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Chapter 1007 Done this bowl of chicken soup

Chapter 1007 Done this bowl of chicken soup
"If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow? In this world, no one can succeed casually..."

"When I left the hardware machinery factory, I felt that my sky was about to collapse, but at this time..."

"So, here, I want to encourage all my classmates..."

Principal Sun was clear about the topic of Shen Lin's speech, but at this time, listening to Shen Lin tell what he saw, Principal Sun felt his heart was burning.

What Shen Lin said by himself gave him an unusual feeling.

"Chairman Shen's report is well done. I think it can be edited and an article can be produced!"

It was the principal of No. [-] High School who spoke, and he said to Principal Sun with emotion in his voice: "Give me a copy of Chairman Shen's speech, and I will let the school radio station play it later."

"We also have a copy over there." It was the principal of the experimental high school who spoke, and he said in a deep voice: "Of course, it would be even better if you can drag Chairman Shen to our place to give a report."

Although the principal of Experimental High School told the truth, someone said: "Principal Ma, you think too much. Who doesn't know that Director Shen is notorious for not participating in activities."

"That's Principal Sun, who taught Chairman Shen back then, otherwise who would be able to hire this man!"

Principal Sun just laughed, but didn't say anything.

At this moment, Shen Lin smiled and said, "This is the end of my speech. If you have any questions, please ask them."

"If you can answer it, I will answer it."

Principal Sun hurriedly walked over to where Shen Lin was speaking. At this time, he was needed to help maintain order.

"Senior Brother Shen, I have a question. In your speech just now, you said that hard work is very important. What I want to ask is, which is more important, hard work or wisdom?"

Principal Sun didn't expect that some students asked questions directly before he asked anyone to ask questions.

And I still asked this kind of choice that is not easy to answer.

Just when Principal Sun was thinking about how to answer, Shen Lin said with a smile: "My junior, let me tell you, they are equally important."

"I think we must stick to one thing, whether in life or study, that is, we should not only bury our heads in the cart, but also look up at the road."

"Only in this way can we be successful."

Shen Lin's answer satisfied the student who asked the question, and at this moment, the whispers below suddenly increased.

In just half a minute, many people raised their hands high, and some even said loudly, "I have a question?"

"I have a question too!"

"Chairman Shen, I want to ask..."

Principal Sun's role was revealed at this time, and he quickly helped Shen Lin to screen out the problems one by one.

In the 10-minute questioning session, Shen Lin answered a total of seven or eight questions. Although these questions seemed varied to Principal Sun, they were not too big of a problem for Shen Lin, who has two lifetimes of experience and has seen a lot of inspirational chicken soup.

Amid bursts of applause, Shen Lin ended the report.

But when he returned to Principal Sun's office, he was surrounded by other principals.

The purpose of everyone is naturally to hope that Shen Lin can help them make a report, and Shen Lin will always be grateful for this kind of invitation.

The reason why he agreed to the invitation this time was that Principal Sun was his teacher back then, and he really couldn't shirk it.

As for other invitations, he really couldn't accept them.Facing Shen Lin's refusal, although everyone felt regretful in their hearts, there was nothing they could do.

"Mr. Shen, it's getting late. It's already eleven o'clock. I think we might as well bother Principal Sun for a meal. What do you think?" Principal Ma from Experimental High School asked with a smile.

Shen Lin glanced at his watch and exclaimed, "Oh, it's already eleven o'clock, Mr. Sun, I really have to leave this time."

"Qiangzi is getting married. I'm the witness. I have to arrive at the wedding venue at 11:30."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said to the people around him: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, our Mi Ke's Mr. Qiang is getting married, I have to go there."

While speaking, Shen Lin bowed his hands towards the crowd, and then, being escorted by Principal Sun, he quickly boarded the car waiting at the door.

"Mr. Shen, your elder sister's family has already received the rice shell garden." Cheng Zi waited for Shen Lin to get into the car, and said in a deep voice before Shen Lin asked.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's good to receive it, but it's a pity that I can't have dinner with my brother-in-law in the morning."

"Let's go, let's go to the hotel, it won't look good if we go late."

The place where Qiangzi's wedding was held was Dongzhou Guest House, which was also the largest hotel in Dongzhou.Although the wedding hadn't started yet, many guests had already arrived.

There are many business partners that Shen Lin is familiar with, and there are also some new partners that he doesn't know at all, but when everyone gathers together, it is extremely lively.

In charge of entertaining the guests were Cheng Zhenyuan, Lu Xiaoshan and other high-level executives of the company. They were chatting and laughing constantly in the crowd.

"Mr. Cheng, are you tired?" Lu Xiaoshan picked up a glass of water and gulped it down, then headed towards Cheng Zhenyuan, who had managed to find some free time.

Cheng Zhenyuan stretched out his arms and said, "Why aren't you tired? To be honest, I'm so tired that I can hardly breathe."

"But don't worry, we're going to relax soon."

Lu Xiaoshan was stunned for a moment, before he had time to ask, someone suddenly said: "Chairman Shen is here."

Accompanied by these words, those distinguished guests who were chatting quickly walked towards the door almost at the same time.

Some even trotted out as if they were afraid of walking slowly.

Looking at Shen Lin who was soon surrounded by the crowd, Lu Xiaoshan said with some emotion: "No wonder my brother-in-law is often reluctant to go out, these people are too enthusiastic."

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "It's no wonder they are, now our production chain is really important to these factories."

As the sales chief, Lu Xiaoshan naturally understands this.He shook his head and quickly walked towards Shen Lin.

Ten minutes later, Shen Lin helped Qiangzi finish reading the marriage testimony. Shen Lin breathed a sigh of relief, while taking the water that Lu Xiaoshan handed him, he said to Cheng Zhenyuan, "Boss Cheng, I need to make less arrangements in the future." Things, there are too many things today."

Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Then Chairman Shen..."

Just when Cheng Zhenyuan was halfway through, a young man quickly walked over. After seeing Lu Xiaoshan, he quickly came to Lu Xiaoshan's side.

Lu Xiaoshan, who was originally smiling, was shocked when he heard the young man's report.

He waved at the young man, then quickly came to Shen Lin's side and said, "Brother-in-law, the new refrigerator production line of Shangxue Electronics Factory has been installed."

"They are now, ready to produce."

(End of this chapter)

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