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Chapter 1010 What Are You Going To Post During Chinese New Year?

Chapter 1010 What Are You Going To Post During Chinese New Year?

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when Shen Lin came out of the rice shell refrigerator factory.

In this afternoon, Shen Lin basically worked on-site at Mike Refrigerator Factory, listened to Luo Lei's report, solved the difficulties in the installation process on the spot, and...

The speech in the morning, the wedding at noon, and the affairs of the refrigerator factory made Shen Lin feel exhausted...

"Brother Shen, Brother Guangzi just called and said that he has something to report to you tomorrow." As soon as Shen Lin got into the car, Cheng Zi reported to him.

"Are you awake from the photon wine?" Shen Lin took a sip of water from the teacup and asked with a smile.

Cheng Zi smiled and said, "Judging from his tone, he should be awake."

"Do you know what he wants to report?" Shen Lin lay down on the seat and asked with a smile.

"It should be a matter of welfare at the end of the year, and everyone is waiting for it now!" Cheng Zi pondered for a while, but said the truth.

These days, the factory has also met many workers, and they found various reasons to inquire in front of him about the benefits of Mi Ke this year.

Although Chengzi was very clear about welfare, he didn't say much.

Shen Lin nodded and said, "It's 26 today, and our New Year's benefits should be distributed, otherwise everyone won't be in the mood to work."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "When you get home, call Chengzi and ask him to come to my office tomorrow morning."

"Alright Brother Shen." Cheng Zi happily agreed.

"You don't need to call. I'll call him when we get back. Isn't he sober? Just as my brother-in-law is here, let him accompany me for a while." Shen Lin suddenly thought of the matter of his sister and brother-in-law. He waved his hand towards Cheng Zi.

Although Xu Bingyi and Xu Bingyi belonged to the same family, but when his brother-in-law came to celebrate the New Year, he had to have a good meal with him.

Shen Lin didn't have much contact with Xu Bingyi, so at this time, it's best to have someone on your own come out to help.

Photon is pretty good!

"Okay." Cheng Zi agreed and said nothing more.

When Shen Lin returned home, the family had already started preparing dinner. The two sisters, Shen Hong and Shen Rong, were cooking with Zhao Honglian in the kitchen, while Lu Xiaorong and his three children were watching Team Wang Wang in the living room.

Only Xu Bingyi was sitting beside the sofa, drinking tea in a bored manner.

"Brother-in-law, I have too many things to do today. I'm sorry I'm only coming back now." Shen Lin said to Xu Bingyi with a smile.

Shen Lin knew that Xu Bingyi was not a good talker.Therefore, he was very enthusiastic about this eldest brother-in-law.

A smile appeared on Xu Bingyi's face and said: "Shen Lin, I know you are busy with big things now, haha, it's okay, we are all from our own family."

"Brother-in-law, is the journey going well?" While speaking, Shen Lin helped Xu Bingyi add some water to his teacup.

"It went very well." Xu Bingyi said with a smile: "We changed trains once and arrived in Dudongzhou. Shen Rong said it went well."

Shen Lin looked at the restrained Xu Bingyi, and said with a smile, "Today we finally met one, so we must have a good drink."

Having said that, he shouted at Shen Hong: "Second sister, when will my second brother-in-law get off work?"

"Shen Lin, who can say for sure what happened with your second brother-in-law? I called him just now, and he said it depends on the situation today."

Shen Hong complained dissatisfied: "I originally thought that when he entered the department, he would have time. Unexpectedly, it seems to be even busier."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Everyone is busy during the Chinese New Year." As he spoke, he picked up the phone and dialed Guangzi directly. Guangzi only rang twice before he answered the phone and said, " Hello, brother, I’m Photon.”

"Photon, what are you doing now?" Shen Lin realized from Photon's voice that he had recovered.

"Brother Shen, I was watching TV. Today, Factory Manager Li and the others joined forces to pour me wine. I will definitely get this place back later."

Photon was very unconvinced: "In terms of drinking capacity, they can't compare to me."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, let's talk about revenge later, since you are sober, come to my house quickly, my brother-in-law is here, let's have a drink with my brother-in-law."

Guangzi thought that Chu Feng is here, so why do I still need to accompany him, but he reacted instantly and said: "It's the eldest brother-in-law, I'll come right here."

Shen Lin put down the phone, Xu Bingyi said: "Shen Lin, there is no need to send someone over."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, there are no outsiders, just a friend who often plays together."

"Photon, when I was in the affiliated hospital of the hardware machinery factory, I lived across from our house."

"It's still in the same building as us."

Shen Rong came out and said, "Shen Lin, your brother-in-law doesn't drink very well, please drink less."

"By the way, you tell my dad to come back quickly. You can send someone to deal with the factory over there."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Sister, I have sent someone to replace our father, and he will be back tomorrow."

While Shen Lin was speaking, Guangzi had already knocked on the door and walked in, holding a handbag with two bottles of wine in his hand.

"Sister, brother-in-law." Guangzi also knew Shen Rong when he was a child, and he put down the bag in his hand while saying hello: "I happen to have two bottles of good wine, brother-in-law is here, let's have a good taste. "

Shen Lin looked at it and smiled, "Then drink this today."

Xu Bingyi's eyes fell on the Moutai wine he took out from the bag, and wanted to say that it was a bit too extravagant for the three of him to drink this kind of wine, but looking at the spacious living room, he was speechless for a while .

Although this wine seems to be quite valuable, compared with Shen Lin's billions of dollars, the difference is too far.

As soon as the three of them sat down, the door was pushed open, and Chu Feng walked in with a smile on his face.

"Brother-in-law, I knew you were here, so I put off everything today." Chu Feng and Xu Bingyi are closer in age, so they are closer.

Shen Lin asked Chu Feng to speak and went to serve the dishes by himself.Photon wanted to help, but was stopped by Shen Lin.

In just a few words, the four cold dishes that had been prepared a long time ago were served. Photon picked up the wine bottle and quickly got four glasses of wine, and then the four of them raised the glasses together.

Because none of them were outsiders, everyone chatted while drinking.

Chu Feng was well-informed, and he had a good relationship with Xu Bingyi, so he became the protagonist of the conversation, while Guangzi kept making jokes, and it was fun for a while.

After Guangzi drank two glasses of wine, his face was a little flushed, and he said to Shen Lin: "Brother Shen, we have almost raised all the benefits for the New Year, and the last cart of raisins pulled from Tianshan Mountain, this afternoon At six o'clock, it has been unloaded to the warehouse."

"In terms of logistics, I want to ask you, look at these things, when will they be distributed, otherwise it will not be a problem to keep occupying the warehouse."

Before Shen Lin opened his mouth, Chu Feng, who was a little drunk, smiled and said, "Guangzi, the whole Dongzhou now says that your rice shell welfare is good, what are you going to give out this year?"

(End of this chapter)

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