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Chapter 1003 The Influence of Rice Shell

Chapter 1003 The Influence of Rice Shell

At Dongzhou Railway Station, an old-fashioned green leather train slowly stops at the exit.

Because of the Chinese New Year, crowds of people carrying plastic bags, travel bags, and all kinds of luggage swarmed out of the train station.

The faces of these people are full of joy and longing.After all, after the Chinese New Year, being able to go home is a happy thing for everyone.

Shen Rong stepped out of the car and couldn't help taking a greedy breath of the surrounding air.

Since graduating from university, I have been assigned to a large chemical plant in the northwest with my lover, and the number of times I have returned to my mother's home has become less and less!

The last time I went home was four or five years ago.

A well-behaved middle-aged man wearing glasses followed Shen Rong over.In addition to carrying a large canvas bag, he was also holding a four or five-year-old girl by the hand.

And behind the little girl, followed by a little boy who looked eight or nine years old.

"Mom, is this your hometown? It's not as grand as the train station over there!" The little boy looked at the dilapidated facilities of the train station and gave Shen Rong a direct evaluation.

Shen Rong patted the bear on the head and said, "Xu Zhong, what did I tell you when we came?"

"Be polite, you must be polite when you see grandma and grandpa." The bear boy glanced at his father impatiently and said, "Dad, look at your daughter-in-law. If you have nothing to do, hit me on the head."

"I'm such a smart person, I'm almost fooled by her!"

"You tell your daughter-in-law to pay attention to her in the future."

Listening to the naughty words of the bear boy, Shen Rong's expression became a little uneasy.But at the railway station, this is not the place to teach children.

"Let's go, let's go out first." Shen Rong said to her honest husband.

A family of four walked out of the train station with anticipation, and when they left the station, many people surrounded them.

"Boss, do you need a car? My tricycle is very fast, not slower than a car.

"Use my car, it's safe and cheap."

"Elder Sister, look at you..."

Listening to these local accents, Shen Rong felt very cordial, but she knew very well that no matter how nice these people's voices were, she couldn't use them indiscriminately.

"My family is here to pick me up, so please be busy." Shen Rong said in her native dialect.

After hearing Shen Rong's accent, many people dispersed, and at this moment, the bear kid Xu Zhong shouted loudly: "Mom, see if that is the one who picked you up."

"Look, pick up Shen Rong!"

Shen Rong followed her son's fingers and saw a young man in his 20s holding a big sign with her name written on it.

And also write the destination of oneself.

But she didn't know this young man at all.

Originally, Shen Rong, who had called home, thought it was Shen Lin who picked her up, but she didn't expect that it was a young man she didn't know.

"Excuse me, are you here to pick up Shen Rong?" After looking at the young man a few times, Shen Rong finally asked softly.

The man looked at Shen Rong twice, and then said with great enthusiasm: "Sister Shen Rong, I am Chengzi. My sister is Gui Fen, the Gui Fen you played with when you were young."

Hearing the young man mention a familiar name, Shen Rong immediately relaxed a lot. She smiled and said, "Oh, Nariko, you are already so old." "I remember the last time I saw you, you were only this tall."

While speaking, Shen Rong gestured, and then said with emotion: "If this is on the street, I wouldn't even dare to recognize you!"

Chengzi put down the sign and said with a smile: "Isn't that right, sister, since you graduated from university, there have been fewer people coming back. I don't dare to recognize you when I walk on the street."

"Oh, this is my brother-in-law. Hello, brother-in-law." While speaking, he reached out to take the middle-aged man's bag and said, "Brother-in-law, let me hold it."

"How embarrassing is this!" The middle-aged man wanted to struggle, but Cheng Zi enthusiastically snatched him away.

"Sister, originally Brother Shen was going to pick you up, but today he was blocked by our middle school's Principal Sun, and he insisted on dragging me to the middle school to give a report. He asked me to apologize to my brother-in-law."

Cheng Zi said while saying, "The car is waiting outside, let's go home first, my aunt has started preparing dishes early in the morning."

Shen Rong still had an impression of Principal Sun in the middle school. She was stunned for a moment and said, "Principal Sun asked Shen Lin to give a report? Chengzi, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Sister, how could I lie to you? It's true." Cheng Zi smiled and said, "Now there are so many places where Brother Shen is invited to give reports, Brother Shen is not even willing to go."

While speaking, Cheng Zi walked out of the train station with Shen Rong and others.

Outside the square of the railway station, there were still crowds of people, but in the middle of the square, a black Audi car was particularly conspicuous.

When many people encounter this car, they deliberately go a little farther away, for fear that they will not be able to pay for this car.

"Why does this car stop here?" Shen Rong's husband adjusted his glasses, and said with a trace of criticism in his mouth: "Although it doesn't delay people walking, it doesn't look good."

"People stop wherever they like, what does that have to do with you?" Shen Rong glared at Xu Bingyi, with a hint of blame in her words.

Xu Bingyi was already a little afraid of his daughter-in-law, but when he heard what his daughter-in-law said, he immediately stopped talking nonsense.

"Sister, it's all my fault. I was thinking that coming in would make it easier for you and my brother-in-law." Cheng Zi, who was standing aside, softly reviewed.

Shen Rong didn't expect that Cheng Zi would actually answer the call at this time, looking at the embarrassed Cheng Zi, he said with a hint of doubt in his words: "Cheng Zi, you said you drove this car?"

"It's Brother Shen's car." While speaking, Cheng Zi pressed the key to drive the car, and while putting his luggage in the trunk, he said, "Sister, get in the car."

It was the first time for Xu Zhong and his younger sister to ride in such a high-end car. After getting in the car, they all stared at the car's configuration curiously.

Black leather, comfortable seats, spacious space...

"Is this really Shen Lin's car?" Although Shen Rong knew that her younger brother had opened a factory called Mi Ke and that it was doing very well, that was just hearsay after all.

Now a car that she had only seen a few times appeared in front of her, which gave her quite a shock.

"This is Brother Shen's new car." Sitting in the driver's seat, Cheng Zi said, "Someone said that Brother Shen should be equipped with a Hutou Ben, but Brother Shen said that car was not practical at all, so he didn't buy it."

While speaking, Cheng Zi started the car and slowly drove out of the small square in front of the train station. When he reached the outer gate of the train station square, the gatekeeper quickly ran over and opened the door with a smile on his face. The act of saluting really stunned Shen Rong's family.

Cheng Zi smiled at the man, nodded his head, and drove the car out silently.

"Chengzi, I think you are quite familiar here!" Shen Rong asked with a smile.

"Sister, I don't come here many times. The reason why people are so enthusiastic is because this car belongs to Brother Shen. In Dongzhou, no one knows about my brother." Cheng Zi held the steering wheel and smiled. explained.

(End of this chapter)

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