Chapter 1019

At this time, Shao Yuquan really didn't dare to hide anything.

Shen Lin's performance has made him realize clearly that the situation here basically cannot be hidden from him!

In fact, from his heart, he was also full of resentment towards people like Shen Debao, and he wished that such people would be cleaned up sooner.

It was also based on this that he truthfully reported: "Mr. Shen, when we first came here to build the factory, everything was normal. However, the old factory manager is benevolent and affectionate. He is a fellow from the village. He can't help it." Seriously, so that..."

What Shao Yuquan said was basically the same as the rumors Shen Lin heard on the road.

Shen Xingye always felt that these people belonged to the same village. He was easy-going but thoughtful, and he knew all too well that these people were relying on his power. Even if something went wrong, Shen Xingye would definitely be wary of them and dare not do anything to them.

Everyone only has 24 hours in a day, so why should the old Shen’s own factory always be full of heat, like a tank singing the revolutionary march and rushing to the battlefield?Do you really love your job?Shit!It's all about money!

Thinking about it this way, some villagers became more and more presumptuous, and Shen Xingye himself fell into a state of being exhausted and exhausted.

Shen Lin waited for Shao Yuquan to finish speaking, and then said: "According to what you said, my father didn't let you tell me?"

"Chairman, I wanted to report this problem to you more than once, but was stopped by the old factory manager. The old factory manager said that he would solve these unharmonious factors by himself, saying that you are too busy to let I'm bothering you."

Shao Yuquan muttered: "I... I was wrong!"

"Okay, I see." Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Currently, how many days are left for our production plan to be completed?"

Shao Yuquan didn't know what Shen Lin meant, so he pondered for a moment and said, "Our production task here is just before the end of the year, and it will be over in two days."

"I've already contacted Director Cheng. The new task won't arrive today, but it will be implemented tomorrow."

Listening to Shao Yuquan's words, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "I'll call Cheng Zhenyuan later and stop all the production tasks here."

Discontinued?Is this a major rectification?

In Shao Yuquan's heart, he had long been looking forward to rectifying the work style of the factory.

However, he does not agree with this kind of rectification that stops production tasks, because once production is stopped, it is easy for the factory to fall into a passive state.

He hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Shen, it is very necessary to rectify, but I think the loss is too great because of the suspension of production."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "What is the suspension of production? There is no need to run this factory. You can clean it up later. Let's move back to Dongzhou!"

Shao Yuquan was stunned, he never expected that Shen Lin would not want this branch factory anymore!
Although this branch factory has the lowest sense of existence among the many branch factories, it is a pity to just move back like this.

"This factory was originally built here because of my father. Now that the situation is like this, instead of drastic rectification, which makes everyone seem unhappy, it's better to go back directly."

"Of course, you can screen out those outstanding workers in the factory and welcome them to the Dongzhou branch."

"As for the others, the labor relationship will be terminated immediately after the salary is paid."

Shen Lin saw what Shao Yuquan was thinking, and explained to Shao Yuquan with a smile.

After hearing this explanation, Shao Yuquan really didn't know what to say.He thought that a drastic change was about to usher in, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin would directly give him a drastic change.

No, it seems more appropriate to use the words "one shot and two parts".But from this point alone, Shao Yuquan felt that Director Shen seemed to be really sad about this matter.

Otherwise, Chairman Shen would never have made such a decision so resolutely, there is no room for it!

"Okay, I will implement according to your arrangement." Shao Yuquan took a breath, and said to Shen Lin in a deep voice.

However, he did not act immediately, but said anxiously: "The old factory manager, am I..."

"You don't have to worry about my dad. I'll call my dad later. Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Shen Lin waved his hand towards Shao Yuquan.

After Shao Yuquan left, Shen Lin did not call Shen Xingye immediately, but picked up the phone after pondering for a while.

But the person he called was not Shen Xingye, but Shen Hong.

Because of the Chinese New Year, Shen Hong, who was a teacher, had already had a winter vacation, so when Shen Lin called, Shen Hong was watching TV at home.

"Brother, you are a busy person, why do you have time to find your elder sister!"

"Sister, our father is not only not relaxed in the village, but also extremely tired."

"So, I think, instead of letting our dad waste time here, it's better to close this factory directly!"

"In this way, the old man's thinking will be broken, what do you think?"

Shen Hong didn't expect that as soon as Shen Lin came up, there would be such a big commotion. She stood up and said, "Is it because of poor management that you closed the factory?"

"Sister, there is nothing wrong with Mi Ke's business. The reason why I did this is because I don't want our father to be tired."

With a sigh of relief, Shen Hong said: "The factory is yours, so if you want to close it, you can close it. Why don't you discuss it with me!"

"I'll call our dad later to talk about this matter, I hope you go over and look at our dad." Shen Lin said with a smile: "At that time, if he scolds me, you can help me block it. "

Shen Hong chuckled and said: "So that's the case, hehe, I want my sister to block the knife for you, I said brother, I'm going to stab you in the ribs, you can't just ask me so empty-handed. "

Shen Lin smiled: "Sister, if you have any conditions, you can just mention them, otherwise, I will let my brother-in-law drive that car, what do you think?"

"Hmph, let's forget it, what would your brother-in-law look like if he drove your car to work every day?" Shen Hong snorted and said, "It sounds like it's not sincere."

"I heard that the second phase of your rice shell garden is still under construction, and I won't take advantage of you. You can buy me a set at the cost price!"

After her mother moved there, Shen Hong really fell in love with the environment of Rice Shell Garden. She thought that one day, she would also own such a house, and that would be great.

Shen Lindao: "Sister, no problem, I'm going to build a few villas in Mike Garden, why don't I leave one for you?"

"Forget it, just give me a bungalow with a garden." Shen Hong said while looking for clothes, "When you call our dad later, you must be more tactful, you know?"

"It's best, wait until I have an agreement with the eldest sister and the others, and then you can talk about this matter."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Shen Lin and Shen Hong explained everything before hanging up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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