Chapter 1002

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan who raised her head and questioned herself, smiled and said, "I can live as well."

"Hehe, if the richest man says his life is okay, how many people would think that he is living in dire straits!" Mi Yuan couldn't help saying.

This sentence, like a bean, popped out of Mi Yuan's mouth. Once the words came out, it was hard to stop. Mi Yuan suddenly realized that what she said seemed a little frivolous.

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Then I'll tell you, I'm doing well."

"Business is going well, and the family is doing well."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan and said, "Mi Yuan, as a friend, I hope you are doing well."

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin's eyes, she could feel Shen Lin's sincerity, but she really wanted to say, I want to live a good life, but you can't give this kind of good!
But she couldn't say such words.

She could realize that Shen Lin's feeling of deliberately keeping a distance from herself while being close, she could also feel that the man in front of her was deeply in love with another woman.He wouldn't even give himself the slightest chance to get close to him!

Is it really because I met him too late?
"Thank you Mr. Shen, I will definitely, I will try my best to make myself live well!" Mi Yuan felt a sense of sadness in her heart, and said with difficulty: "Mr. Shen, your home is in front of you, so I won't go forward ,goodbye."

Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan who was about to leave, then at the dim streetlights, hesitated for a moment and said, "Mi Yuan, let me see you off."

"No, it's only a few steps from here to my house, not to mention that this road is full of street lights, I'll be home soon..."

Just as Mi Yuan was speaking, a bunch of car lights lit up from a distance.As the car stopped slowly, Cheng Zi stuck out his head.

"Mr. Shen, I'm back."

Shen Lin saw that Cheng Zi was coming, so he smiled and said: "You can help me send Mi Yuan, a little girl from every family, don't let her walk around at night, it's not safe!"

"I'll give you two choices, either put the bike in the trunk, or let Cheng Zi drive to show you the light."

Looking at Shen Lin's smile under the street lamp, Mi Yuan's heart felt touched. This man, he is so outstanding, yet so rare and warm. It's just a pity that he will never belong to me!There will never be such a possibility!
Thinking of this, she got on her bicycle and pedaled towards her home.

But before leaving, she still turned her head and waved at Shen Lin.

However, looking at his own shadow under the street lamp alone, the disappointing tears could not help but flow down.

At this moment, Mi Yuan didn't know how to control her emotions.Get out of control and get out of control!
Cheng Zi looked at Shen Lin, and the moment Shen Lin waved his hand, he drove up and followed.And Shen Lin turned his head and walked towards his home.

In the heated home, Lu Xiaorong was knitting a sweater, while Xiao Guoke was staring at the TV.

"Wow Wow Team, Wow Wow Team..."

The magical voice came from the TV from time to time, making Shen Lin feel as if he had returned to his previous life.

"Why did you drink so much today?" Lu Xiaorong complained while helping him pour a glass of honey water, smelling the smell of alcohol on Shen Lin's body.

"Li Qingbo got a little excited because I promised him to go to the trade fair today." Shen Lin said lightly: "Director Li is an old friend. If he drinks like this, I don't want to refute his face. Let others say that we will be crazy if we gain power. .”

Lu Xiaorong didn't complain any more, she knew the friendship between Shen Lin and Li Qingbo, and it was not good for Shen Lin to shirk the matter of Li Qingbo taking the initiative to invite him to drink.

"Is this a new movie from Wang Wang Team?" Shen Lin drank two sips of water, and felt that his dry throat suddenly healed a lot. While watching TV, he casually asked Lu Xiaorong.

The picture of this Wang Wang team seems to be somewhat lacking compared to the later generations.

After all, the current level of computer production is not as bad as 01:30 compared with later generations, but the pictures produced by other means are quite good-looking.

Shen Lin looked at it and saw that it was [-]% to [-]% of the level of the original version.Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "Isn't that right? After this film came, your precious son watched it all afternoon without moving."

"I let him watch an episode and take a 10-minute break, or else I won't let him watch it."

"By the way, our mother said that the eldest sister called and said that she would bring her eldest brother-in-law and children back for the New Year this year."

Hearing from Lu Xiaorong that his elder sister was coming back, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.

Because the place where the eldest sister married is a bit far away, and the transportation is inconvenient, she hasn't been back for several years during the Spring Festival.

"Then our mother should be very happy this time. You will help our mother choose some things as gifts for the eldest sister's children."

While Shen Lin was speaking, the ending song of Team Wangwang played again, Xiao Guoke, who was concentrating on watching TV, ran towards Shen Lin.

"Father, I still want to watch, why do I still want to watch..." Pulling Shen Lin, Xiao Guoke began to act like a baby.

"According to the time set by mother, take a break first." Shen Lin took his son's hand and said with a smile: "Tell Dad, how many episodes have you watched today?"

Xiao Guoke stopped talking immediately, while Lu Xiaorong said: "Shen Lin, the TV station said that the Wang Wang team's film has passed the review, and plans to broadcast an episode every night at 06:30."

"I don't know what the effect will be."

Although Lu Xiaorong thinks that the animation written by Shen Lin is good, she is still a little worried, after all, this animation has not been tested yet.

When Shen Lin heard that the Wang Wang team had passed the trial, the smile on his face suddenly increased.He has been promoting this matter in order to further increase the popularity of Mi Ke before the refrigerator is launched.

Well now, this matter has finally caught up.

"Looking at the appearance of Nuohu Chimi, you still can't guess what the result will be. Let me tell you, with this Mihu Wangwang team, the brand effect of our Mihu will definitely increase rapidly."

"By the way, since the first part has been filmed, let's contact the animation studio and ask them to shoot the second part after the Chinese New Year."

"Also, after the first one is finished, we will contact other TV stations and let them broadcast our film for free."

Hearing Shen Lin's suggestion, Lu Xiaorong frowned and said, "This second film should at least cost about the same as the first film."

"I think you should stop waiting and see the situation."

"After all, this cartoon basically can't make any money. Isn't this an obvious increase in operating costs!"

Shen Lin was in a good mood. He picked up the glass and refilled himself with some water, then smiled and said, "We didn't do this to make money."

"What's more, who said that the Wang Wang team can't make money? Let me tell you, it's really too much to use this way of making money."

Although Lu Xiaorong's vision has improved a lot now, she still can't imagine how much money she can make from a cartoon purely for publicity.

Seeing Shen Lin's confident appearance, she couldn't help laughing and said: "You, just blow it up here, I don't believe it, what money you can make with the Wang Wang team."

"Then you just wait and see." Shen Lin thought of the overwhelming publicity after the fire, and said with a smile: "You will soon know that this cartoon is done, and it really makes money."

"It's just that we don't have time to do much."

(End of this chapter)

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