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Chapter 1008 Shen Lin Made a Mistake

Chapter 1008 Shen Lin Made a Mistake
In Lu Xiaoshan's eyes, Shangxue Electronics Factory is the main competitor of Mi Ke.

Although they can't keep up with Mi Ke, this factory has always been against Mi Ke.

Now that both factories are on the refrigerator production line, Lu Xiaoshan can't underestimate Shangxue Electronics Factory just because of this point.

Now, I am waiting for others to hurry up, let Shangxue Electronics Factory take the lead, this matter will be handled...

After Lu Xiaoshan reported the incident to Shen Lin, he saw that Shen Lin's expression didn't change much.

"Uh, Director Xie and the others are not slow!" Shen Lin said casually, and then said to Cheng Zhenyuan with a smile: "Today is Qiangzi's wedding ceremony, you must be careful when pouring wine for him point."

"There is also Xiao Shan, when you help block the wine, you must block it, and we can't let our boss Qiang get too drunk today."

"Okay!" Although Lu Xiaoshan didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Shen Lin's gourd, he hurriedly agreed.

In the following banquet session, Shen Lin was very relaxed. It was time to eat and drink.

He even talked and laughed happily with some important partners, without feeling any threat from Shangxue Electronics Factory.

While Shen Lin was celebrating happily, in the newly installed production workshop of Shangxue Electronics Factory, Factory Manager Xie was accompanying Takeda Ichiro and others with a smile, visiting the new production line with great interest.

All the newly dressed workers looked like they were ready to start work at any time.Although the production line is not in operation, the debugging of various equipment has been completed.

"Xie Sang, this production line is top-notch even in our island country. As long as Xie Sang can use it flexibly, I believe Shangxue Electronics Factory will have a lot to do!"

Ichiro Takeda pointed at the production line and said with a smile.

Factory Manager Xie laughed and said, "Mr. Takeda, without your support, we would have had [-] engineers transferred from Uematsu Electric, and it would have been really difficult for us to complete the assembly of the production line so quickly."

"Wait a minute, I want to toast you a toast!"

Ichiro Takeda waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about this, Xie Sang. Although your production line has been installed, this is only the first step."

"The most important thing for you now is to spread the reputation of the refrigerator and try to suppress the rice husks."

"You must make good use of this opportunity!"

"Mr. Takeda, don't worry, I will never let this opportunity go away." Factory Manager Xie said confidently: "Although Mi Ke has now taken the leading position in the home appliance market, there are still home appliance stores in various places."

"We are going to reach strategic cooperation with these home appliance stores to jointly deal with rice shells."

"I believe that with the addition of these home appliance stores, our sales will soon increase."

Speaking of this, Director Xie waved his hand and said, "We will further increase our investment in publicity. Hey, once our products are fully rolled out, it will not be so easy to turn over Mike's refrigerators!"

Ichiro Takeda nodded. He walked out of the production line and asked, "What is Shen Lin doing now?"

"A few days ago, I heard that Shen Lin invested in a building in the East China Sea."

While talking, Factory Manager Xie said to his assistant: "I heard that the building needs to pay a deposit of more than [-] million yuan."

"Has Shen Lin paid all the money?" Takeda Ichiro's eyes lit up immediately.

"It's already been paid." The middle-aged man following Factory Manager Xie said in a deep voice, "I have a classmate who works in Donghai."

"He said that Mi Ke's security deposit has already been deposited into a special account."

"This money can only be used for the construction of the building now!"

Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Takeda Ichiro stretched out his stubby fingers, and said with a smile: "Donghai Construction Building needs more than [-] million yuan, and the purchase of two Dongmen Electric production lines needs more than [-] million yuan, plus The construction of Mishell Technology Park..."

As Takeda Ichiro moved his fingers, Director Xie's expression slowly became serious.At this time, there was even more shock in his heart!

More than three billion!

Shen Lin didn't make a sound, and actually invested more than [-] million yuan!
It would be great if these [-] million yuan of funds were put in his own factory, but it's a pity that so much money belongs to Shen Lin.

Thinking of Shen Lin having so much money, Director Xie felt a little uncomfortable.

But immediately, he reacted.

Shen Lin spent so much money to invest, so how tight his capital chain must be. You must know that his advertising expenses are still a considerable investment.

Takeda Ichiro didn't know that the funds for Shen Lin's acquisition of the building were all in exchange for rent, and he didn't know that the two production lines of Mi Ke not only cost one, but also gave them a [-]% discount ...

"Xie Sang, do you feel anything?" Takeda Ichiro stopped his calculations, and asked Director Xie with a smile.

Director Xie nodded and said, "Mr. Takeda, I have already realized that Mi Ke's capital chain should be very tight, and Shen Lin is in urgent need of blood transfusion from all aspects."

"Our chance has come!"

"Hahaha, it should be said that our feast is coming soon." Takeda Ichiro waved his hand and said, "Mike's assets are all very high-quality."

"If there is corresponding capital flow support, Mi Ke is a high-quality asset, but Shen Lin is too greedy."

"He wants to take too many things into his arms, but in the end, he may not get anything."

"Our goal is to kill Mi Ke through the capital chain."

"When the rice hulls fell, we were able to grow very fast."

Director Xie was just thinking about how Mi Ke could not recover after a setback, but Takeda Ichiro's words made him see a new path.

Eat rice husks, although this rice husk is a bit tricky, but as long as you find the right entry point, it is not impossible to eat.

"Mr. Takeda is right. Shen Lin's mistake is a good opportunity given to us by God."

"No, Shen Lin didn't make a mistake, he was just too greedy and too confident."

Takeda Ichiro said proudly: "He is very smart and has a good plan, but the success of young people always makes them think highly of themselves."

"Of course, it also makes them feel good about themselves."

"So, they feel that they can do anything, feel that all difficulties can be easily solved, and feel that they are invincible and invincible!"

"It was their arrogance that ruined them."

Speaking of this, Takeda Ichiro said to Director Xie: "Director Xie, in the future, we must also pay attention to this point. Don't be too confident, or you will be taught a lesson."

Director Xie nodded frequently and said: "Mr. Takeda, what you said are all good words, don't worry, I will definitely remember your teachings."

"But relying on us alone, can Mi Ke's capital chain be held back?"

Ichiro Takeda waved his hand and said, "Of course it's not enough to rely on us alone, but with such a big cake, I believe there are not a few people who want to eat it."

"Let's wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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