Chapter 1004
"Chengzi, isn't this car cheap?" Shen Rong asked softly after the car drove out of the train station.

In the factory, Shen Rong seldom used a car, even if she got into a car with others, it was basically the most common jeep.

The car I'm sitting in now is really comfortable.

Even the car owned by their factory manager is not as good as this car.

"Sister, this car isn't too expensive, it's about 40 yuan." Cheng Zi said casually as he opened his mouth.

More than 40 million!

Xu Bingyi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, took a deep breath.

In the past few years, my brother-in-law has been doing well, and he knows this.He also knew that Shen Lin was very rich, but he didn't expect that he had already reached such a point.

He is an engineer, and his salary is more than 200 per month, which is considered a high salary in the factory, but even if he does not eat or drink, it will take many years to buy such a car.

Shen Rong was also surprised.

She didn't expect that Shen Lin would spend so much money to buy a car, and it would be so ostentatious. Everyone said he was very low-key.

At this time, the two children stared at everything around them with wide eyes, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Although they don't understand what the 40 yuan represents, they can all sense the changes in their parents' expressions.

For uncle Shen Lin, their impression was that every year during the Chinese New Year, uncle's gifts would be sent over.

Moreover, many of the home appliances at home were sent to them by uncle.

Shen Rong took a breath and said, "It's really..."

Just when Shen Rong was sighing, the car stopped steadily. Shen Rong looked outside and saw a group of floats passing by.

The first one is a white car, the car is very impressive...

One, two, three...

When Xu Zhong started, he was still counting the cars, but when he reached thirty, he couldn't keep counting.

Although the cars look different, one thing is the same, that is, all these cars are small cars.

"Whose family is getting married, it's so grand." Xu Bingyi said with some emotion: "Ordinary families can't get so many cars."

"Brother-in-law, this is Mr. Qiang's marriage." After saying Mr. Qiang, he saw some doubts on Shen Rong's face, so he smiled and said, "It's Brother Qiangzi."

"He is now the general manager of the rice shell electric store, so we all call him Mr. Qiang."

At this moment, the driver of an unknown float saw the Audi parked aside and honked the horn almost instinctively.

And as the first car honked, other cars also saw the car of the big boss Mi Ke.

Although Shen Lin likes to keep a low profile, in Dongzhou, with the growing strength of Mishell Electronics, Shen Lin has long since become a transparent person.

The license plate of Mi Ke No. [-] car is notoriously low-key. Someone suggested that Shen Lin get some bomb numbers directly, but Shen Lin refused.

There is really no need for that.

But most of the drivers driving today are the drivers of the Mishell team, so for a while, the horns kept honking.

Photon looked at these whistled cars, smiled and said to Shen Rong: "Sister, Brother Shen helped Mr. Qiang find most of these cars, and they all know our car."

It took a full 2 ​​minutes for the convoy to welcome the bride to be over.

At this time, Xu Bingyi's impression of his brother-in-law suddenly became more profound.

At this time, Shen Rong didn't know what to say about her naughty younger brother.

After the car had been driving for more than ten minutes, Shen Rong suddenly said: "Chengzi, why do I feel that you are going the wrong way?" "Isn't this the way to the hardware machinery factory?"

"Sister, Brother Shen built a family area for Mi Ke's employees. Everyone thinks it is very good. My uncle and aunt also moved there two days ago."

"This time we went to the Rice Shell Garden."

Rice Shell Garden.

Xu Bingyi felt that his brother-in-law was a bit too flamboyant for using the name of the company to call his family area, and also named it Garden.

"Sister, this is the second branch of our Mishell. It used to be an electronics factory, but now it is contracted by our Mishell."

Chengzi's car stopped for a while at a brand-new gate with a rice shell English logo standing on the gate.

Xu Bingyi was sitting in the co-pilot, and he saw clearly the line written on the black metal logo almost immediately.

Mi Ke, use technology to change life!

Listening to this slogan makes people...

Just when Xu Bingyi was full of emotion, he saw two security guards standing guard saluting this way almost at the same time, and the automatic gate was opened quickly.

Chengzi honked the horn, and the car quickly passed the second branch factory and drove in the direction of Mike Garden.

"Our rice shell is the same company as the rice shell that the TV station advertises every day?" Xu Bingyi finally asked.

"Yeah, that's what we advertised."

"I heard from Brother Shen that the annual advertising fee alone costs tens of millions!"

While Cheng Zi was speaking, he couldn't help asking, "Brother-in-law, don't you know?"

Xu Bingyi only knew that his brother-in-law had founded a company, but he didn't remember the exact name.

After all, when they came back a few years ago, they were mainly visiting relatives, and they didn't talk much with Shen Lin at the time, so they knew that their brother-in-law was making a fuss.

But now, he really realized the gap.

The big factory where I work doesn't seem to have Shen Lin's rice shell specification.

The annual advertising fee is tens of millions, my dear mother!
This seems to have caught up with the benefits of their own factory.

"Mom, so beautiful!" Just as Xu Bingyi was thinking about how big his brother-in-law's career was, his daughter's voice sounded.

When she took a closer look, she saw that she was actually in a garden-like residential complex.

Although it is winter, there are not only green everywhere, but also many cold-resistant plum blossoms.

Such beautiful scenery made Xu Bingyi dizzy.

"Elder sister, brother-in-law, you're home now. My aunt and second sister are waiting for you at home." Cheng Zi pointed forward while speaking: "Building No. [-], Unit [-], that's my aunt's home."

"Does Shen Lin also live here?" Shen Rong couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Shen may also move here. After all, this is Mi Ke's own house, and the people who live in the surrounding area are all Mi Ke's employees."

Cheng Zi smiled and said, "It's more comfortable to live together."

"However, I heard that Brother Shen plans to build a few more villas in the front area, and when they are completed, he will move here."

The car stopped at Building No. [-], and Cheng Zi quickly got out of the car to get something from the trunk. Xu Bingyi got out of the car and said to Shen Rong, "Hey, I didn't even know that your house is so grand."

"Why do I feel like I married a princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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