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Chapter 1011 Too many benefits, stop sending them

Chapter 1011 Too many benefits, stop sending them

Seeing Chu Feng asking about this, Guangzi looked at Shen Lin, and seeing that Shen Lin had no intention of stopping, he smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, if you let me speak directly, I really can't tell."

"Let me do the math for you!"

When Photon said this, he stretched out his finger and said: "Now that the supplies are sufficient, we mainly pay bonuses during the New Year."

"Okay, don't tell me about the bonus. Our unit said it today. Because of the tight budget, everyone should forget about the bonus."

When Chu Feng mentioned the bonus, he scratched his head for a while. Although his little life was very comfortable, with the help of Shen Lin and his wife, the family of three had no shortage of food and clothing.

Most of the time, Shen Hong gets things from her mother's house, and they basically don't spend money on food and clothing.

But the bonus should be given to him after all, not to mention hearing people talk about bonuses.

Looking at the angry Chu Feng, Guangzi smiled and said: "Second brother-in-law, if you don't send it, I will ask us to make up for you later."

"Okay, don't fool me here." How could Chu Feng ask for Mi Ke's bonus, although this one seems to be more.

"According to the rules set this year, every official employee is given ten catties of pork, ten catties of mutton, and ten catties of hairtail."

Hearing what Photon said, Chu Feng took a deep breath. Although the supplies are not so scarce now, it is not an easy task to get so much meat.

You know, this is not for one person, but for the entire Mishell company.

"A box of apples, five catties of raisins, ten catties of candied dates, a bag of rice, and a bag of noodles..."

Photon said more than a dozen kinds of words in one breath, which made Chu Feng jealous, and Xu Bingyi also felt incredible.

They are a big company, and the entire factory area is like a small city.But even so, there are not as many kinds of things as rice shells.

"Why do you post so many things?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"Brother, you are asking the right person. Our rice shell not only has an electronics factory and an electrical store, but also a transportation fleet."

Photon said proudly: "Our convoy delivers goods in all directions. When we return, although we also do other transportation business, sometimes we still have to return empty."

"Brother Shen asked me to list the specialties of various places a month ago, just to distribute benefits to everyone."

Xu Bingyi looked at the indifferent Shen Lin, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Shen Lin treats his employees so generously. Although it is a personal enterprise, the cohesion and centripetal force of the employees are not bad.

"Shen Lin, it should cost you a lot of money to distribute these benefits, right?"

"Not much." Shen Lin took a sip of the dish and said, "After all, everyone has worked hard for a year. Send out more things to make everyone happy."

Chu Feng looked at Shen Lin who looked indifferent, and immediately said politely: "Big rich man, give me some of the mutton you pulled from the grassland, so that I can give some favors."

"I'll ask Photon to make some for you." Shen Lin nodded.

The four of them drank two bottles of wine. Although Xu Bingyi controlled his alcohol intake, he still got a little dizzy in the end.

Lying on the big comfortable bed, he couldn't help thinking that if his whole family came to join Shen Lin, would he be able to live a better life?
Although this thought was suppressed by him in just a flash, he still couldn't help thinking of it throughout his sleep.

In fact, it wasn't just the drunk Xu Bingyi who thought this way, even Shen Rong was not at peace at this moment.

She is four or five years older than Shen Hong, but now she feels that she is much older than Shen Rong.

Although the reason why Shen Rong is so young is related to her mentality, Shen Rong also knows that it is also related to her favorable living conditions.If Shen Hong didn't have to worry about basically anything, she wouldn't be so relaxed.

After I come back, many things will become easier, but I have worked in the factory for so many years, do I really give up like this?
All kinds of thoughts made Shen Rong sleepless. She wanted to communicate with Xu Bingyi, but Xu Bingyi had been sleeping soundly.

So Shen Rong couldn't help pinching Xu Bingyi's shoulder two or three times when the sky was about to dawn.

This pig doesn't know when to wake up.

At eleven o'clock in the morning the next day, Shen Rong insisted on going to the old yard of the hardware machinery factory affiliated courtyard. Zhao Honglian just thought that she still had some things to clean up, so she took Shen Rong and Xu Bingyi's family to the hardware machinery factory. The family courtyard of the factory.

"Hello, Aunt Zhao!"

"Hello, Aunt Zhao, you look energetic again. Oh, isn't this Sister Shen Rong? When did you come back?"

"He, Aunt Zhao, I was just saying that I had something to ask you for. Alas, this is your grandson. He has grown so tall. This baby looks really ostentatious, with a blessed face."


In Rice Shell Garden, although everyone basically nodded their heads when facing Zhao Honglian, but when they arrived at the affiliated courtyard of the hardware machinery factory, almost everyone greeted their family with a smile.

This gave Shen Rong the feeling that she had returned to her hometown with honor.

It took only 5 minutes to walk from the gate of the family courtyard to the home, but Shen Rong and the others walked for more than 40 minutes.

After all, they are all old neighbors in the neighborhood, and it is simply impossible not to stop and talk.

"Mom, I think you are more beautiful now than when my dad was the factory manager." Shen Rong said to Zhao Honglian with a smile while there was no one around.

Zhao Honglian said helplessly: "This is also the reason why I moved to Mike Garden. There are too many people at home!"

"Shen Lin has already made a decision about some things. What can I do if the old neighbor comes here?"

Shen Rong smiled, she could think of the difficulties her mother encountered.

At this moment, I saw two people, one old and one young, pushing a small car from a distance. The car seemed to be heavy, and there was a creaking sound while walking.

"Oh, sister Honglian, where are you going?" The old man asked Zhao Honglian loudly.

Zhao Honglian smiled and said, "Go home and get something, you are..."

"I just went to collect the New Year's benefits." The old man's voice was full of pride and said: "Sister Honglian, you go back and tell Chairman Shen that he should not pay so much benefits."

"The three of us all work in our rice shell. Just look at the meat, it's all divided into one or two hundred catties. How can we eat it all this New Year?"

Shen Rong was really speechless after listening to the old man's words.

All along, she has met people who dislike the fact that the benefits are too stingy. This is the first time she has encountered someone who thinks that the benefits are too much.

Zhao Honglian said with a smile: "Send us something for the holidays, isn't he what Shen Lin should do! Take a look at the employees in your factory, all of them seem to be wound up, and they don't even talk about their work. !"

"Otherwise, I'll talk to him later and ask him to adjust the category, and don't just deal with these big fish and big meat."

(End of this chapter)

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