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Chapter 1013 I, the factory manager, are under pressure

Chapter 1013 I, the factory manager, are under pressure

In the General Iron and Steel Plant, Zhong Tianyang was looking at the report for the last month in his office.

It has been more than a year since Zhong Tianyang became the person in charge of the General Iron and Steel Plant. In this more than one year, Zhong Tianyang has been recognized by the workers of the entire Iron and Steel Plant.

Not only is he fair in dealing with things, but he is also very good at business.

In the past year, the profit of the General Iron and Steel Plant has quadrupled compared to before.

Forging iron still needs to be hard on oneself, and the achievements of hard work can speak for itself. Not only has Zhong Tianyang been highly commended by his superiors, but some people say that he will take on more important responsibilities.

"Director, our factory's wire rod orders have increased a lot." The sales chief came to Zhong Tianyang's office with a document and said happily.

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said, "We have to step up production of the wire rod, but you also need to pay attention to new products."

"Although we haven't mass-produced it yet, when it's time to promote it, we must promote it first."

"Factory manager, don't worry, I will never embarrass you in this matter."

The sales chief said a few words, then smiled and said, "Director, do you have any plans for tonight? If not, our sales department would like to treat you to dinner. Thank you for your support."

Zhong Tianyang knew the purpose of his subordinate. If it was normal, he would not be too repulsed if he had a relationship with his subordinate.

But these days, I really don't have time.

"I can't do it today, I have an appointment with Mi Ke's Shen Lin for dinner." Zhong Tianyang said: "Why don't you get together first, and let's have a good chat after the New Year."

After hearing Zhong Tianyang's promise, the sales chief hurriedly said, "That's really great. I'll pass on your arrangement to the people in our department later."

"By the way, the factory manager, Mishell Electronics has been making big moves recently. Among other things, the benefits they give out have made the entire Dongzhou big and small factories jealous!"

As the director of a large factory like the General Iron and Steel Factory, Zhong Tianyang is still very concerned about things like welfare.

After all, he also wants to give benefits to his subordinates.

"Our Chairman Shen, what benefits does he give his employees?" Zhong Tianyang put down the pen in his hand and asked solemnly.

"Factory manager, as far as I know, every employee of Mike has ten catties of pork, ten catties of mutton, two fat chickens, and ten catties of authentic raisins pulled from the west...a bag of rice, A bag of flour..."

The sales section chief's report left Zhong Tianyang speechless for a while. What Shen Lin sent was really too much.

Although their iron and steel general factory has a big business, but if they want to catch up, I'm afraid they don't have such conditions!

"Hey, our Chairman Shen, this time is really generous, we are a little bit behind." There was a trace of emotion in Zhong Tianyang's words.

The chief of the sales department smiled and said, "Director Zhong, our Iron and Steel Factory is also very good."

"Actually, many factories didn't release anything during the Chinese New Year this year!"

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said, "That's right, it's really difficult for some factories recently."

"This is also related to their difficulty in coping with market changes. If we want to avoid this step, our Iron and Steel Plant can only continue to innovate our products."

"Only if the products can be sold can our wages and benefits be guaranteed."

"If our products can't be sold, everything is useless."

After the sales chief left, Zhong Tianyang began to think about the benefits offered by Shen Lin.He knew Shen Lin's purpose, which was in line with his business strategy, and he changed the way to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise.

In Shen Lin's own words, enterprises also need to accumulate people's hearts. When people are united, the mountains will move. People's hearts are productivity.After thinking about these words, Zhong Tianyang feels that they still make sense.However, this method cannot be imitated by other factories. After all, this requires the company itself to have excellent strength.

Of course, Mishell Electronics is now one of the best companies.

The place where Zhong Tianyang invited Shen Lin to eat was still his own home.It's just that his wife was out for a meeting today, so there were only Zhong Qing and Liang Jialuo who was pulled over by Zhong Qing to help at home.

"You don't even know, that guy Shen Lin actually distributed a lot of chicken, duck and fish."

"Oh, I don't know what to do now. It's a pity to throw it away, but it's easy to break if it's left in my room."

While picking vegetables, Liang Jialuo complained to Zhong Qing.

Zhong Qing smiled and said: "If you think it's difficult to deal with, just send it to my brother and let him eat it. His refrigerator is not small and can hold a lot of things."

"Hmph, he's a big factory manager, so he still lacks this thing? I've figured it out, and I'll bring it back when I go home in two days, and let my father know that his daughter is also a person with benefits!"

Seeing Liang Jialuo's complacency while speaking, Zhong Qing couldn't help laughing. She patted Liang Jialuo on the shoulder, then pointed to the [-]-liter bottled water and said, "Look at this bottle, how do you feel?"

Liang Jialuo looked at the high-end pure water packaged in a slender plastic bottle, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Sister Zhong, you made it so quickly?"

"I thought it would take at least half a year for you to produce a product!"

Zhong Qing smiled and said: "It's not too difficult. Shen Lin gave me a plan, and I will follow this plan to find the Danjiangkou Reservoir without any difficulty."

"Now I have prepared both purified water and mineral water, and I'm just waiting to promote them."

"This time I asked my brother to invite Shen Lin over, just to ask him to help him come up with an advertising plan. I found several advertisements, but none of them were very suitable."

Liang Jialuo picked up a freshly washed apple and took a bite, "This guy is also a shareholder, and he's a major shareholder, so he must not be taken advantage of."

"It's just a guy like him who only invests money and doesn't care about anything else. He is obviously lazy!"

Zhong Qing looked at Liang Jialuo waving his palms like a kitten waving its claws, and couldn't help but joked, "Jialuo, you said that you have been working at Mi Ke for a while, and after you get used to it, come and help me. "

"Now that you've been working as an assistant in Mi Ke for so long, you've learned almost what you should learn. How about it, come and try what it's like to be a big boss."

"How about I let you be the deputy general manager?"

Hearing this, Liang Jialuo's eyes flashed brightly, but soon, she said with a trace of sadness: "Sister Zhong Qing, it's not that I don't want to help you, but that I'm not good enough."

"The more I stay at Mishell Electronics, the more I feel that I haven't learned enough, so please forgive me."

"I'm going to study hard with Shen Lin for a while longer. When I learn all his abilities, I'll kick this nasty guy away."

Zhong Qing looked at Liang Jialuo who was in high spirits in his words, and shook her head helplessly. She had already noticed that there was something wrong with the way Liang Jialuo looked at Shen Lin, but it was not easy for her to speak out about things without evidence.

However, she secretly decided in her heart that she must have a good chat with Liang Jialuo later.Don't just sit and watch this girl with both talent and beauty, and accidentally become obsessed with Shen Lin, who wants to be good-looking and talented!
At this moment, there was a knock on the door, Liang Jialuo went to open the door, and saw Shen Lin and Zhong Tianyang walking in side by side.

"Shen Lin, why didn't you take Xiao Rong over with you?" Zhong Qing asked with a smile when she saw Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Sister, my eldest sister's family is back, so Xiaorong is helping my mother with cooking today."

"She said that she wants to choose a special time to list a recipe that suits Sister Zhong's taste, and show off her cooking skills in a special event!"

(End of this chapter)

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