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Chapter 1005 With over [-] million assets, who do you look down on?

Chapter 1005 With over [-] million assets, who do you look down on?
Shen Rong didn't have time to pay attention to Xu Bingyi's emotion. When she got out of the car, she saw Shen Hong coming out of the unit door, her face was full of joy.

"Sister, you are back, I miss you!" Shen Hong rushed up and hugged Shen Rong.

Following Shen Hong who came out, Lu Xiaorong and Zhao Honglian also came out with millet shells. The family was naturally very happy to meet each other.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the family entered the house.Shen Rong was a little dizzy looking at the exquisitely decorated four bedrooms and two halls.

Their family lived in a two-bedroom apartment, and it was the kind of two-bedroom apartment without a living room. The concrete floor had been used for a long time, and it was inevitable that it would be a little bumpy.

"Sister, this house is alright. I'm envious when I look at it, but our mother doesn't like living here, so I forced her to move here."

Shen Hong took Shen Rong's hand, and said with a smile: "Now, I just ran over to live for two days if I have nothing to do, it's much better than our community!"

Shen Rong's heart was full of doubts. She looked at Lu Xiaorong and said, "Xiao Rong, the last time I came here, Shen Lin just opened a factory."

"How did it grow so fast now?"

Because Shen Xingye and Shen Lin were not at home, Xu Bingyi could only sit and drink tea by himself. When his wife mentioned Shen Lin's matter, he couldn't help but look over.

Although he didn't know the current scale of Mi Ke, what he had seen and heard along the way made him deeply feel that Shen Lin's business really felt like it was making rapid progress.

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "Shen Lin's business is running smoothly, and now there are four branch factories."

"There are more than a dozen rice shell electrical stores. I don't know the details."

"By the way, he just planned a building with less than [-] floors in the center of Donghai a while ago, and he plans to start construction after the new year."

What Lu Xiaorong said surprised Xu Bingyi. This business is not considered big, so what is it?

There are four branch factories, even if one branch factory only has 200 people, that is thousands of workers, not to mention more than a dozen rice shell appliance stores, and the [-]-story building in Donghai.

If before, Xu Bingyi felt that Shen Lin was a bit rich and powerful, but now, his feeling for Shen Lin is that he is rich.

That's right, riches.

Xu Bingyi didn't know what to say, but Shen Rong on the side sighed: "So many industries, this asset... the asset must exceed [-] million!"

Shen Rong is not asking, but actually sighing.It's not that she has never seen the big world, but this world is really a little too crazy!
Before Lu Xiaorong could speak, Shen Hong said, "Over [-] million? My dear sister, you underestimate our brothers too!"

"I went to the East China Sea a few years ago and rented out all the buildings that haven't been built yet. The rent alone collected more than [-] million yuan!"

"Not to mention, there is Xiaorong's adaptation of the work, which received a dividend of more than 1000 million dollars from the United States. Tsk tsk, it was donated as a fund to build a school."

"Is Xiao Rong still an outstanding young man?"

At this moment, Shen Rong really didn't know what to say.She looked at the familiar person in front of her, and felt a little strange for a while.

After all, in the blink of an eye, the younger brother who was originally just a little rich has suddenly become a rich man, so she really didn't know what to say.

After Zhao Honglian talked to her daughter and son-in-law about recent life, she started busy cooking, while Shen Rong continued to chat with Lu Xiaorong and Shen Hong.

"Mom, I want to watch the rice shell Wangwang team." Eight or nine-year-old Xu Zhong suddenly ran to his mother and said loudly: "I want to watch the rice shell Wangwang team."

"Bingyi, find the rice shell barking team for the child." Shen Rong said casually towards Xu Bingyi who was drinking tea.Xu Bingyi spread his hands and said, "It's not that I won't find it for him. It's because we can't receive the TV station here, so we can't watch it at all."

"Xu Zhong is obedient, let's watch after we go back."

"No, I want to watch the Mi Ke Wang Wang team, and so does my sister!" Xu Zhong pointed at his four or five-year-old sister while speaking: "Xiaoyu, mom won't let you watch the Mi Ke Wang Wang team. Would you like to watch the Mi Ke Wang Wang team?" ?"

"I want to watch the Mi Ke Wang Wang team, I want to watch the Mi Ke Wang Wang team... Wow!"

Before Xu Zhong finished speaking, the child had already started making a fuss, which made Xu Bingyi very helpless, he turned his head and looked at Shen Rong.

Shen Rong frowned, and just about to get angry, Lu Xiaorong said: "Xu Zhong coax my sister, your brother has a videotape of the Mike Wangwang team, I'll go and get it right away, so you can watch it all."

"Aunt, didn't you lie to me?" Xu Zhong's eyes widened, and he looked at Lu Xiaorong in disbelief.

Lu Xiaorong patted Xu Zhong on the shoulder and said, "You wait at grandma's house, I'll get it right away, and I'll be back in a while."

Shen Rong hurriedly said: "Xiao Rong, don't run away, it's just a few minutes of enthusiasm for a child, it will pass soon."

Lu Xiaorong said: "It's okay, I'll bring it here soon, it's not too far away, and I'll find something for the children to do."

Xu Bingyi looked at Lu Xiaorong who was about to leave, and couldn't help but said: "Xiaorong, I heard that the video tape of the Mike Wangwang team hasn't come out yet!"

Shen Rong couldn't help but glared at her husband. This guy is good at everything, but he is a bit too honest, he can't speak, and his emotional intelligence is not high.

Just like now, when you listen to what he said, it seems like you don't really trust Xiaorong.

"Brother-in-law, this Mi Ke Wang Wang team was originally a cartoon made by Shen Lin for the promotion of the Mi Ke brand."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "So, I have a complete set of samples at home."

Xu Bingyi and Shen Rong were really speechless at this moment. They looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"Auntie, did you say that my uncle had someone take pictures of the rice shell team? Is what you said true?" Although Xu Zhong was not yet ten years old, he was already a little sensible, and he was a little excited at this time.

Such a powerful cartoon was filmed by my uncle. If I tell it, I will probably be envious of my little friends for many days!

"It was your uncle who asked someone to shoot. Now the second part is being prepared, and it will be broadcast soon." Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "Well, let your uncle send the finished film to you first. How about you take a look at it?"

"Okay, okay, if I have this movie, I'll watch it every day." Excited Xu Zhong jumped up, but only halfway through, he said helplessly: "But I don't have a video recorder at home, so I don't have a VCR at home. I can't see it!"

"Auntie, why don't my little uncle give me a picture album of the Mike Wangwang team?"

Looking at the disappointed Xu Zhong, Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "When your uncle gave you the video tape, ask him to send you another video recorder and a large color TV. This will solve the problem."

"But before giving these gifts, you have to behave well and let your uncle see if you are good or not."

"Thank you, aunt, I will be very good." Xu Zhong said solemnly.

After Lu Xiaorong went out, Shen Rong glanced at her son and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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