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Chapter 1009 Our goal should be set higher

Chapter 1009 Our goal should be higher

Cheng Zhenyuan drank too much!

Lu Xiaoshan drank too much!
Photon drank too much...

Seeing a group of drunken people, Shen Lin, who was still sober, could only arrange for someone to send these Mi Ke executives home.

Fortunately, everyone lives in Rice Shell Garden, and a car can basically take them home.

The reason why Shen Lin was not drunk was not because of his drinking capacity, but because of his identity.

As the chairman of Mi Ke, if he insists on not drinking, basically no one will come to the general.But Cheng Zhenyuan and others are different.

Cheng Zhenyuan has many friends, he would rather hurt his body than his feelings.

And Guangzi, Lu Xiaoshan and others also have no ability to refuse.They are young, and many of the toasts are their elders, so it is not good to drink.

It's like Lu Xiaoshan, when he met someone holding a wine glass and said that your father Lu Dahai and I worked in the same workshop, he had to drink it.

But Shen Lin, absolutely no one would dare to tell him that.

As the groom's official, Qiangzi was still sober at this time because of Shen Lin's request.

After sending Cheng Zhenyuan and others away, Qiang Zi said, "Brother Shen, why don't we find another place to drink some tea?"

"Hey, do I have that no wink? You should be busy with your work. Today you are the groom's official. You are very busy. I will find a place to drink tea by myself."

Shen Lin patted Qiangzi and said: "By the way, although the overall situation in the East China Sea has been settled, Mr. Lan still has to sit in the town, so he can't come. Let me send him a wedding blessing."

"Brother Shen, I'll give Boss Lan a call later."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, after finishing the matter, I'm going home, you should hurry up and do your own work."

Qiangzi looked at Shen Lin who was also drunk, and said to Chengzi a little worriedly: "Chengzi, you must send brother Shen home safely."

Cheng Zi nodded and said, "Mr. Qiang, don't worry, I will definitely send Chairman Shen home."

Shen Lin got into the car, waved his hands and said, "Go home."

And when Chengzi was about to start the car, Shen Lin continued: "Go to our refrigerator factory."

Cheng Zi wanted to persuade him, but looking at Shen Lin with a solemn expression, he swallowed his persuasion in the end.

The car was driving smoothly on the street, and there were very few pedestrians around. Ten minutes later, Shen Lin arrived at the Rice Shell Refrigerator Factory.

The refrigerator factory was still in full swing for installation. Looking at these scenes, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.

It had been more than three hours since he got the news. Shen Lin believed that even if he didn't tell him, as the director of the refrigerator factory, Luo Lei should have got the news.

Now, under this situation, Luo Lei is still able to organize and install with all his heart. This kind of determination is exactly what the helm of a factory needs.

"Brother Shen, I'm going to find Director Luo." Cheng Zi was about to get out of the car while speaking.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the conference room, they should be there." While speaking, Shen Lin got out of the car.

The workers who were installing all knew Shen Lin, the chairman of Mi Ke. Although they didn't know what Shen Lin was here for, they all greeted Shen Lin with a smile.

Shen Lin nodded with a smile, and even greeted some workers he knew. He soon came to the meeting room of the refrigerator factory.

When he opened the door, the conference room was filled with smoke, and even Shen Lin felt that he couldn't see his own face clearly for a while.

Looking at these smokers, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Are you preparing to smoke bacon or what are you doing? There is so much smoke and you don't open the windows."

The reason why Luo Lei and others gathered here was because they knew the news that the production line of Shangxue Electronics Factory had been installed.

Although Shen Lin had told him before that he should try his best to catch up with the opponent. Even if he couldn't catch up with the other party, it wouldn't be a big deal.However, Luo Lei still felt like he had lost the battle.

He summoned his subordinates to reverse the construction period and see how to complete the installation faster.

However, no matter how they arrange it, the entire production line will not be able to be debugged until the end of the year.

This made Luo Lei feel a little depressed.

He didn't expect that Shen Lin would walk in suddenly at this time.

"Mr. Shen, why are you here?" Surprised, Luo Lei quickly stood up and said to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "If I don't come again, are you planning to smoke this conference room into a fairyland on earth!"

"Smoking is not good, everyone should smoke less."

While speaking, Shen Lin sat down on the chair next to Luo Lei and said, "Director Luo, look at you, you are in a meeting now!"

"Mr. Shen, we... We already know that the debugging of the refrigerator equipment of Shangxue Electronics Factory has been completed, and the finished refrigerator will be produced soon."

Luo Lei knew very well that at this time, it was meaningless to say anything to cover up, it was better to tell Shen Lin the truth.

"We sit here and see when we can finish."

Shen Lin looked at Luo Lei and said with a smile, "What is the result of your reverse schedule?"

"'s after the new year, at the earliest it's after the fifth day of the first lunar month." After Luo Lei said the date, his voice trembled a little.

Because this is much slower than Shangxue Electronics Factory.

"Our progress is very fast. I guess you are the fastest. You will have to wait until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month to complete the task."

"You guys are a lot ahead of schedule!"

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Yes, this progress is very good."

Luo Lei lowered his head, he really wanted to finish this debugging before the year, and even more so, he wanted to be able to finish it earlier than Shangxue Electronics Factory.

But they didn't expect that Shangxue Electronics Factory made such a rapid effort that it had already debugged the production line years ago.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Luo, I know what you're thinking, but what I want to say is still that sentence."

"Our opponent has never been Shangxue Electronics Factory."

"It doesn't matter if they are one day earlier or one day later than us. As long as we do our job well, follow our design plan and finish the production line, our task will be successfully completed."

"There are so many refrigerator brands in the market, if we can win the market simply by being able to start production one day earlier, then the earliest refrigerator factories will not be closed."

When Shen Lin said this, he patted Luo Lei on the shoulder and said, "I can see what you have done, and you have done very well."

"Wait a minute and ask someone to tell you that because of the high-intensity work in our refrigerator factory, all the staff of the refrigerator factory will have double the holiday benefits this year."

"There is no need to refuse, this is the company's reward for everyone's hard work."

Luo Lei didn't expect that he didn't catch up with Shangxue Electronics Factory, and instead of being reprimanded by Shen Lin, he was rewarded with double the benefits for the New Year.

For a moment, his heart was filled with excitement.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, we will definitely speed up the progress under strict requirements, and we will never let you and the company down."

(End of this chapter)

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