Chapter 1001 A Better Future

Shen Lin was originally able to control his drinking capacity when it came to drinking. In addition, in the past few years, with his fame, there are fewer and fewer people on the wine table who can force him to drink!

But this time, Li Qingbo's thanks were a bit too heavy, so after drinking it, Shen Lin was immediately confused!
Li Qingbo, who has achieved his goal, is naturally relaxed, so when he drinks this wine, it is naturally singing and dancing, and there are more laughter and laughter!

He said with a smile: "Brother Shen Lin, to be honest, when I saw your rice shell electronics for the first time, I felt that your factory had some special features."

"But who would have thought that the shell would have such a big change."

"It's not that I'm complimenting you. Nowadays, on our side, if young people go on a blind date wearing rice shell overalls, it's a silent sign. It's even more impressive than those international famous brands!"

"Come on, Chairman Shen, for this, I'll toast you again."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you Director Li for your support. If Director Li hadn't told you, I wouldn't have known that I had made such a great contribution to the blind date."

While speaking, Shen Lin also toasted and drank with Li Qingbo.

Because everyone felt that Li Qingbo was a little drunk, they quickly decided to end the drinking session. The male colleague who was arranging to come together sent Li Qingbo back, and Shen Lin waved goodbye to Mi Yuan and others at the door.

Li Qingbo took Shen Lin's car, and Shen Lin walked from Ermei Restaurant to his home.However, he had only taken two steps when he was stopped by Sister Dan.

"Mr. Shen, you also drank a lot. Mi Yuan and I happened to drop by, so let's go with you."

Regarding Sister Dan's kindness, Shen Lin stopped him and said, "It's okay, Sister Dan, my home is not far away, and I'll be there in a while."

Sister Dan waved her hand and said, "Mr. Shen, it's not troublesome at all just to talk on the road."

While talking, she said to Mi Yuan: "Mi Yuan, you said we're going to send Chairman Shen home, is it troublesome?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, Sister Dan's house is just not far from yours. We will take you back without any trouble."

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan, who was smiling lightly under the light, and suddenly felt a little dazed in his heart.

He smiled and said, "Okay then, let's walk together."

Shen Lin was walking, while Mi Yuan and Sister Dan were pushing bicycles.Along the way, Mi Yuan didn't talk much, mainly because Sister Dan was talking to Shen Lin.

"Mr. Shen, the reason why Director Li is so happy is not because of you. You don't know, but you have saved us a lot of face!"

Sister Dan said in an exaggerated tone: "Let's go to the meeting, those colleagues in the brother cities are jealous of us, their eyes are red!"

"Tsk tsk, some people even suggested that when calculating the grades, the rice husks must be removed, otherwise it would be unfair."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "How can we do that? We are a Dongzhou company. It's obviously unfair to get rid of us."

"That's right, that's what we told them at the time."

When Sister Dan said this, she looked at Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, I have something, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Mi Yuan, who was watching Shen Lin by the moonlight while the night breeze was blowing beside Sister Dan, was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Sister Dan would suddenly make such a moth.

Just when she was at a loss, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Sister Dan, if you have anything, just say it."

"I said, we are old acquaintances, you are welcome."

Sister Dan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Chairman Shen, my sister-in-law, hey, their factory is in a downturn, and she is not a regular employee, and she hasn't been paid for several days recently."

"Uh... um, I heard that the Mike Electric Store is recruiting waiters, look..."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Sister Dan, you are hesitating. I thought it was a big deal. Just say something about such a small matter." "Just ask your sister-in-law to go to Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall to find Qiangzi to report."

"However, there is one thing, Sister Dan, I need to tell you in advance that Mi Ke employs people and has its own set of mechanisms."

"If you have the ability, you will naturally be able to put it up soon. If you are unqualified, after the Michel HR manager makes a decision to dismiss, even I must execute it unconditionally and cannot be dismissed."

"So, Sister Dan, you have to explain the situation on our side to your sister-in-law."

When Shen Lin said this, he smiled and said: "Of course, as a waiter here, as long as you work hard, love your job and work hard, you will basically not be dismissed."

Sister Dan was not surprised when she heard what Shen Lin said, but she was relieved.She knew that Shen Lin gave her the most affirmative answer, not a drunken talk.

Of course, she also knew that there was no deep friendship between herself and Shen Lin. In this situation, if she used the friendship with Shen Lin, it meant that the relationship between herself and Shen Lin had weakened a lot.

After all, friendship is like paper, once used, it becomes thinner!
Of course, she didn't want to bother Shen Lin because of her sister-in-law's affairs. After all, this kind of friendship at work is a bit less.

What's more, Shen Lin is not an ordinary person, so it is best to use this kind of friendship sparingly and with caution.

But sometimes, things were forced to this point, and she couldn't help it.

"Thank you Chairman Shen, I will definitely tell my sister-in-law about your request." Sister Dan said with a smile: "I believe she will cherish this opportunity."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Then let her go to work."

While the two were talking, an intersection appeared in front of the three of them. Sister Dan looked at the intersection, hesitated for a moment, and was about to move forward.

Mi Yuan, who was standing beside Sister Dan, said at this moment: "Sister Dan, you should go home from here, the children are still waiting!"

"I'll follow Mr. Shen two more steps, and the front is Mr. Shen's house."

Sister Dan originally wanted to send Shen Lin home, but when she glanced at Shen Lin's home under the light, she couldn't help but hesitated.

After all, the location of Shen Lin's house can already be seen from here, and it doesn't really matter whether he sends it there or not.

And Mi Yuan happened to be on the way...

"Sister Dan, go home and watch the baby, I didn't drink much." Shen Lin waved at Sister Dan and said, "Go report tomorrow morning, I'll call Qiangzi in the morning."

Seeing what Shen Lin said, Sister Dan didn't say anything else, she also wanted to tell her husband about this as soon as possible.

After all, I have solved a big problem for my husband.

I believe that during the Chinese New Year this year, I will definitely get the gratitude from my husband and his family.

"Goodbye, Chairman Shen." Sister Dan rode on the bicycle and waved to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin waved at Sister Dan, and looked at the figure of Sister Dan under the street lamp, and quickly disappeared into the alley.

When the sound of the bicycle gradually faded away, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Mi Yuan.At this moment, Mi Yuan didn't know if she had drunk a little wine, and her fair face was flushed with blush.

"How are you doing recently?" Shen Lin hesitated, and finally asked softly.

Mi Yuan lowered her head, her eyes became hot when she heard Shen Lin's question, she suddenly raised her head and said, "I'm doing fine, how about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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