed all the money, and when I paid the money, there was even a dime note."

Chen Hongying's eyes widened all of a sudden, 1 yuan, much money was spent by Shen Lin all at once.

Chen Hongying knew about the old warehouse of the No. [-] Match Factory. It had been thrown there for several years, but no one used it.

Shen Lin is an unlucky boy, how could he think of renting there.

For a moment, Chen Hongying's eyes were full of eagerness: "Is what you said true? He really rented the old warehouse?"

"Isn't it? It's spread all over the factory. Many people say that Shen Lin is a prodigal son, and nothing can change it."

When the companion said this, he sighed with emotion: "It's a pity that such a shrewd person as the old factory manager has such a child!"

Chen Hongying couldn't care less about her companion's emotion.Although she said that she would ignore Lu Xiaorong's matter, but this matter related to the future fate of the child, this family love that is thicker than water cannot be erased, and she still couldn't help feeling a little anxious and angry.

No, Shen Lin can't be allowed to mess around with this matter.

Why is this kid like this, he doesn't know where to go after earning some money, how can he be such a prodigal!

With a single thought, Chen Hongying stood up straight away, and hurriedly walked out.

"Hongying, what are you doing here?" The companion looked at Chen Hongying who was leaving, and asked hurriedly.

"I'll go to Lu Xiaorong and ask them what they're doing. After all, I can't make it through." While speaking, Chen Hongying hurried away.

The companion looked at Chen Hongying who was leaving, shook his head and sighed: "This is really pitiful for the parents of the world. They say they don't care, but they can't help it!"

Half an hour later, Chen Hongying came to the broadcasting station of the main factory. Looking at Lu Xiaorong who was writing in the office, Chen Hongying's anger disappeared in an instant.

Chen Hongying is very satisfied with her daughter's new job. Working in the workshop is not as glorious as holding a pen now!So at this moment, she decided to give Lu Xiaorong some face first.

"Lu Xiaorong, come out, I have something to tell you!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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