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Chapter 1018 No reward, no punishment, depends on your performance

Chapter 1018 No reward, no punishment, depends on your performance

"Old Shao, why are you so angry with Shen Debao and the others? It's not like you don't know about their relationship with Director Shen."

As Lao Yu walked, he comforted Shao Yuquan and said, "In the end, I'm afraid Shen Debao just apologized to you."

"Hey, that's it. I still have to wait for old factory manager Shen to come and do work."

Shao Yuquan used to be a coworker with Lao Yu, and he was the one who transferred Lao Yu to be the workshop director.Old Yu usually doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, but now, he is beginning to persuade him to close his eyes and be more tactful.

Shao Yuquan knew why he persuaded himself like this.

He sighed and didn't speak, but Lao Yu patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's not easy for old Director Shen!"

"Speaking of which, the old factory manager Shen asked Mr. Shen to build the factory here, isn't it for the Shenjia Village? But the people in this village are not greedy enough, and they are a bit aggressive."

"You didn't listen to what those people said. It seems that Director Shen arranged for them to work here, which hurt them."

Old Yu said bitterly: "Our rice shell is treated so well, we can't recruit good workers from anywhere, but these guys, not to mention cheating and cheating, have ruined the atmosphere here."

"If I hadn't really been helpless, I wouldn't have brought these bastards with me!"

Shao Yuquan's mood inexplicably improved a lot. He patted Lao Yu on the shoulder and said, "Director Yu, the people who clean them up are coming soon."

"The old director Shen can't control them, who can control them?"

But after asking back, Lao Yu seemed to have thought of something, and asked straightforwardly: "You are talking about Mr. Shen..."

Shao Yuquan waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, no one should talk about this matter."

"If you talk nonsense, I can't afford to walk around."

A smile appeared on Lao Yu's face: "Old Shao, if you ask me, you should have reported to Chairman Shen long ago."

"What did Chairman Shen send you here for? It was to work for the old factory. In the past, you would have been the Crown Prince and Tai Bao, but what you did..."

Hearing the position of Prince Taibao, Shao Yuquan suddenly trembled, he pointed at Lao Yu and said, "Old Yu, you boy can't do anything if you want to harm me."

"Why am I the crown prince and Taibao? I'm in the wrong generation!"

Old Yu laughed and said, "Anyway, it's because you didn't do a good job!"

Regarding Lao Yu's evaluation, Shao Yuquan expressed a little emotion: "Yes, generally speaking, my work is still not done well."

"So tomorrow, what is waiting for me may be the fury of Thunder!"

Shen Lin drove to Shenjia Village by car early the next morning.When Cheng Zi got into the car in Shen Lin, he already felt Shen Lin's displeasure.

Although he didn't know who provoked Shen Lin, but at this moment, he was very serious.

The car didn't drive too fast, and after three hours, the car had already arrived at the branch factory in Shenjia Village.

Among Mike's four electronics factories, the branch factory in Shenjia Village is the smallest. After all, the transportation here is inconvenient. If it weren't for the fact that it has a fleet of cars, the profit would be much lower than other factories.

Shen Lin built the factory here at the beginning because Shen Xingye had the feelings of his hometown in his heart. In order to satisfy his father's wish, he arranged the factory here.

But he didn't expect that this factory would cause his father to worry a lot.

When the car arrived at the gate, just in time for the night shift to get off work, dozens of motorcycles roared, and even some people started to speed up as soon as they entered the factory area.

There were even motorcycles crashing past Shen Lin's car.

"Brother Shen, it's dangerous for these people to drive!" Cheng Zi said softly.

Shen Lin lowered the window of the car a little, just in time to hear someone yelling: "Shao Yuquan, who is he, who also said that he wants to fire me? He deserves it!"

"Let me tell you, let alone Shao, even if Shen Lin comes, he can't fire me!" "Grandma, I get angry just talking about it. Shen Lin would rather let an outsider be the workshop director than let me be. You said, isn't this a clear sign of turning your elbows outward?"

"I'll ask my old man to find Shen Xingye in the future. If he doesn't make me the workshop director, this matter will never end."

Hearing this arrogant voice, Shen Lin's face twitched.

Before he arrived, he had been thinking about it for a long time, and he had already understood it before entering the factory area.

No wonder my father was tired of dealing with these.

With each thought flashing, Shen Lin waved at Cheng Zi and said, "Go in."

When Cheng Zi started the car, he heard the man just said: "What kind of bird road is this building? It's so narrow, I don't feel happy riding a motorcycle."

"If you ask me, Shen Lin has no sincerity in taking money to build this road."

"The village only repairs the main road, not even the door of my house, what kind of person!"

Hearing this, Cheng Zi was about to get out of the car. This blustery person actually said that about Brother Shen.

He didn't say anything grateful, and complained about this and that, as if Brother Shen owed him a lot.

"Chengzi, drive into the factory." Shen Lin stopped Chengzi from getting out of the car.

"Brother Shen, that guy talking is really hateful, I already remember what he looks like!" Cheng Zi said bitterly.

Shen Lin's car entered the factory area silently, and Shao Yuquan, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, quickly greeted Shen Lin.

"Mr. Shen, I didn't do my job well. I admit my mistake to you." After a night of thinking, Shao Yuquan had already made a decision in his heart.

So after seeing Shen Lin, he immediately admitted his mistake.

Shen Lin looked at Shao Yuquan, pondered for a moment and said, "Director Shao, let's talk in the office."

Shao Yuquan looked at Shen Lin with a gloomy face. Although he was prepared in his heart, he still didn't feel sweat on his forehead.

On Mi Ke's side, Shen Lin kept his word. If he made a decision not to use himself, basically no one could change it.

"Mr. Shen, this matter..."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Director Shao, you have also been wronged in this factory."

"Your work has always been excellent, but your fault lies in your fault. When it was time to report to me, why did you pretend to be deaf and dumb and didn't tell me anything?"

"Do you think I asked you to come here to help my dad hide something from me?"

Shao Yuquan didn't know what to say. Although he really wanted to tell Shen Lin that the old factory manager Shen didn't let me say it, but after thinking about it, he decided to keep silent. After all, it sounded like he was shirking responsibility. suspect.

Shen Lin's question was already very acute.

"Mr. Shen, I made a mistake in this matter." After taking a deep breath, Shao Yuquan finally admitted the matter sincerely.

Shen Lin looked at Shao Yuquan, who admitted his mistake, and said calmly: "You should have suffered a lot of grievances here. Leaving Dongzhou and living here, it can be said that there are hard work and grievances, but these are all with you now. Mistakes made up for it.”

"I will neither punish you nor reward you."

"Now, tell me about the situation here."

When Shao Yuquan heard this, most of his pounding heart was relieved.

This time, Chairman Shen let himself go!

(End of this chapter)

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