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Chapter 102: Hurry up and get the money

Chapter 102 Hurry up and get the money back

Lu Xiaorong didn't expect that his mother would come to the office to find him.

Knowing mother Mo Ruonu, Lu Xiaorong was very clear about her mother's character. She felt that it was not easy for Chen Hongying to forgive herself.

She even felt that it would take a long time, but she didn't expect that her mother would come to her after only a few days of work.

"Mom, wait a minute." Lu Xiaorong responded to Chen Hongying, and then said to Leng Qingguang in the office: "Station Master Leng, my mother came to see me, I will have a few words with her."

Since what happened last time, he has been calm and calm in his heart, and has a little admiration for Lu Xiaorong, so recently, he has been very good to Lu Xiaorong.

Now that Lu Xiaorong's mother came, she smiled and promised, "Go and do your work."

In the office building of the main factory, there were too many pedestrians coming and going, so Lu Xiaorong took Chen Hongying to the small garden behind the office building.

"Mom, why are you here?" Lu Xiaorong said with a smile.

"Why did I come? If I didn't come, you might be tricked to death by Shen Lin, a brat like you. You don't even know how you died!"

Although Chen Hongying came to remind her daughter, but at this moment, she was not polite at all.

Lu Xiaorong was not too angry, but just looked at his mother quietly, waiting for her to continue to vent her emotions.

Seeing that Lu Xiaorong did not open his mouth, Chen Hongying said a few more words, and then said: "Shen Lin borrowed money from outside, do you know?"

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment!
She waved her hand and said, "Mom, who did Shen Lin borrow money from? How much?"

"You damn girl, you don't even know about such a big deal. Let me just say, Shen Lin doesn't have you in his heart at all. If you were, how could such things be kept from you?" Chen Hongying saw her daughter I don't know, I became more angry for a while.

Her finger touched Lu Xiaorong's eyebrows and said: "You, you don't have a long head, let someone sell it, and you still have to help him count the money!"

"When Shen Lin loses all the money, pats his butt and leaves, and someone asks you for money, I'll see what you can do!"

What her mother said made Lu Xiaorong a little dizzy. She turned to Chen Hongying and said, "Mom, what exactly are you talking about?"

"What's going on? Let me ask you, Shen Lin rented the old warehouse of the No. 1 Match Factory, and the rent alone cost [-] yuan. Do you know about this?"

When Lu Xiaorong heard it, he understood that his mother came to rent the store for Shen Lin, and he felt relieved and said, "Mom, I know!"

"You know! Don't you know how to stop? I heard that he borrowed all his relatives and neighbors to make up the 1 yuan."

When Chen Hongying said this, her voice was full of blame: "I heard that they didn't even let go of their ten-cent notes."

"If it's a compensation, can he compensate others?"

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "Mom, you are just listening to rumors. Shen Lin earned more than 1 yuan a few days ago. How could he borrow other people's money, and even borrowed their ten-year notes?"

Chen Hongying looked at her daughter with a confident face, and suddenly felt a little astonished.Although some time ago, when Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong came to her home, they said they had made money, but she didn't believe that Shen Lin had made so much.

But now I heard from Lu Xiaorong that Shen Lin really earned that much.

At this time, one of her reactions was that someone was really spreading rumors about this matter, but at the moment when this thought arose, she suddenly felt in her heart that what she should pursue was not whether to borrow money, but to rent money. Warehouse thing.

"Okay, even if Shen Lin didn't borrow the money, but he spent so much money in vain, why don't you care about these things." After saying this, Chen Hongying's expression became extremely solemn and said: "Xiaorong, take the second place." It’s not like you’ve never walked past the old warehouse of the match factory, don’t you know that it’s not suitable for a store?”

"Even if he wanted to open a store, he couldn't open it somewhere. Why did he have to take the warehouse of the No. 30 Match Factory, and rented more than [-] rooms at once."

"Where do you get the rent of 1 yuan a year!"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Lu Xiaorong's face.Although she was willing to believe in Shen Lin from the bottom of her heart, she rented more than 1 warehouses for 30 yuan, which really made her feel uncertain.

The child is about to be born, if Shen Lin owes a whole lot of debt, then...

"Mom, Shen Lin said that this business will never lose money." After pondering for a moment, Lu Xiaorong finally chose to believe in Shen Lin.

Seeing her daughter's appearance like this, Chen Hongying felt even more angry. She almost growled and said, "Lu Xiaorong, why don't you grow a little head."

"Let me tell you, don't believe what Shen Lin says, and you have to make your own judgment."

"Think about it, the location of the warehouse can't even be rented out by the second match factory. Why should he rent it out? This is obviously a pit. You can just watch him jump down!"

"Go back and tell Shen Lin to let him cancel the lease of this warehouse, otherwise, I will not recognize you as a daughter." While speaking, Chen Hongying walked towards the gate of the main factory angrily without saying anything else. go.

Lu Xiaorong looked at his mother who was leaving, and didn't know what to say at this moment.And in her heart, there were also some doubts at this time.

Although Lu Xiaorong felt that Shen Lin would definitely not be as disorganized as his mother said when he was doing things now, but this matter did make her a little worried.

After walking a few steps in the small garden, Lu Xiaorong finally decided to go home and listen to what Shen Lin was going to do.

But when she just returned to the door of the office, she heard Li Xiaoli inside saying to Leng Qingguang: "Deputy Station Manager, I heard from my sister in the Hardware Machinery Factory that Lu Xiaorong's partner rented the old warehouse of the Second Match Factory." .”

"You said, can he make money by renting so many warehouses?"

Leng Qingguang chuckled and said, "Lu Xiaorong is quite talented and capable, but she married the wrong person!"

"I've also heard about this matter. Let me tell you, if this old warehouse can make money, is it Shen Lin's turn?"

"The Second Match Factory wants to rent out the old warehouse. It is not a day or two. Unfortunately, no one has been renting out."

"Shen Lin borrowed money to do this job this time, and he will definitely lose money." Leng Qingguang said here, sighed and said: "I heard that the contract was signed for 15 years, tell me, it's [-] a year what."

Li Xiaoli took a breath in surprise and said: "Ten thousand a year, my mother, this is too much!"

"I think, I'll tell Xiao Rong well later, she can't let her man torment her like this."

"Otherwise, how will she live in the future!"

Listening to the two people's discussion, Lu Xiaorong was already a little worried, but now he became more apprehensive. If it is true as the two people said, there is really no way to live through that day.

When I got home, I really should talk to Shen Lin about this matter.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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