Chapter 1014 One million at a time, too cheap
"Shen Lin, what is this?" After chatting with Shen Lin, Zhong Qing handed Shen Lin a bottle of the pure water that Liang Jialuo saw just now.

Looking at the bottle designed according to his own memory, which has become a reality at this time, Shen Lin asked with a smile: "Is this the purified water from our factory?"

Zhong Qing didn't think there was anything wrong with what Shen Lin said about our factory, because Shen Lin himself was the big boss here.

"After our hard work, it can now be put into production, but how should the water be sold?"

Zhong Qing said in a deep voice: "Many small shops don't accept this kind of water at all."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Our advertisement hasn't been published yet. This kind of water is still unknown. Of course, it's not easy to sell. After the advertisement is shot, it will be easier to say."

"By the way, you can now sponsor various conferences in our province and city. There will definitely be unexpected gains."

Zhong Qing's eyes lit up when he heard the proposal to sponsor the meeting.

She knew very well that this purified water not only looked upscale, but was also very clean and hygienic. If it appeared in various meetings, it would definitely be accepted quickly.

And once this kind of pure water appeared in the meeting, it would not be a big problem if it became popular.

Liang Jialuo was coming out with a plate of dishes, when he heard Shen Lin's suggestion, he snorted and said, "Aren't you being a little clever!"

"I said, Boss Shen, if you feel capable, you should first think about how to advertise."

"This pure water is not advertised, it still won't work."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Advertising is of course indispensable, and after the new year, summer is coming soon, summer is the peak season for pure water sales, we must seize this opportunity."

Having said that, Shen Lin took a sip of water from his cup, and then casually said to Liang Jialuo, "Didn't you ask for leave and say you were going back to East China Sea for the New Year? Why haven't you left yet?"

"I wonder what's wrong with leaving tomorrow?" Liang Jialuo put his hands on his hips, and said unceremoniously, "I'm here, and I'm eating rice from Brother Zhong's family, not yours."

After Liang Jialuo rolled her eyes and was robbed again, Shen Lin was speechless for a while, this crazy girl really didn't know what to do.

He said to Zhong Tianyang: "Brother Zhong, listen to my advice, let Liang Jialuo's mother take her away quickly, otherwise she will go berserk."

"You're the only one who is going berserk!" Liang Jialuo waved his fist, then turned around and ran away.

Zhong Qing smiled and said: "Shen Lin, Jia Luo is a girl, sometimes she has to give way."

"By the way, you said advertising, what should we do?"

Shen Lin looked at Zhong Qing, who was in a hurry, and said with a smile: "Sister, in fact, there is one chance these few days."

When Shen Lin said this, he said solemnly: "Because we have a good relationship between Mi Ke and the TV commercial, so we also sponsored the Spring Festival Gala this time."

Mi Ke sponsored the Spring Festival Gala!
Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin, not knowing what to say at this moment.He asked curiously, "How much did it cost?"

"It's very cheap. Although it costs more than watch advertisements, but because I'm an old customer, I only asked for 100 million, tsk tsk."

Speaking of this price, Shen Lin almost laughed.

Compared with later generations, that was really too cheap, and Shen Lin felt like he was picking up money.

"One million a night, you still say it's cheap?" Zhong Tianyang was stunned for a moment, and then asked Shen Lin in disbelief.

"Isn't it cheap?" Looking at Zhong Tianyang's appearance, Shen Lin asked instinctively.

He really wanted to tell Zhong Tianyang that in future generations, some sponsors would be worth hundreds of millions!My 100 million is really not much at all.

It's a pity that Zhong Tianyang doesn't understand his thinking, nor does he know the price trend in decades, otherwise, he will definitely say it's too worth it.

"Shen Lin, don't talk about this first, what is the opportunity you mentioned?" Ever since she led the construction of the pure water plant, Zhong Qing's main attention has been on this plant.

Hearing Shen Lin's words at this time, she couldn't wait to know how Shen Lin promoted his pure water at the party.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Sister, this isn't easy. Before the party starts, let's fill the guests' tables with our pure water."

"Also, every hour, we invite them to tell the time. When the time is told, we will say that our purified water reminds you, what time is it now..."

Shen Lin's words made Zhong Qing and Zhong Tianyang look at each other dumbfounded.

They all knew that Shen Lin was a business genius, otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a big splash in just a few years.

But at this moment, they still couldn't help being shocked, because Shen Lin's proposal made them feel that they didn't know enough about Shen Lin.

What material is this man’s head made of?Let him say it casually, even a small suggestion will make people feel amazing. .

The most important thing is that they feel that what Shen Lin said is to the point, all factors are taken into consideration, and it can really be realized.

"Chairman Shen, I'm convinced!" Zhong Tianyang gave a thumbs up and said, "Your few short tricks can immediately achieve the effect of making our purified water known to all women and children."

"I'm afraid we won't have to worry about agents when the time comes."

At this time, Zhong Qing was extremely happy. Although the factory was built and the products were produced, she was at a loss for the most important sales channel.

But now, this wave of operations given by Shen Lin really gave her a feeling of seeing the sun behind the clouds.

Liang Jialuo, who was serving food outside, pondered what Shen Lin said in his heart, and had to admit that this kind of sales method can definitely be successful.

For a while, Liang Jialuo took another look at Shen Lin, and found that Boss Shen was shining brightly.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother Zhong, these are just some small tricks of mine. It's okay to use it once. In the end, we will still operate in a down-to-earth manner. Only in this way can our business grow bigger and bigger."

Zhong Qing nodded and said: "Shen Lin, let's talk about the advertisement later. Please help us come up with a name for our product."

"I don't like some of the names they gave."

When Zhong Qing talked about them, she glanced at Zhong Tianyang and Liang Jialuo.

Liang Jialuo stared and said, "Sister, when you say you don't like it, don't date me. My name is not bad."

"It's not a good name, it's obviously Brother Zhong, a pure water, you have to let people call it cast steel, tsk tsk, is this still the name of pure water?"

Zhong Tianyang laughed loudly and said, "That was a slip of the tongue, hahaha..."

Shen Lin looked at Zhong Qing's appearance, smiled and said: "Why don't we call our pure water Ice Dew, as for the mineral water, we should just give it a down-to-earth name, preferably related to agriculture."

Listening to Shen Lin's suggestion, Zhong Qing fell into deep thought, while Zhong Tianyang smiled and said, "Binglu is a good name. If the mineral water has something to do with farming, I'll look into the dictionary later and see which word is suitable."

"Okay, I've been hungry all day, let's eat first."

(End of this chapter)

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