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Chapter 103 The Correct Way to Deal With Jealousy

Chapter 103 The Correct Way to Deal With Jealousy

When Lu Xiaorong returned home, all he could think about was Shen Lin renting more than 30 warehouses.

Can Shen Lin rent out these more than 30 warehouses?

If you can't make a move, plus a 15-year contract, think about it, Lu Xiaorong can't help worrying.

Once she owes too much debt, she can follow Shen Lin to live a hard life, but Lu Xiaorong can't accept that she will live a hard life as soon as the child is born.

Therefore, before the matter was completely irreversible, she wanted to persuade Shen Lin to let him and herself live a down-to-earth life with their children.

After all, this lease contract is really too risky.

Just when Lu Xiaorong was thinking about something and locked the car, someone said: "Have you smelled it? This fried meat smells really delicious! I don't know whose family it is."

"Who else is there, Shen Lin? This Shen Lin really doesn't know how to live. He has always been extravagant. He doesn't know that if he lives like this, his good life will soon come to an end?"

"The so-called food is not poor, clothing is not poor, and if you don't plan, you will be poor."

The voice was full of jealousy, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help letting his body back to hide.

She already knew that it was a woman downstairs called sister-in-law who usually called her. Usually, when this woman saw her, she would always smile, but she never thought that now she would talk about herself and Shen Lin like this.

Just when Lu Xiaorong felt a little uncomfortable, he heard another person say: "Have you heard that Shen Lin spent tens of thousands of yuan to rent more than 30 warehouses in the second match factory?"

"Why haven't I heard that this is our factory, the biggest cheating thing this year, and I don't know why the old factory manager is wise..."

Listening to these discussions, Lu Xiaorong's expression became more and more ugly. At this moment, she really didn't know what to say.

The two arguing women walked farther and farther away, but Lu Xiaorong felt very uncomfortable in his heart at this time.

These two people are really disgusting!

Walking home, Shen Lin came out with a plate of chili fried pork.The green peppers are paired with fried golden pork shreds, so that Lu Xiaorong doesn't feel an appetite when he sees it.

She now obviously feels that her appetite has increased a lot these days.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who came back with a smile and said: "Daughter-in-law, go and wash your hands, we are going to eat now."

"I'm going to cook another dish!"

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling all over her face, Lu Xiaorong felt more and more warmth in her heart. She didn't want this warmth to disappear, so this made her more determined to have a good talk with Shen Lin.

Shen Lin must not be allowed to take risks, and this home must be kept.

"Shen Lin, let's eat less meat in the future, the neighbors are jealous." Lu Xiaorong said to Shen Lin while changing his shoes into slippers.

Eat less meat and don't make your neighbors jealous!

Hearing this sentence, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment. Although he returned to the past, the memories in his heart were basically from the previous life.

Under this kind of memory, eating meat makes everyone jealous, which is like a joke.

After being stunned for a moment, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Oh, did you hear that someone is jealous of our family eating meat?"

Regarding Shen Lin's smiling and indifferent look, Lu Xiaorong said helplessly: "Shen Lin, we should pay attention to the relationship between neighbors!"

"Xiao Rong, what you said is so right. Let's do this. Our family will buy more meat to eat in the future to completely distance us from them." "In this way, when they see that they can't catch up with us, they won't I'm jealous." Shen Lin said casually while taking out the pot.

When Lu Xiaorong first heard Shen Lin's words, she felt that what Shen Lin said was a bit ridiculous, but after Shen Lin finished speaking, she suddenly thought of a sentence she didn't know when she saw it.

People are just jealous of those who are a little stronger than themselves. For those strong people who are too far away from them, they can only look up at the mountains.

"You, this is to piss people off." Lu Xiaorong tapped Shen Lin's shoulder lightly, and Lu Xiaorong quickly washed his hands.

The husband and wife sat opposite each other in front of the small table, talking casually while eating.Of course, it was mainly Lu Xiaorong who was talking, and what she was talking about was mainly what she had seen and heard in the factory in the past two days.

From Lu Xiaorong's expression, Shen Lin felt that Lu Xiaorong wanted to tell him something, but he didn't know how to say it for a while.

Looking at Lu Xiaorong who hesitated to speak, Shen Lin held her a piece of shredded meat and said, "We two, what else do you need to hesitate, just say what you want!"

Hearing these words, Lu Xiaorong blushed. She had been thinking about how to communicate with Shen Lin just now.

After all, this is no small matter.

Now being picked by Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong no longer hesitated, she clamped the piece of meat and said:
"Shen Lin, it is rumored in the factory that you spent 1 yuan in the Second Match Factory and rented more than 30 useless old warehouses. They also say that you will lose it this time."

When Shen Lin heard Lu Xiaorong's words, a trace of astonishment appeared on his face. For Shen Lin, the contract was only signed, so why the whole factory was talking about it.

Although the workers in each factory were intermarried, many things could not be hidden, but Shen Lin did not want to hide this matter.

He felt that there was no need for him to hide anything about this matter.

But this kind of thing was known so quickly, Shen Lin still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

His first thought was that someone must have spread this on purpose, otherwise, it would never have been known to everyone.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong who was full of concern, Shen Lin put down the chopsticks in his hand, grabbed her hand and said, "Xiaorong, do you think that a thing that everyone thinks makes money, can it make money?"

Lu Xiaorong had never thought about this question before. Hearing what Shen Lin said, he hesitated and said, "Should it be?"

"Wrong. There is a 90.00% chance that you won't be able to make money. After all, the more people know about it, the harder it will be to make money."

When Shen Lin said this, he said with a smile: "So if you want to make money, the best choice is to seize the opportunity, and when others don't know that this way can make money, let's make money. "

"For example, when I was collecting old newspapers, no one else knew it was a way of making money, so I easily earned 20 yuan a day. But since I spread the news, I can earn at most two yuan a day collecting old newspapers."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "That fat man at the waste station, now he regrets and wants to hit the wall."

Lu Xiaorong thought about the situation of Shen Lin collecting waste products, and then thought about the life in his own home now. He was a little nervous, but now he calmed down.

I should trust Shen Lin!

What Shen Lin had done for more than a month made her feel unbelievable.

"Shen Lin, I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

Just when Lu Xiaorong expressed his apology in a low voice, a knock on the door suddenly came from the outer door: "Shen Lin, open the door."

ps: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a little late today, so please forgive me!Ask for support!

(End of this chapter)

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